Wii Shortages Frustrating Gamers

Shortages of Nintendo Wii consoles around Europe have left some gamers who pre-ordered the new machine frustrated.

Nintendo, which has already launched the machine in the US and Japan, said it expected to sell out of Wiis on the first day of sales.

More than four million Wiis will be shipped globally this year, and 50,000 were sold in the UK in 12 hours.

BBC News has been e-mailed by gamers disappointed that pre-orders for the machine have not been fulfilled.

More than 1,200 Wiis have gone on sale on online auction site eBay in the UK within hours of the launch. The highest price for a console so far has been £500.

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Tempo6439d ago

So Europe gets screwed by NINTENDO as well...i'm truly feelin' for those who can't get the console they want. Well if anything i guess they can rant on like Peter Griffin from that episode of Family Guy. "you know what grinds my gears.... when u can't find the Wii you're looking for" LOL.

commadore656437d ago

if i hadn't preordered in september from Play.com I might have a wii now. =// was looking forward to playing it at christmas with my mates. Hopefully they wont have the same problems i am.

MicroGamer6437d ago

it happens everywhere. When 360 was first released in USA, retailers took far more pre-orders than could be delivered and for several weeks after you could only get one if you were on the list. Pre-order customers will still get priority when new stocks become available. I know it is getting close to Christmas, but things like this happen. Cancelling your pre-orders is probably the surest way to not get one until after the pre-order backlogs have cleared.

Odiah6437d ago

Why is it fair that the true fans have to wait while those son of a b*tch ebay sellers get all the consoles they need.

ChickeyCantor6437d ago

we can order as many as we want =)
unlike the PS3 thing, you could only pre-order one

jacen10006437d ago

laffing at all the WII on ebay selling for 500 almost at a stage and fans cant get them from shops for 180 glad i pre-ordered way back


The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

The Simpsons: Hit and Run, The Legend of Dragoon, and Chrono Trigger would benefit substantially from a modern remake.

Knightofelemia1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.


The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain

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Friendlygamer8d ago

If you beat la mulana without guides you're either crazy or really smart

YoungKingDoran8d ago

Love this game (played on Vita) and i think i got pretty far, but never finished because i refused to look up a guide 😎

Friendlygamer8d ago

Same with me, played for like 50 hours, found a puzzle I just couldn't crack and decided to let it go. Great game

Venoxn4g7d ago

Madworld deserves a remaster .. such a great game!

gold_drake7d ago

that thumbnail tho ha

i hate snakes ha.