
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Review | The Game Scouts

Palmer Sturman: Over the past six years, CD Projekt Red has developed quite a name for themselves. With titles like The Witcher and The Witcher 2 it’s obvious they have the talent required to make a fluid RPG experience, but when comparing the slogging combat of the first title with the utterly immersive jaw-dropping visuals of the second, it’s clear they’ve only grown more competent with time. Because of this, the bar of expectation was raised significantly for the trilogy’s third entry. And here we are, seeing the release of The Witcher 3: The Wild hunt, one of the most anticipated games of this generation, and I’ve got to say, it feels pretty damn good knowing that triple-a developer has finally lived up to expectations. The Witcher 3 is a well-realized title whose world and all its inhabitants felt like a living breathing entity, and the weighty decisions I made during the course of my 73 hour journey felt like they had a direct impact on the world around me.

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Lordani663407d ago

This game is 7.5/10 at best. Now start the flame war.

Sharius3407d ago

agree, this game have more bugs than AC: unity, wonder how dev can get away with it but ubisoft geta sh*tstorm from unity

vikingland13407d ago


I have 52 hrs on the PS4 version and the only bug I've encountered is textures going on and off during cut scenes. And thats only been a couple times. It seems some players have different experiences an every platform. I've been one of the lucky players so far.

slappy5083407d ago

Assassins creed had this one bug that gave it a dull storyline, repetitive fetch quests and uninspired gameplay. It caused me to put it down after 8 hours and that's why it's not like the witcher..

Gatsu3407d ago

What are you smoking?

I haven't encountered a single bug in my many hours of gameplay.

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starchild3407d ago

Oh you tell them, man. Only your opinion matters, everyone else is just wrong.

FrostXVenom3407d ago

after 4 hours i haven't encountered any kind of bugs so far, not even a glimpse of it.PC here

Two-Face3407d ago

Nearly 30 hours in. No crashes or huge bugs here. PC also.

Silly Mammo3407d ago

Playing the PS4 version for about 8-10 hrs with no glitches or bugs.

Kingscorpion713407d ago

Hey the world needs a professional they need a Witcher rather you like it or not lol

bananaboats3407d ago

9/10 in my book. story is great so far, combat is awesome and It makes you pay if you think you can hack & slash your way thru enemies and the voice acting it really good to.

Lordani663407d ago

Seriously? Things like good voice acting matter now? There are many games with awesome and great voice acting, like GTA and Skyrim, most games have good or very good voice acting so why is it so important in witcher 3? I don't hear other games to be praised that much for good voice acting.

Let me speak clearly, because obviously a opinion is a opinion, but what I will state here are facts about problems with this game:

1. First of all, and the most important thing - frames per second. I had the unpleasant experience with PS4 version and this game works like fucking CRAP. it has hiccups to 20 fps or even below that. The stttering in game is atrocious, and it's also very annoying in cutscenes. This should NOT be tolerated.

2. Problems with movement. Oh MY GOD. This game has serious problems with this. Swimming underwater is probably the worst, I won't even go on about how fucked up it is, but it made me want to pull my hair out of my head. It's superman 64 bad. yeah. I said it. Another thing is the problem with picking up items, climbing ladders and mounting your horse. You have to be in 100% exact spot, otherwise the game won't let you do that. For example I can stay next to a body and press X/A multiple times, it will work on the 5th time, or after i wiggle a little with my character. The same is for mounting your horse, and that was crucial when I wanted to quickly run away. Also the overal movement is prety bad compared to games like GTA, because the camera seems to follow your character after about 3 seconds of running. That's very annoying. PS. the horse riding seems like it was done not by a AAA studio, but by a independent nerds in their parent's basement. RDR, that's all I'm gonna say. They should have played this game first and see how horse riding should be like.

3. The world is small as fuck. When I first saw the map I was like "daaaamn, is it real?". But it came out that it's just 6 or 7 areas on that map that are playable, so there are only 7 points on that map, that you can quickly teleport to/sail to. And one of them is just a fucking castle. Great.

4. BUUUUUGS. I have rread about sooo many bugs people witnessed, some even game breaking. This is unacceptable! With a AAA game that heavily advertised and praised, this shouldnt have place.

5. Overall boredom and repeatable side quests. Nothing to add here.

6. Input lag fucks the game for me too (heavily). You want to dodge your opponent's attack, he attacks, you dodge, he fucking hits, because your character has 1,5s lag. THIS IS FUCKING 2015 NOT 2005!

Btw. i'm from Poland, i know this country, and I know that the budged for The Witcher 3 wasn't big, because our country is pretty poor, so for such country, I'd say it's a 9/10 game, but overall it's 7.5/10 max. Anyway I'm selling my game back and I think I will get my money back (people are so stupid they actually buy used games for that much after release) and I'm buying bloodborne.

Allsystemgamer3407d ago


Someone clear as a sunny day hasn't played it...

I'm laughing really hard at your "map is tiny" comment. It's over 20% larger than skyrim you fool. It's confirmed by multiple sources do don't even try.

Swimming is easy. X for up. O for down. Stick for direction. Want a button that does everything for you?

Horse movement. Easy. Hold X. Horse follows path. Tadaa.

Can't loot or use a world object? Why don't you actually face Geralt at it. Last time I checked I wasn't able to open a crate with my back.

Games are always praised for good acting. Especially when the game revolves around dialogue...like mass effect, dragon age etc. Witcher 3 easily has class A acting.

Yes the frame rate can be unstable but the patches are fixing it. Patch 1.03 on pc fixed a lot of the stability issues. It's coming to ps4 this week.

I feel sorry for Poland. You live there.

bananaboats3407d ago (Edited 3407d ago )

wow you have some serious anger towards this game.

1. I play on the Xb1 so I cant account for any frame issues on the ps4 but there are some I noticed on the XB1, nothing dramatic or gamebreaking.

2.I've had no problems what so ever with picking up items or mounting my horse or even swimming, even tho yes it isn't the best controls for it. but far from N64 superman lol. But I will agree with you on the horse riding part, although easy to control once the horse is in motion it can be a bitch to move it around small areas.

3. The world is small!?!?!?!?!?!? wow I never thought anyone would say that. sure there aren't many zone but each zone is HUGE with an ass ton of things to do in each one.

4. no bugs on my end, but it doesn't mean there aren't any.

5. I love the quests and side quests. even playing Gwent is a blast to do.

6. I have no problem with input lag, playing on my 24" or 55" enemies don't hit me when I dodge because I read well into their attack pattern. Im gonna say your issue isn't input lag but more "player error"

CDPR has done an amazing job at this game. They have my support in future DLC.


kraenk123407d ago

You were the one starting it, mister. lol

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That one guy 863407d ago

Anyone experiencing weird issues when it comes to looting stuff? It does not always respond, as it keeps trying to sprint. I've only had one crash on my ps4 and the controller does not respond on the title menu. I have to turn the controller off and then back on to get it to work. Other than those issues, I love this game 9/10 for me.

sarlucic3407d ago

no this is the biggest problem in the game, the loot "area" from your character is very small, you have to look at the loot weird with your camera and spam the loot key for it to work every now and then. Hopefully they will patch it, on the witcher reddit it seem to be a common complain too. No excuse to not make one of the best rpgs of all time a tiny bit better!

Ron663407d ago

10/10 for a game with unreadable fonts, what a joke.

Allsystemgamer3407d ago

You must have terrible eyesight

andresegr3407d ago

You should upgrade your 15" display buddy. Im seeing the letters just fine on my 50" TV.

Lordani663407d ago

Yeah. IGNorants must have been paid large sums of money for them 10/10s. That's ridiculous.

higgins783407d ago

I don't know what it should score - I hate scores, but based on my time spent with The Witcher 3 all I will say is it is non essential. Buggy, horrible dialogue, generic themes, but a game (for me) lives and dies on its gameplay, and this game sadly feels trite.

Mykky3407d ago

There are way more factors than just gameplay that makes games great. I'm a good 40 hours into the witcher on ps4 and I have not encountered a single bug that ruins the experience in any way.
And horrible dialogues? I actually find the dialogues to be superior to any rpg I've played. The dialogue is actually beliavable for once.

vikingland13407d ago

Superb dialogue in my opinion. And the quests are amazing even some of the side quests are so good that they could have easily been main story quests. I don't agree at all with higgins78.

philm873407d ago

It's an awesome game! It's a computer game what are people expecting? Loving it so far (on PS4). Not had any real issues so far. no problems with looting, button lagging etc. Slight FPS drop in some areas but not too bad and doesn't effect the gameplay. Think some of you lot need to get laid.

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for August

Embark on a legendary dark fantasy adventure, mix tech and monsters for thrilling hunts, build a community of woodland worshippers, compete in two-wheeled races and more with August’s PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup!

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Wild Hearts, Cult of the Lamb, Ride 5 and more titles are playable from August 20 for PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium members*.

We’re also announcing new classics – including the legendary TimeSplitters series – and PS VR2 game offerings coming to PlayStation Plus Premium

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37d ago Replies(1)
Einhander197237d ago (Edited 37d ago )

This is a great month for me, I have almost bought Wild Hearts a ton of times and same for Cult of the Lamb.

Some really good variety here, and some serious playtime on offer here with all the RPG's. Good luck finishing all these games in a month heh.

Time Splitters is fantastic on the classic side, and glad to see they keep supporting PSVR2 with games

37d ago
TheEroica37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

Really grateful I had the good sense to drop pay to play multi-player. It's a rip off.

Einhander197237d ago

At least when you buy the basic PS+ tier you actually get new games often including AAA games.

This month PS+ got the Star Wars Skywalker Saga, Five Nights at Freddy's:: Security Breach, and Ender Lilies

Xbox hasn't gotten any new games for their basic tier since July and before that it was in August 2023. And if that wasn't bad enough the games they got were just recycled from game pass.

TheEroica36d ago

14 people downvoted and enjoy paying for something millions of pc gamers get for free. Lol.

seanpitt2337d ago (Edited 37d ago )

They could have included the dlc for the Witcher 3 game of the year addition geez..

How many times do they want to keep putting WD2 on

Einhander197237d ago

PS+ 17 games this month unlike game pass which only offered 7 almost half of them I got years ago on PS+,.and the rest are indies from companies I haven't even heard of.

And the Sony Pictures movie collection will probably get updated with new movies and shows from Crunchy Roll too.

Not bad for a subscription that costs significantly less game pass even before they raised the prices.

crazyCoconuts37d ago

Still not as good as it was a year ago. I think they're walking back on the quality of games just like XBGP is. It's a good thing though...ppl gotta start buying games again.

darthv7237d ago

For me, the redeeming titles are the Time Splitters ones. Sadly i do not subscribe to premium, only extra.

VersusDMC37d ago

Well you can still buy them. PS2 titles range from 5 (the clone wars) to 20 (tomb raider legend). So it may be a good price.

Becuzisaid37d ago

I'd bet these are in the expensive side. People have been wanting some kind of timesplitters remaster for a long time now.

pwnmaster300037d ago

I thought it was a pretty good month, then I saw time splitter. It made it so much better. I always wanted to play this game but never did

Deeeeznuuuts37d ago

Not the best month for me other than timesplitters!! Can't wait to replay them again, be nice if they have trophies too but no danger of they don't, can't wait!

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23 Best PlayStation 4 RPGs

The PS4 suffers from no shortage of great RPGs. From expansive open world ventures to fully realized fantasy offerings, there's a lot to try.

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The Witcher Trilogy bundle just hit its lowest-ever price thanks to Steam Summer Sale

The Witcher Trilogy bundle is currently listed with an 89% discount on Steam, and you can save over $60 thanks to this Summer Sale discount.

anast80d ago

It's been cheaper on GoG and you can own the game DRM free.