
Report: Nintendo NX Will Use an Android Operating System

Although the Wii U has been out just two years, the NX looks to be right around the corner, and now it's looking to be a very different beast than we thought.

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mikel10153304d ago

Before people start freaking out, it means it will be based off of the android OS, where they can create multiple devices and all be synced to one operating system, like IOS and Android. They are not making $69 set top boxes

ValKilmer3304d ago

Right, but the console will still run on Android and not a proprietary OS like the Wii U does.

mikel10153304d ago

Somewhat right, it'll run on an Android based OS not a straight Android OS. You will not be playing mobile apps on a Nintendo Set top box. Who knows, NX could be the next handheld, not the console

OC_MurphysLaw3304d ago

Ah...so Android based vitality sensing device confirmed? /s

mikeslemonade3303d ago

Booo I hope this is a bust.

Eonjay3303d ago

Because its a phone guys. Its a phone.

Satou3303d ago

How the hell could this be a bad thing? Its just an OS... This just means that Mobile games will work on the console, next-gen DS games will work too.

This means less work on the OS so they can focus on console games, as well as having handheld support out of the box.

I'm betting NX will be as powerful as X1, amd apu sans the esram so around 75-80% as powerful, which is perfect for NX games.

Android OS would bring NX's browser, YouTube app, start-up time, and media playback into the 21st century.

How could this be a bad thing? I'd much rather see Ninty take after Google than keep having its strange infatuation with apple CPUs from the early 2000's that they don't even use anymore...

When somebody asks why Ninty is so weak these days, I'm like 'you remember those old I'm Mac, I'm a PC commercials? You haven't seen in a while? Well, one of the same reasons you don't see those commercials anymore is why Ninty is so weak.'

And generally get a strange stare back... Its true though, one of the reasons you don't see those commercials is because they've moved onto x86 like the rest of the world, so they're not so different from PC anymore.

Ninty, currently lives right about the year 2000, maybe 2004.

Android OS likely means less overhead and I'm sure they'll go to x86 and be a beast console... They already said they want an OS to unify all 3 teirs, consoles, handhelds, and mobile.

This probably also means a successor to 3ds... I'm betting a 'DS^4G' handheld/phone with sliding second screen and controls, and a non-phone '4ds' version.

And AndroiDS OS to link it to the NX nex-gen console.

Really, its still a rumor, but you all are freaking' crazy if you think Android is the worst thing that could happen to Ninty.(unless it means NX is their mobile-only future which would be pretty scary and I understand why lol)

DarXyde3303d ago

It would be like Xbox 360 running its own version of Windows.

That being said, just about any Android device runs its own unique version of the OS.

comebackkid98913303d ago

Why only 75%-80% as powerful? Is it so much to ask for currentish specs?

ABizzel13303d ago

It's a smart, but risky move. Using Android is asking for hackers to root it, so they're going to have to be super tight about how they keep games from being pirated.

That being said it likely means NX is a handheld device which made the most sense from the start, considering the 3DS is now well into its 4th year and will be 5 by the beginning of 2016 (NX E3 reveal 2016, launch late 2016 / early 2017).

rainslacker3303d ago

This could make some sense since they have that deal with that mobile company.

However, an Android OS doesn't outright mean that it would operate like it would on one's smartphone. The kernel may be the same, which likely means the system will be hacked in a day, but it may not include the java and proprietary frameworks that Google OS currently employs within their OS's for devices, meaning that it won't be a google box.

In any case, if the NX is a full fledged gaming machine like the X1, WiiU, or PS4, it would likely employ a similar hypervisor setup for games made for the console.

However, so far, everything seems to point that this will not be a conventional console that we are used to.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3303d ago
pcz3303d ago

nintendo have done it again- its worse than my wildest dreams.

blackout3303d ago

Now Microsoft will be making money of Nintendo. Lol

3-4-53303d ago

You guys realize the NX isn't going to the the console.

Their NX is going to the the mobile games + retro games + quality of life machine.

They will still have a separate Dedicated Console & Dedicated Handheld.

* 3 things. Handheld, NX, & Console.

Qrphe3303d ago

They've been quite clear that they don't want to split their teams into developing for two separate systems and instead just for one ecosystem. If they do go with Android, it's basically guaranteed both devices will run on it.

princejb1343303d ago

maybe nx is not a console but a mobile phone nintendo is working on. They did say they bringing mario to mobile phones

DeadlyFire3303d ago (Edited 3303d ago )

Why do you guys think instantly that Android is so bad? Only downside to Android is its new to the bigger realm and spreading. It doesn't have alot of drivers or support for full scale gaming, but that doesn't mean it can't happen on a system with really decent hardware. The only company I know aiming for power and full scale desktop range ARM CPUs is NVIDIA. Most of their plans for that though have yet to be fully revealed. ARM is the primary hardware platform for Android, but Andriod even has x86 variants now like at Intel...

Andriod + Nintendo hardware itself leads to even more questions about their direction for hardware decisions. I expect honestly the next major handheld generation from Nintendo could be ARM powered with an Android OS.

joeorc3303d ago

Hey great post, if you did not know the 3DS is already a Arm powered device. Its a dual core Arm 11. With each core running @ 266 MHz each core with a PICA 200 GPU with 6MB of dedicated VideoRam

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3303d ago
DryBoneKoopa853304d ago (Edited 3304d ago )

@Mikel: Thank you for clearing this up. I didn't completely understand what I was reading but all I saw was the words Android OS. I didn't read anything tying it to the Nintendo NX though.

jhoward5853304d ago (Edited 3304d ago )

Report: Nintendo NX Will Use an Android Operating System

Makes a lot of sense because ps4/x1 are already using mobile cpu/gpu anyways, so why can't Nintendo.

Sounds to me like a good move by Nintendo if their primary goal is to have cross play between mobile and the NX.

Guys, according to this link its has been rumored that the wii U is already using an android OS.


SoulWarrior3303d ago

Don't believe anything from Christianpost, hell just the name of the website is even to not be taken seriously.

jhoward5853303d ago (Edited 3303d ago )

That might be true but if you're a tech like me you would know that it didn't take hackers very long to hack the wii U hardware.

That alone is what opened me up to a few possibilities....

First, android OS is an open source software which make it easy to hack.

One thing that is for sure, the wii U can't be using a robust Linux OS because it wouldn't have been hacked so early. so, what exactly is the wii U running in the background I asked?

No one really know because Nintendo hasn't released any info on which OS the wii U is using.

My best guess would be a weak OS due to the amount of Wii U - Hacking & Homebrew it has.

LexHazard793303d ago

Ahhh you do know Android OS has nothing to do with the APUs in the PS4/Xbox One consoles. From my understanding "mobile" cpus are just cpus used on laptops, tablets and yes phones, all things you can carry making it mobile.

Not sure why Im trying to correct you because i dont know shit about tech. but I have been doing research for a build and learning about cpus is very important.

Maybe the NX is Nintendos Ouya. If they plan on bringing their games to the mobile space it makes sense.

jhoward5853303d ago (Edited 3303d ago )

With the amount of disagree I have I can clearly see I confused many of you with my post.

of course, the android OS isn't the reason why the ps4/x1 have mobile component inside their plastic casing. I would have to be an idiot to think that.

What I was trying to say is that it very likely Nintendo next machine won't use any PC hardware component because it too big, and the high power consumption most PC component uses doesn't allow Nintendo to make the NX system mobile/or portable. Beside, we don't want another ring of death disaster.

My bad, I confused everyone.

nidhogg3304d ago (Edited 3304d ago )

I can almost hear the sweatful fuming of the N fanboys. I don't think that moving to android os is bad for nintendo. It's actually embracing what is practicial. And by their current situation, they NEED to be practical and integrate with the mobile industry at least gradually.

BitbyDeath3304d ago

Cmon man, Nintendo are a huge pillar of the gaming community. They would be missed by millions.

BitbyDeath3304d ago

Well Ninty did say it wasn't a replacement for WiiU or 3DS right?
So maybe this is just going down that mobile path they spoke of?

ginsunuva3303d ago

Android is just an OS. It manages the hardware.

Android allows them to not spend time building their own OS and just spend time on hardware and games.

People here have no clue what Android even is or what an OS does. Android does not imply mobile games you uneducated complaining teenagetards.

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Anime Games Need A Break From Arena Fighters

With so many anime games these past couple of years, there's a growing, noticeable pattern in these games that are growing stale — the Arena Fighter.

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Huey_My_D_Long1d 11h ago

I think Arena Fighters are the worst fighting subgenre to go to. Why havent the west gotten Shonen Jump games in the style of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2? Or Anime fighter like DBZ Fighterz but not just dragon ball? Arena Fighters just arent very good fighter imo. Even the best Arena Fighter series Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm I feel is pretty mediocre as a fighting game

-Foxtrot1d 10h ago

We need more AAA anime games that are single player story driven, like you are experiencing another arc or something within that show. It's either fighting games or games that feel shallow with not much going for them, the kind which are made for the sake of it because the fanbase will eat it up anyway.

I want to see a proper well made game by great studios of Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi Muyo, Sailor Moon, Dirty Pair Flash etc

blackblades6h ago

One piece is that one of the anime thats not Pokemon and digimon that ive seen that has plenty of games outside of fighting.

Michiel19892h ago

dragon ball, naruto had some pretty good ones although a lot of them are still fighters and I think there are plenty of games from lesser known animes that aren't that, but I haven't really kept up with anime so maybe I'm completely wrong.

S2Killinit10h ago

I would like a pokemon smash style anime inspired games.

Flewid6388h ago

The entire fighting game genre needs a break from anime.

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