
Bloodborne Fans are Losing Their Minds over the DLC Announcement

Twinfinite presents the best fan reactions on Twitter in response to the glorious news of an upcoming Bloodborne DLC expansion that was recently announced.

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Brotard3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

The one game that doesn't have a season pass announced before had is the one game that deserves it! lol

freshslicepizza3354d ago

it was likely already planned long ago.

ninsigma3354d ago

Planned yes but they didn't focus on it. They told us nothing about it, we didn't even know it existed. They created a great and fulfilling game and then right when we're done and wanting more, *bam* here's your dlc. It's better that way than having them announce exactly what dlc is coming before the game itself is even out.

Maxor3353d ago

"They didn't focus on it" Are you serious? It's a Fromsoft game. Stop pretending they're some sort of white knight in this industry. DLCs is their stock and trade, virtually of the Souls games are filled to the brim with DLCs.

Korix3353d ago


Virtually all of them are filled with DLC? Really?
DS had zero DLC.
DkS1 had one piece of DLC
DkS2 had 3 pieces of DLC

Wouldn't say they're all filled to the brim with DLC.
DkS2 also had a season pass from the very start. None of the others have had that.
Further more, releasing the game only on one platform is taking a higher risk than before, so working on DLC packs before it becomes a success would be a gamble big enough not to take, especially seeing how Sony and FS are surprised by the sales.

Of course they've thought about DLC from the start, but you act like they're EA.

BlackTar1873353d ago

I also thought the DLC on Dark Souls 1 was like a year later. It didn't have trophy support because it wasn't planned until later. 3 games 4 DLC packs. Fallout has more DLC per game then all the souls series combined.

mav8053353d ago


From never made any DLC for Damon's Souls, and didn't have any planned for the original Dark Souls until the community wanted it so badly that they finally made an expansion.

Traditionally Froms DLC had been of very high quality.

Bebedora3353d ago

No they didn't plan it, they just made all this DLC out of a troll-hatter and came out with this...don't be stupid about it.

linkenski3353d ago

QFT. Funny you got so many dislikes from that comment. Did you know a game has to be built to have DLC support in order to get proper DLC expansions? Of couse BB's DLC was planned to have DLC a long time ago. Nothing sinister about that. We're just incredibly happy they didn't need to shove this in our faces with pre-release marketing or season passes.

themiracle3353d ago

And by "filled to the brim" you mean Demon's Souls had none, and Dark Souls had a single, brilliant and expansive dlc offering. I thought Artorias added a lot to an already spectacular game. I cannot, as yet, speak to DK2, as I've only played the extremely long main campaign.. But I can attest to the inacuracy and trolliness of your statement

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3353d ago
Kingdomcome2473354d ago

I fully expect it to be jam packed full of awesomeness. I'd wager that some awesome new weapons are all but guaranteed, and I hope that some awesome new story quests/boss battles are included. I'm still working my way through a ng+, and that has been kind of placed on the back burner atm with The Witcher's release. Damnit Yarnham, why must your siren song be so compelling...

joab7773354d ago

One of my all time favorite games! I'm super excited!

subtenko3353d ago

These devs are doing it right. Talk about a great first impression for gamers new to this type of game and series.

Go Sony Go!!!!! :D

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3354d ago Replies(3)
crazychris41243354d ago

Surprised twinfinite didnt put each tweet on its own page

antias3354d ago

More like "twinfinite are losing their minds".

oasdada3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

No season pass and dlc announced. Means nothing going "according to plan". And when things dont go "according to plan",well then EVERYONE LOOSES THEIR MINDS! - The Joker

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Report: Bloodborne PS5 Version Listed in PlayStation Stars

PlayStation Stars has a Bloodborne PS5 version listed! Does this mean we're finally getting a Bloodborne remaster?

LG_Fox_Brazil16d ago


SimpleSlave16d ago

Not just for you. It WAS the game of that Generation and one of the greatest game ever made.

fr0sty15d ago

I tried so hard to get into it... just not my cup of tea. Maybe I'll try again if they drop a remaster.

Juiceup16d ago

Agreed. Easily one of my favorite games of all time.

jznrpg16d ago

It’s one of the best games all time for sure

Ethereal15d ago

Agreed. It was my favorite game from last generation as well.

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kenpachi16d ago

Must be a mistake when you click on it goes back to PS4 everything else is listed for PS5

LordStig16d ago

Framerate drops in a souls game is not a problem. It's a challenge.

Tacoboto15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Base Xbox One version of a soulslike with stick drift and a faulty bumper for the biggest challenge

Abnor_Mal16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I’ve been playing the old hunters dlc recently, bought it when first released but just had it sitting. Finally got to it and just beat the lady in the clocktower. About to traverse the fishing village, when I finish the dlc I will start playing Forspoken.

Aloymetal16d ago

Yes sir!
I have spent an unhealthy amount of hrs on that game including the dlc, 2k to be more accurate lol. Love that game.

Abnor_Mal16d ago

Oh definitely agree with that.

@Aloymetal that’s insane hours of play, I thought I was doing something with my 334 hours lol

anast16d ago

It's amateur hour for me. I only got about 300. I got some work to do. I'm going to put in a couple right now. I just got re-hyped.

GaboonViper16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Enjoy Bro, the evil behind the clocktower is tense AF.

@Aloymetal I have just over 1K hours in Bloodborne, one of the best games ever.

Zenzuu16d ago

Forspoken is a horrible game. I tried giving it a chance, and spent quite a bit of time with it, but ended up dropping it.

OldDuffer15d ago

Each to their own. I loved playing it and really enjoyed the combat system. My wife now has over 200 hours and is still enjoying playing it.
That doesn't invalidate your feelings, but is offered to demonstrate that there are plenty of people who liked it regardless of bad press.

Elda16d ago

You waited 9 years to play the dlc...lol??

CantThinkOfAUsername15d ago

Don't forget to torture yourself a little with Laurence after you finish the Fishing Hamlet.

zaanan15d ago

If the giant shark dudes give you trouble, you can snipe them from doorways.

Aussiesummer15d ago

Oh the orphan of kos, he will show you such sites. Good luck.

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Bloodborne is now working on a PS4 emulator...kind of

Bloodborne is one of most highly requested PlayStation games that players want to see come to PC, and with the PS4 emulator it could happen.

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Nightmare Kart — A Brilliant Homage, And The Pinnacle Of Fan-Created Gems

Nightmare Kart is now out for you to enjoy the gothic Bloodborne world with a kart this time, and praise the majesty of fan-created projects.