
Turn-Based Medieval RPG, Legends of Eisenwald, Exits Steam Early Access

Nick Calandra writes: "Reviews for the game have been mostly positive on Steam, with fans noting its old school playstyle and strong storyline. If you'd like to check the game out for yourself, head on over to Steam."

Bigpappy3367d ago

Turn-Based Medieval RPG". Cant remember ever playing one of these. I imagine the focus will be strategy over action.

I personally prefer the hack and slash approach e.g: Ryse. I like my medieval heavy on the action.

Wingsfan243367d ago

I sincerely hope Crytek makes a sequel to Ryse and expands on what they originally made. I played that, and then tried to play Assassin's Creed and I just couldn't. I really enjoyed the combat, even if it was somewhat QTE, I like cinematic flashy stuff like that haha.

GregMicek3367d ago

Im definitely thinking about giving it a shot. It looks decent.

Grave3367d ago

Wait. Games actually come out of Early Access?

MeteorPanda3367d ago

ff tactics 3D!

There are so many early access games on steam that are great..l forget they're still betas XD So many hours in ark

scark923366d ago

That is great! Nice to see something come out of Early Access!

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Legends of Eisenwald gets Road to Iron Forest DLC pack, Season Pass offered

Aterdux Entertainment has announced some new downloadable content for their tactical strategy-RPG, Legends of Eisenwald. The DLC is titled "Road to Iron Forest", which includes a new map, a new adventuring location and a new storyline. The developer also revealed that they were starting a Season Pass for future DLC.

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Legends of Eisenwald Review | The Game Scouts

Palmer Sturman: Legends of Eisenwald is a testament to a lost art form in gaming. Like Pillars of Eternity, or Divinity: Original Sin, Legends of Eisenwald borrows liberally from popular fantasy titles of the past, but instead it looks towards a different set of titles that, at one time, appealed to a massive audience: Might and Magic and King’s Bounty. It’s an intriguing title that, at best, managed to invoke some of the nostalgia that came from playing those titles as a kid, and, at worst, meandered in terms of pacing due to its weak storyline.

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Gamer Headlines: Legends of Eisenwald Review

Legends of Eisenwald is the second game from developer Aterdux Entertainment, and a medieval time period piece that allows you to experience a share of Germanic lore and style

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