
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven was the apex of a lost ninja franchise

We're fast approaching the endgame of ITV's knockabout Saturday night gameshow Ninja Warrior UK, the latest international incarnation of a tried-and-tested Japanese format. Centred around a comically oversized and carefully padded obstacle course, the show is an absolute triumph of non-lethal razzamatazz, with guffawing commentary from former footballer Chris Kamara as competitors negotiate awkward hurdles and tumble into water hazards. There are no shurikens but lots of shrieking. Any true ninja would harrumph at the overeager procession of Lycra-clad, would-be shinobis and rightly dismiss the whole gaudy enterprise as frivolous shadowplay, a noisy, inelegant distraction from the important business of infiltration, sabotage and assassination.

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greenmiker3412d ago

I love that game! Tenchu serie was really a revolution for video games.

Hellsvacancy3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

It's what From Software should do next imo, have a break from the Souls games, I would much prefer a new Tenchu game over the soon to be announced Dark Souls 3

Still got my original PS1 Tenchu


Remembering the Best Stealth Games on the PS2

The PlayStation 2 boasted an impressive collection of stealth games. Here are some of the best stealth games worth experiencing

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Unheard of: The Best PS2 Ninja Games

It came from the shadows, and to the shadows it shall return. Here are the best ninja games on the PlayStation 2.

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Rikimaru-00309d ago

games likes these are a dead, what a shame.

Kakashi Hatake309d ago

Everyone is focused on open world unfortunately 😒 2000s had some of the best games in general. Just enough depth that you don't have to sign your life away to complete a game.

isarai309d ago

Seriously, I miss classic character action hack n slash games. Now everything is either huge open world gruel or a souls-like, often both.

Dandalandan117309d ago

Ikr? I would love a new Tenchu game.
It doesn't need to be a big budget with epic scope or other BS. Just a fun game like before with updated graphics and some quality of life improvements.

isarai309d ago

I'm hoping the success of armored core they'll be more inclined to revisit Tenchu as it really showed that a smaller scope game with a tight refined experience can be a success as well as the huge complex open RPG affairs. Still bums me out that Sekiro started as a new Tenchu, but they changed their mind halfway through development.

Relientk77309d ago

Man what I'd give for a new Tenchu game

Furesis309d ago

you almost did get one but instead u got Sekiro (Great game)
maybe next time

jznrpg309d ago

Sekiro is nice consolation for sure. But still would like Tenchu

Z501309d ago (Edited 309d ago )

*ARAGAMI 1 and 2 for a current fix

**Wrath of Heaven is probably the greatest ninja/stealth game ever.

Shinobi was okay. Your sword drained your health. So you had to constantly keep moving. You couldn't take your time to even explore or even breath. Nightshade rectified this.