
Aging Gamer: Konami

The Aging Gamer takes a look at what Konami was, and sadly what they have become.

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The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic

"If you were to ask someone to name the best 3D platformers for the Nintendo 64, most people will inevitably default to listing Super Mario 64 or Rare's many collectathons from the era. But there's another classic game that we feel is often overlooked when it comes to the systems' best titles and that we think deserves to be mentioned alongside these other titans of the platforming genre, one that captured our own imagination when we were a kid: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon." - Jack Yarwood

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OtterX41d ago

I liked Mystical Ninja 64, but the real gem for me is Legend of the Mystical Ninja on SNES. It's one of my favorite SNES games, and actually makes my list of overall favorite games of all time. It was one of the first games that I remember that introduced co-op minigames. Seriously, I lost so many days of my life playing air hockey w friends. The co-op adventure was amazing from start to finish. Great pacing, great boss fights. I played through it so many times w different friends.

Either Nintendo needs to release these on Nintendo Switch Online, or Konami needs to put together a Goemon collection soon!

lobyz39d ago

and what ost ! very cool melodies with addition of instrument tracks according to the evolution of the level (maybe one of the first games using that)

BioDead34d ago

This used to be my favourite N64 games as a kid.


Konami Announces Record Financial Results Driven by Games

Today Konami announced its financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year 2025, related to the period between April and June 2024.

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VersusDMC54d ago

For people getting excited that Konami is back and will make more games we want now...the success is atributed to sports games and Yu-Gi-Oh. No mention of the Metal Gear Collection sales.

Abriael54d ago

It's almost like sports games aren't games. 🤔

VersusDMC54d ago

Do we want more sports games or Castlevania?🤔

Abriael54d ago

@VersusDMC Who is "We?"

I don't demand that gaming companies make only the games I want. I don't care for sports games, but it's pretty damn obvious that a LOT of people do.

VersusDMC54d ago

I was just saying that the title might suggest Konami could be back to making games Konami used to be famous for. But it isn't. I didn't demand they make another type of game...i said this isn't a sign they will make another type of game.

Keep enjoying your pachinko, sports and Yu-Gi-Oh games, bro.

Abriael54d ago

You do understand that Konami has always been quite famous for PES and Power Pro Baseball, don't you?

Also, pachinko has never been a big part of Konami's earnings and business. Just because some people meme about it, it doesn't mean it's real.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 54d ago
meganick54d ago

It sure would be nice to get a collection of the DS Castlevania games. Make it happen Konami. It’s easy money.

jznrpg54d ago

This. I would buy 2 copies one for me and one for my wife. It’s literally the only games she has ever played besides some PSVR2 RE. She has the entire collection but to have it all on a disc would be awesome

SegaSaturn66954d ago

Ok. And suikoden HD remake is nowhere to be found.

ROCKY2853d ago

Silent Hill 2 is going to be so awesome - if you like the original game this is a must buy for any
Physiological horror fan - IMO this crushes Resident Evil Franchise - way to go Konami for this title in the franchise !


Silent Hill Transmission Livestream

Konami has announced that a Silent Hill Transmission will take place on Thursday, May 30, at 4pm PT/7pm ET that will reveal game updates, a "deeper look at the film," and new merch. Join us at IGN to find out what's next for this beloved franchise.

RaidenBlack117d ago

Hope SH2 gets more polish before release.

P_Bomb117d ago

I’m not paying $94 CAD for what they’ve shown me. Looks rough as sin.

Fishy Fingers117d ago

Ive seen better lip syncing during a Punch and Judy show

Sonic1881117d ago (Edited 117d ago )

This looks terrible. Capcom should have done the remake 😂 The animations and gameplay looks stiff.

-Foxtrot117d ago (Edited 117d ago )

Okay. I was saying before in another article how SH2 looked better than the last trailer, which is true but damn this looks rough as hell.

I wanted RE4 / Dead Space remake quality

Sonic1881117d ago (Edited 117d ago )

I wouldn't buy it for $70 dollars. Maybe when it's on sale.

-Foxtrot117d ago

Yeah full price, deluxe editions, Konami are f***** tripping here.

CrimsonWing69117d ago

The characters look terrible to me… like it’s distracting.

repsahj117d ago

I will give this game a chance!!! let's go!

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