
Need For Speed’s Always-On DRM Spawns Petition, Complaints From Gamers

One Angry Gamer "Having a game that's typically focused on single-player content suddenly require and force gamers to have to be online usually doesn't go down well in the gaming community. In the case of the Need For Speed, the upcoming reboot for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, the revelation that the game would require online internet and Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation Plus to play, prompted some gamers to start the expected Change.org petition asking EA and Ghost Games to remove the online barrier, while other gamers took to forums, chats and YouTube to decry the decision."

pwnsause_returns3294d ago (Edited 3294d ago )

if you dont like it, dont buy it... Im sure EA will Crap their pants if NFS doesnt profit for them for their ****ty policies.

Eonjay3294d ago

This. It has to fail in order for them to change it.

johndoe112113294d ago

Exactly. I'm not gonna fuss or fight and I ain't complaining, I'm just not gonna support this game. This is what they are doing to slowly force us to accept always online. Once we do, we are gonna get screwed. I know it's coming and it's inevitable, but I'm gonna fight it for as long as I could. I actually like owning my games.

Iceball20003294d ago

Yeah but knowing EA they'll think that people don't want NFS anymore and no longer make them.

Retroman3294d ago (Edited 3294d ago )

@ Eonjay


sadly that is the "ONLY "way EA will listen for it to fail with our wallets. bad enough (night driving only ) game .
we waited 2 years for this crap??

@ hockey
most gamers play offline including myself . a buddy and i play 2 player offline games. weekly .

hockeyglory3294d ago

Doubt it will fail.

Most gamers are online and NFS sells quite a few copies.

The new NFS game coming in the fall will be another 1 million+ seller.

Godmars2903294d ago

Or for them to stop making the series altogether.

That is the problem: this idea which benefits them more than anyone will only give them reason to stop making the games which they apply it to because enough people don't buy it.

There have only been numerous examples of companies making mistakes and blaming anyone but themselves. Which is why such bad ideas are only tried again.

3294d ago
2pacalypsenow3294d ago

No they'll just reboot it again

Gazondaily3293d ago

What if the game is good? I'm going to buy it. Maybe I am part of the problem :(

ShinMaster3293d ago

They won't know our issue is with their policies unless we complain.

Petition first. If we all complain AND they don't change it, then you may not buy it. But we have to make them aware of it first.

But not even bothering to complain about something you disagree with is lazy and you're running the risk of no more NFS games being made any time soon because EA will think no one wants to play them.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3293d ago
pwnsause_returns3294d ago

Hey! it worked when Microsoft was pushing their Crappy Policies, look were they're at now...sure, it caused them a lot of damage, but it seems that they are recovering and are listening to people.

subtenko3294d ago

It's still costing them and they are kicking themselves for it. Some of the most diehard xbox fans gaming on ps4's now. How can EA be so crummy?!

3294d ago
ShinMaster3293d ago

That's because people complained and it was all over the media.

Mankey3294d ago

Oh I most certainly plan not too.

HumanatPlay3293d ago

EA doesn't need fan complaints, they need silent treatment from our wallets.

Khajiit863293d ago

Hopefully this game doesnt sell well. Look what happened to the X1 when they tried to pull the DRM move. Anyone trying something that isnt consumer friendly deserves anything that comes to them.

C-H-E-F3293d ago

And if you do buy it, buy it used so you get to play it and not support them at the same time.... :D

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3293d ago
crazychris41243294d ago

They better get rid of online only. Did they not learn their lesson with SimCity? It was a launch disaster and took months for the game to just be playable. Then a year later they finally admit it didnt have to be online only and they allowed you to play true single player.

Mankey3294d ago

Seriously. This whole ONLY ONLINE thing is very 2013. I figured we were done with this.

Palitera3294d ago (Edited 3294d ago )

Or is it the future?

3294d ago Replies(4)
gamerfan09093294d ago

Gaming is the only art form where people actually try to challenge the artist's art instead of waiting to judge it. I can see if the game launched and it has issues, but there's wankers on the internet that just complain about it just to complain. What is your stupid petition going to do? Who even cares that much to make a petition? Buy the game or don't buy it. No one cares that much about this nonsense to go and do a petition that EA will probably ignore anyway. How much you wanna bet your wifi is on 24/7 without going down or if it did go down it probably happens 2 or 3 times a year. I can't tell you the last time I wasn't logged into Xbox Live. I'm literally always online on my console. If you have a problem with it get a life and get over it.

Mr-Zex3294d ago Show
MysticStrummer3293d ago

"Gaming is the only art form where people actually try to challenge the artist's art instead of waiting to judge it."

I don't know where you got that odd idea, but it's wrong. Ever hear of people trying to organize boycotts for books and movies without ever reading or seeing them? I sure have.

"How much you wanna bet your wifi is on 24/7 without going down or if it did go down it probably happens 2 or 3 times a year."

How much money do you want to lose? My wifi goes down several times a week. The provider I had before this one was worse, going down more than once a day at pretty much the same times every day. I live in the biggest gaming market, and my choices for internet provider are slim.

Moldiver3293d ago

"Gaming is the only art form where people actually try to challenge the artist's art instead of waiting to judge it."

I actually agree. speaking as an artist. Im glad I dont work in games. I would be pulling a phil fish every other day. NO offense to my fellow gamers but gamers are mostly a whiny breed with a sense of over entitlement. It doesnt go unnoticed by devs...thats all im gonna say. Some have twitter accounts just to pay lip service to gamers when they do things like...what EA are doing with NFS.

"I don't know where you got that odd idea, but it's wrong. Ever hear of people trying to organize boycotts for books and movies without ever reading or seeing them? I sure have. "

TBF, in books and movies, they get boycotted because of content, that may be offensive to certain groups of people. Movie fans, music lovers and book lovers didnt complain when streaming replaced MP3...or when MP3 replaced CD. people are renting movies via sites like netflix more than they are buying blu ray discs. Most people are reading novels and other books on kindles nowadays. I cant remember the last time I saw somebody reading a book on my way into the central london, when I ride the train. When art is boycotted..its not because of the way that content is delivered. When they couldt buy their latest albums on CDs, they all went and bought Ipods...when they realised they can rent a movie without leaving there house...they got netflix..and forgot about the idea of owning a film on disc all together. I never thought Id see the day where old people are downloading content on tablets. But here we are. and nobody is complaining that they dont own a hard copy.

That said, is it the DRM thing or the always needing a connection part that bothers you guys?

DRM is there to protect the works and rights of the content creator. You wont hear any artist/creative object to having their work protected up the ass from piracy, in any field. Aside from the fact that you (the end user) dont actually own the works (You didnt create it) but a LICENCE to use it (its there in the small print of any content. it tell you, its not your property). I mentioned in another thread that productivity software has all kinds of DRM (ever heard of an iLOK...google it). The software I buy costs more than a console most of the time..and I dont OWN any of it. Just a lifetime licence to use it for intended purpose of music creation. I cant sell it. thats in the terms of use policy.But I can use it offline...so maybe thats the REAL gripe here. But judging from the comment in here there seems to be a bit of confusion.

Revengeance3293d ago

"I'm literally always online on my console."

Yeah YOU are. Last I checked you don't represent all gamers out there.

"If you have a problem with it get a life and get over it."

What's funny is you posted that like someone was supposed to care.

3294d ago Replies(4)
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2718d ago
TheMuffDiver2718d ago

Would like to assemble a bad ass cod infinite warfare team!!! add me XxPinkElefantsX also like to play gta5 and forza horizon 3

XanderZane2718d ago

Meh.. already have Hawken. Nothing else I really want.

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quent2963d ago

I'm passionate about enjoying games on my own terms and gameplay that can entertain on its own merits without needing other people/strangers, "not friends", to make that experience worthwhile, but I'm just talking crazy.

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VJGenova3003d ago

Why aren't multi GPU setups ever benchmarked? So flipping annoying!