
This EVE Online Video is Absolutely Hilarious (And a Little Scary)

If you played MMORPGs in the past, and engaged in guild activities, especially of the raiding sort, you’re very possibly familiar with people losing it and delivering one “F-Bomb” after the other. Some of those outbursts, real or staged, have even become memes, like the famous Onixia Wipe on World of Warcraft.

Last year EVE Online developer CCP Games released a promotional video titled “This is EVE,” that was quite awesome, even if the players speaking in it sounded rather professional and subdued compared to the experience many might have.

Recently, YouTube user John Drees released another video, based on the same footage, but with more… spicy audio content. You can check it out below, and decide if you’re amused, scared, or a mix of both.

Warning: lower your speakers’ volume before watching. Very strong language and screaming is included.

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stanr3295d ago

EVE Online has the best moments, gotta love it how players get together to either clown or embarrass other clans and players.

Orbilator3295d ago

Very funny for sure, its a very involved game and it does melt your head when groups gang up on you and wipe you out. But hey, its only a game...... Yeah right lool

Black0ut3295d ago

I think that's mostly Progodlegend raging about the interdictors and his fleet being caught.

Lol I used to be so into EvE and played for a good 4 years, but man, some people take that game more seriously than RL. It's insane but can also be rewarding at times due to people raging over stupid stuff. Love the gems that the game creates xD

Pretty gold

C L O U D3295d ago


oh my, such colourful language amongst that community

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