
E3 2015 Prediction: Nintendo World Championships won’t be a Yearly Event

Technology Tell writes, "Sure, it has a date attached to the name. All the branding is calling this the Nintendo World Championships 2015. But it’s important to remember that the original event did the same thing. Look at the original Nintendo World Championships cartridge. They had 1990 in the logo as well. It doesn’t mean we’ll see more the next year. Rather, think of it as a constant reminder of exactly when the contest happened."

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darthv723419d ago

It wasn't a yearly thing before. And I'm okay with that. this is still a kick ass thing they are doing. Wonder if they will give away gold wii-u systems to the winners like they did the NES carts 25 years ago.

wonderfulmonkeyman3419d ago

Oh lord, that would sell for so damned much....
Come to think of it, why hasn't Nintendo made collectors edition Wii U's?
I mean the actual system, not just the controller.
There's money to be made there...

N4g_null3419d ago

Oh my, I for got they got gold NES for that wow! Well it's time I play some classics to get ready.

Moonman3418d ago

I love Nintendo!..haha

Back on topic...can't wait for the Nintendo World Championships and Nintendo's E3 announcements! :)


Nintendo Unleashed - Episode 19: E3 2015 Hype

BlazeKick: Welcome to a brand new episode of Nintendo Unleashed, BlazeKick’s weekly Nintendo podcast. In this week’s episode join Armando and Conor as they talk about E3 2015, amiibo restocks, Splatoon, and so much more! We also give away a download code for SteamWorld Dig (3DS) during this episode!

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E3 2015 Preview Extravaganza: The Best of the Rest

The last of the G4@Syfygames E3 2015 previews is here, and it's a three-for-one of publishes only bringing one or two titles to the big show.

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E3 2015 Worldwide Conference Times

The Electronics Entertainment Expo is a worldwide event, and millions of gamers will tune in, as they do every year, to watch their favourite publisher set out the future of their company. As such the timings for the conferences tend to cause issues for gamers abroad.

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gaffyh3390d ago

It's a shame that the UK times for Sony and Bethesda are so late :(. However, will probably stay up to see them this year.

Christopher3390d ago

That's standard time for Sony.

gaffyh3390d ago

I know that's what I mean, it's too late