
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures 2 Announced

A second dose of "The Nerd," Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures 2, is in the works, developer FreakZone Games today announced at SGC 2015 in Texas.

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Goodbye Game Trailers – Looking Back At Their Best Shows

Pixelgate.co.uk writes:

''Game Trailer closure represents the changing face of video game cultural. With the growth of independent sites, Youtubers and Twitch, the old guard have struggled to adapt. Now seems as good as time as any to reflect on the importance of ‘GT’ to video game culture.

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PixelGateUk3149d ago

It's the end of era. Makes me wonder which site will be next...and who'll pick up the E3 coverage gap they've left

NukaCola3149d ago (Edited 3149d ago )

GameSpot ran a lot of E3 coverage last year alongside IGN. At the end of day everything is online and hosted by their own selected people, like Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb with Bethesda.

I am a Kinda Funny member and they are the future for my gaming media for the next while anyway.

Godmars2903149d ago

Odd hearing - just now no less - a site like GT going away before Kotaku.

PixelGateUk3149d ago


Aye plenty of other sites covered E3 but GT always had the 'grand' production. I won't miss Ijustine mind

jb2273149d ago

It's a shame too because the most recent talent like Bosman has been some of their best...that latest video that pit the editors against each other in their love/hate of certain games was hands down some of the most genuinely funny stuff I've seen in games media for a bit. All of the GT crew was great (especially before they lost Elyse Willems)....hopefully all of those guys land on their feet & continue careers in games journalism...after IGN got bought out & ran into the ground, GT really filled that void for me w/ gaming sites creating worthwhile video content. Good time for Pixel Gate to pick up the torch?

PixelGateUk3149d ago

@jb227 haha i wish i had the talent to! i'm just some bum who does this as a hobby!

Given the modern market, i wouldn't be shocked to see a lot of them run podcasts etc Pateron is pretty strong for this kinda thing

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3149d ago
PixelGateUk3149d ago

The soon gawker ends the better XD

nosferatuzodd3149d ago (Edited 3149d ago )

I would never sold out to Viacom everything Viacom touched tune to shit
I'm really sad about this :(

_-EDMIX-_3149d ago

Although it is sad to see them go it was an inevitability I'm surprised they lasted this long considering they entered that site when Youtube first started.

Considering their site is merely about the trailers themselves they just couldn't compete with the giant like YouTube.

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ServerBOT3149d ago

They were dead to me long ago when they got bought out and changed their style.

Legion213149d ago

I didn't like the new style either, but their content was still good. Just watched their stuff on YouTube instead.

_-EDMIX-_3149d ago

Ironically you're also saying the main reason why it's likely closing consider you're watching it on YouTube this site just couldn't compete with YouTube.

Watching anything on GameTrailers was just terrible it was just as bad as IGN.

nogoodusernamesleft3149d ago

i only watched avgn on it but now he does it on youtube. i didn't used this site for anything else.

zugdar3149d ago

Pop-fiction and Retrospectives were prime.

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SGC 2015 Announces Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures 2

Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), a popular YouTube production from Cinemassacre, continues to grow in reputation with the announcement of a sequel to The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures.

Thanks to Texas-based SGC 2015, indie developer FreakZone Games was given an opportunity to unveil the project to attendees.

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Halo MCC Failure, Assassin's Creed: Unity Framerate & Blood Dragon 2 | Craigheadpro LIVE!

CraigheadPro Live discusses the launch failure of Halo: Master Chief Collection by 343 Industries. The launch failure of Assassin's Creed: Unity. The new MOBA called Overwatch by Blizzard Entertainment and how Ubisoft will not be making Blood Dragon 2 which is a mod of Far Cry.

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3601d ago Replies(1)
boodi3600d ago

have halo mcc and really don't feel it is a failure ..

Benchm4rk3600d ago

The game may not be a failure but the launch was.

Farmassy3600d ago

I think this is the correct way of thinking about it. I know some people haven't had many issues (apparently it is region based) but I can not connect to a match at all sometimes.

When I do get through, the game is amazing... even better than I remember. The game is solid, its the servers that are lacking. This will change soon but the launch has been bad

Deathdeliverer3600d ago

I wonder why reviews don't include the horrendous match making that still makes the game unplayable online. I just want to get a few killtaculars. Is that too much to ask?

Blink_443600d ago

Was able to finally get into some Halo 2 matches today, but after every match my game would freeze and require me to restart the game. So sick of this BS.

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