
1UP: Away: Shuffle Dungeon Preview

The Nintendo DS library looks pretty crowded of late, but it still comes as a surprise to see dungeon role-playing games taking part in that growth, especially when most gamers would consider them from a dead genre. From Etrian Odyssey to Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer, Nintendo's handheld is quite the source of moderately sized quests that are light on story and heavy on action. Developer Mistwalker -- who you know from the Xbox 360 epics Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey -- stands ready to be the next to join the crowd. Aided by developer Artoon and U.S. publisher Majesco, Away: Shuffle Dungeon gives gamers a different kind of challenge in the hack-n-slash RPG universe.


RPGFan - Away: Shuffle Dungeon Review

RPGFan - What was the last RPG that you played that made you say "Well, that was different?" Let's face it, there just isn't a whole lot of gameplay innovation in the RPG field these days. There are hosts of traditional RPGs with turn-based combat, mountains of strategy RPGs, and plenty of traditionally-styled action RPGs. Every so often tho


Eurogamer Portugal review : Away Shuffle Dungeon

Editor writes: "AWAY: Shuffle Dungeon is limited, often to present a series of caves in which to walk to find the exit. If you are fans of dungeons games might even find some benefit, because it AWAY to be a challenging game. The big problem is that its basic idea makes the game almost always dry."

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Meristation: Away: Shuffle Dungeon Review

Meristation writes: "After playing Away: Shuffle Dungeon which is clear is that the story writers were not killed when developing a very original plot. It all begins in a remote village, Webb Village, a curse in which every year takes a person of the same. This phenomenon, known as "Away", decides to take our protagonist, a courageous young man named Sword".

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