
Dragon's Dogma Online Beta on PS4 and PC: Watch 24 Hours of Gameplay From Both Versions

Today marked the beginning of the beta of Dragon’s Dogma Online, but unfortunately western gamers that didn’t care to deal with VPN and Proxies didn’t have a chance to play, as the test is IP locked to Japan.

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Dragon’s Dogma Online Shutting Down; Developers Hope to Continue the Series in the Future

Today Capcom made a surprise announcement related to its online RPG Dragon’s Dogma Online, and it isn’t good news.

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Rangerman12081909d ago

Here's hoping this means we'll be getting Dragon's Dogma 2.

naruga1909d ago (Edited 1909d ago )

Dragons Dogma Online was BS money grab idea from capcom ....og Dragon s Dogma was a superb SP game with asychronous online feature (pawn system was genuine , innovative ,clever and didnt spoil at all the SP experience to the contrary it augmented it)) and that s how should have stayed ....i hope for a Dragons Dogma 2 SP only !! (with pawn online features offcourse

CrimsonWing691909d ago

Could we please get a damn sequel? I’m grateful for a minimalistic updated port that we got this gen, but ffs I miss when we would get sequels to games and not just a port of a game from last gen.

Lighter91909d ago

They were going to, but instead made a new DMC. Now that that game is out of the way, maybe they will. Here's hoping it'll be next-gen.

Darkborn1909d ago

When I first heard of that I was sad, but then I realized DD2 should be next Gen and hopefully it'll at least have a better way of getting around than just running through the same areas repeatedly. That's the only complain I have of the game.

Shiken1909d ago

I need a true sequel in my life.

NeedleEye1909d ago

Such a shame and such a waste. This game could have had significantly longer lifespan if they would have decided to localize it in the west. Surely folks at Capcom were aware of the huge demand for the western version.

Hopefully this game serves it's purpose to make a great proper sequel to the series.

starforge711909d ago

cant they patch it to SP or something?

Shiken1909d ago

The thing is, most MMOs are designed in a way that would be painfully boring in a world by yourself. It would likely not be worth the effort to bother as it would be dead on arrival.

A true SP sequel actually designed for solo play however...don't you think that would be much more worth while?

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Don't Expect Dragon's Dogma Online Coming To The West - CAPCOM Planning Cost Control

It doesn't look like Dragon's Dogma Online will ever launch in Western countries as CAPCOM implements cost control measures.

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Segata2505d ago

Just give me DD2 instead.

MeteorPanda2505d ago

Why does capcom hate the west so much? They just hate our money

Username002782505d ago

Anyone remember deep down?
What is the status on that title?

2505d ago

Dragon's Dogma Online May Be Released West Once A "Solid Foundation" Has Been Established In Japan

Dragon's Dogma Online director Kento Kinoshita recently revealed that he'd like to consider a Western release for the game in the future

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phantomexe2919d ago

Thats really cool can't wait for a western release.

rdgneoz32918d ago

You'll probably be waiting till fall 2017 the earliest. Now if they just removed the region locking, we could try it out already.

ecchiless2918d ago

Well i play ddon so no sure why you cant.

ZaWarudo2919d ago

Well, hurry up! I needs me some more DD.

xDealtwithIt2918d ago

Solid foundation? That sounds like it could mean a long time before we get see that game out west.

shammgod2918d ago

i watch this on PS share all of the time...."maybe one day"

Tussin1872918d ago (Edited 2918d ago )

I know everyone hates remasters or remakes but I wish they would do one for DD that came out last gen. Or at least port the one they made for PC. I would be in heaven. Come on Capcom!! Make it happen!! If not, then please make a sequel. Even though this game may be good, its not what I want. Dragon's Dogma remake or DD2 please. Thanks

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