
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III Review | The Game Scouts

Tin Salamunic: On paper, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III sounds like a fun little low-budget alternative to games like Diablo, Torchlight or Dungeon Siege. Conceptually, the gameplay is similar, the quest structure is similar, the leveling system is similar, pretty much everything in Van Helsing III borrows from other franchises in one way or another. In practice, however, Van Helsing III doesn’t do any of the individual elements well. “Functional” just about sums up my entire experience with the title. I’ve never played the first two entries in the series, and while many Steam user reviews praise the original, I have little desire to experience the entire story after finishing Van Helsing III.

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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III Review (TheSixthAxis)

TSA writes: "Van Helsing is a strange character. I mean, it’s a weird name for one thing, but he’s also a character that has been adapted in so many ways. There’s been deadly serious versions, absurd parody versions, and Hugh Jackman-wielding-an-automatic- crossbow versions. There’s a lot of range there, but The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III mercifully glues its tongue to its cheek."

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Review: The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III (PlayStation 4)|GLG

In Borgovia, the war is over, but the future looks grim.

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Twelve Xbox One Games Like Diablo 3

Diablo 3 is great, but if you've played it so much that it no longer excites you, why not try these similar games that are available on Xbox One?

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narsaku2252d ago

I wish this insult of a sequel would just go away forever... What a sadness to see D1/D2 become this piece of crap.