
Crypt of the Necrodancer Review | PressA2join

The Crypt of the Necrodancer is a roguelike dungeon crawler with one unforgiving twist: everything moves to the thumping beat of the game’s energetic and diverse soundtrack. The opening scene shows your character, Cadence, digging her way into a forbidden crypt. Why, we do not know, but her expedition ends fairly quickly when she falls to her death. The Necrodancer steals her heart and retreats to the deepest level of the dungeon, leaving her blood running cold but her determination unchanged. Armed with only her shovel and a dagger, Cadence delves deeper and deeper into the crypt; is it fame, fortune, or something for more sinister that see seeks? You’ll have to play to find out!

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The best spooky roguelikes for Halloween

Tis the season to be spooky, and so Rogueliker has gathered together a collection of roguelikes and roguelites that have fun being scary.

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"Crypt Of The NecroDancer" Table for "Pinball FX" Review \\ paulsemel

While fans will love it, you need not be into, or even aware of, "Crypt Of The NecroDancer" to enjoy its table for "Pinball FX."

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rpad522d ago

"Necro Dancer" is my favorite Tina Turner song