
Why do so many gamers dislike Halo?

Msxbox-World takes a look at the reasons why some gamers seem to have a disliking for Microsoft's Halo series. Is the hatred justified, as we've had three games in the series with many gamers feeling that the latest game didn't have as much impact as its predecessors.

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Rob0g0rilla5851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

Halo 3's campaign was so boring until the end. I got through it though and beat it since I brought it. The ending of Halo 3 did have me wanting to see what happened to Master Chief when he was headed toward that planet. I can't get into Halo's multiplayer though. I don't see what's so special about it. I always wanted to like it but I just can't get into it. Call me a hater but Halo isn't my cup of tea.

mesh15851d ago

THis articles go it a little bit right but the real reason all halo fans play halo 3 1 million people play that game on xbox live is because the insane physics and "gameplay" options there is so much optioon to change to kill people in that game and to top that everything in halo has amamzing physics there is no next gen multiplayer games that uses the type of physics engine halo 3 uses none this is why bungie won awrds for halo , the weapons are very well thought out and fire how you would wish for very realistic and the controls while doing it are second to none the only flaw i had for halo 3 is the anti aliasing and 640rezz but a game that has that type of a.i you see in the single player everything thing in the massive lvls are not scripted ill give you an example when yu play a lvl on halo3 record 2 mins of it on the halo video store the play it then strafe all over the map you will see al enemy's are present in the map nothing is scripted in halo 3,you can bash it all you want but the game is the highest rated game this gen to my knowledge on metacritc and gameranking and is the biggest selling exclusive title to date.

gaffyh5851d ago

Yeah I agree, I don't hate Halo, but I don't love it like all the fanboys do either. IMO it is way overrated, and when I played I was getting annoyed by the backtracking you do in almost every level.

Plus the story was kinda crap (all I remember was there was a guy wanting to use Halo rings to take over the Universe, and you kill him). I liked the music though, it's good music for hyping you up.

NintendoWTF5851d ago

"I got through it though"

Exactly how I would describe my play through. Dreadfully mediocre game.

There is really two classes of Halo hate:

PC fps fan hate for what would otherwise be a completely forgettable fps if it had to compete in the PC games market.

General gamer hate for having this damn series rammed down everyone's throats night and day by Microsoft's marketing department. I remember people screaming "not another Halo 3 hype story!" everyday on various web discussion forums with stories like "Interview with Bungie's janitor about his thoughts no Halo 3 - he loves it!!!"

More hate comes from the BS Microsoft pulled buying review scores for the games where they were caught handing out those 900 dollar or so 'gift bags' to reviewers.

Also it comes from Halo fans who feel the need to invade every single fps news story or discussion and spam Halo hype and crap all over every other fps with the disgusting attitude that the more people think every other fps sucks the better Halo is in comparison.

The same goes for all the Halo fans who have gotten themselves jobs at review sites seemingly for the sole purpose of handing out their automatic 10/10 for everything Halo and absurdly low review scores that are pretty much nothing more than 'this game isn't Halo'.

Now that Bungie and Microsoft have split and the relationship between the two companies seems to be pretty bad it seems many Xbox owners have backed off the Bungie/Halo hype and moved on to other games.

For most gamers I don't think really hate the series as much as just don't want to hear about F-ing Halo ever again.

FreeMonk5851d ago

it's all about a persons preference.

I loved Halo: Combat Evolved when it came out on the original Xbox for the Single Player. It felt new and fresh on a console, with controlling vechiles, a melee system etc.

I loved Halo 2 & 3 for it's multiplayer though. They Single Player was ok, but nothing spectacular. MP was for me.

Now there are people out there who love Call of Duty 4 MP, and there are people out there who love Gears of War MP, both of which I don't really enjoy as much as Halo.

It's all about your playing styles and what you are looking for in a game.

Unfortunatly, the millions of people who bought Halo 3 shows how popular the game is, and as someone mentioned, it's rated 2nd on XBL probably behind COD4.

I think Bungie, if they are making a new Halo game, need to forget the Single Player Campaign, and contentrate on a full on MP game or if rumors are to be believed, an MMO.

StephanieBBB5851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

I feel exactly the same way. I can't put my finger on why I dislike playing halo but it's somewhere based around my three consumptions:

A. Slow pased/not enough action (as you said, it feels like you play in constant slowmo)
B. Too childish (mainly halo 2 and 3, halo 1 was more adult entertainment)
C. The weapons suck

HateBoy5851d ago

I think I'm the opposite of most people in that I really like the single-player campaign, the pacing, the epic battles etc are all awesome. The story is retarded, but oh well, who cares. But... contrary to popular opinion, I think the multiplayer is amongst the worst I've seen in high quality fps's, its just random, and it is BORING.

jadenkorri5851d ago

Halo 1 was great, Halo 2 and 3 are just sequels, same graphics, engines, just new levels and weapons

Ben10545851d ago

it gets too much hype than it deserves, the new halos are almost the same as the old halos and xbox fanboys always bring it up saying its the best games ever and all that.
still a good games though

dantesparda5851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

But the game is just WAY to overrated. It is nowhere near as good as its mde out to be. And if you think im just bullsh!tting, just check my gamercard

plenty a tool5851d ago

because it's not on the system of the haters! simple as that. if this was a franchise on anything else, it would be applauded.

although the campaigns of 2 and 3 didn't match the brilliance of the first, they were still better than most which are around. but it's the multi-player were all three have shined. and no console game has seen as much on-line play as this franchise. but the problem for the on-line is that it's no place for people without skill, dexterity or quick reflexes. personally, i dont play the game anymore for a number of reasons.

1st being that being in europe, and getting placed in games with the host the other side of the atlantic is terrible for the obvious technical reasons, and secondly i dont like the fact that having one team dominating the weapons, and therefore the match makes for fun games.

with cod4 you choose your own weapons and kit. and as long as you're not with idiots i.e the whole team sniping on say headquarters, you can have decent games.

bottom line, most if not 90% of the hate eminates from sony fanboys. why, because i's a massive franchise that isn't on there system.

stevenhiggster5851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

I agree with 1.3 the only reason that the game was ever liked was because it was, for many xbox console fans, their first taste of an fps If it had first been released for the PC then it would never have become so big as compared to other PC fps games it really was nothing special. It would be like showing someone who had never seen a car before, a Ford Fiesta, they'd be all like 'wow it's so amazing', when someone who has seen a car before would just be like 'just another crappy little car'. So yes, basically what I'm saying is Halo is a crappy little car of an fps, overhyped by an over rich company, and some little kids who had never seen an fps before. FACT!!!

Chubear5851d ago

WOW! So very well said. Bubble

RememberThe3575851d ago

Frist off, from the way your writing that you sound like your hating right off the bat. So let me make this clear; The game is over hyped for what it is. Halo 1 was one of the best shooters ever, but the next to were nothing compared to the first. Your a fanboy, and thats OK, we all are in a sense, but your seeming to take this a little personally. Your argument that people hate on Halo because its not on "their" system is way off base. In fact many of us who feel the series has let us down own a 360, so it is on "their" system. I was eagerly awaiting Halo 3's release because I was hearing that they had addressed all the things that pissed me off about Halo 2. Then the game releases and there are not many improvements above a slight graphical upgrade, I felt let down. As the media kissed the games ass to all hell, I was slugging through a game that kept making me think that it could have been done way better. Halo 3 did not deserve any 10's at all. This made me realize that the Xbox exclusives have a lower level of expectation to them. They just don't need to be as good as the PlayStaion or Nintendo exclusives. You may not agree but you also come off as a simple person with simple needs, and that sucks. Because of people like you the Xbox is not pushed to improve. your just happy with what you got. And you know, thats not all bad, as long as your having fun. I think you need to not take this so personally. Every group of fanboys has the people who talk sh*t, we're all used to it, you should be too.

RemmM5851d ago

But Halo 2 and 3 killed it. They made it too easy by, adding dual wield, easy to contact melees and other stuff.

whoknew5851d ago

They don't do they? I mean didn't halo 3 sell 8 million copies? The only people that don't like it is the people who don't own a 360 or don't like that kind of shooter. Even if your a big FPS fan your not forced to like the pace of this game.

I would say the main reason I don't play it much is because of all the little kids that constantly scream down the mic at me for being a noob. :)

athlon7705851d ago

Before I purchased my 360, we would meet at a friends house and crowd around his 360 and play Halo2. Had a lot of fun. Then I joined the 360 crowd in the Christmas of '05 and waited impatiently for the Halo3 bomb to drop. Hype and build up were a great thing and I don't think I have ever been so excited about a game (including the televised launch(can't beleive I stayed up for that)). Anyway, I got the game thinking this is going to be cool, started it up, and the let down began. There have been a lot of people say Halo3 should have been named Halo2.5! I think they are correct. We were told this game would take advantage of the 360's powerful graphics, yet really looked no better than when we played a Xbox designed game (Halo2) on our 360! I kid you not by this next statement, when I started playing, my wife came in because I said "well ain't that a load of tihs", she came in asking what was wrong and I said "this looks no better than Halo2! All the game reviewers were hearlding this game from the heavens and I spend $60.00 on Halo2.5! Not cool. So I play the game, getting to about mid way through when I start to ask myself "why am I playing this game?" So I trudge through it to the end, watch the lame 'floating through space' ending and think, "wow, at least it has multiplayer" as I think about all the fun we had playing Halo2...I have only played the co-op and two (2) online multiplayer matches. That is it. This game was not worth the hype. This game is not worth all those 10/10 reviews. This game is just not worth it.

Monchichi0255851d ago

I loved the first one, Loved the 2nd one and LOVE the third one!!!

And I'm not the only one, MILLIONS of us do! Just here in my hometown, Halo is still the game everyone's still playing. We get together every other weekend and play the hell out of it.

And I can't wait till the next one comes out!! I'll again be one of the first inline to buy it!

lessthanmarcus5851d ago

Plain and simple. What FPS's are loved by everyone? COD4? Go figure. I can sit there after spawn and hold my trigger and rack up a positive ratio. Halo is for skilled FPS gamers, therefore the majority of gamers (that happen to be casual) won't like it.

BWS19825851d ago

don't have a 360, so won't comment on the third, but the better campaign was actually 2's for me, because 1 was so bland and repetetive, all those rooms that looked the same, copy and pasted, pissed me off. But, I'd give the first a 7.5, and the second one an 8...the first one's final driving climax where Master Chief had to drive through the entire area to safety was one of the most aggravating levels in my video game life. The second had the dual wielding, bigger environments, and a little more variety. The games are just good, but not great...there's like what, 6 weapons? Even Rare's GoldenEye had like 4 times that from 1997. I've played multiplayer, it was alright, but Timesplitter 3's MP was leagues better, Halo's MP wasn't much more entertaining than say Red Faction 2's, or Pariah's MP, which means fun, but not classic.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating, I'm making a case for it being a "good" game, and not great or epic.

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resistance1005851d ago

I don't hate it, its just far overrated, and have never been able to see what the critic's love so much about the series.

AlterEgo5851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )


The story isn't interesting (IMO), and Halo came out when I didn't have an XBOX. I had a PS2. HAAAATED fps games with a PASSION and was never interested in multiplayer games.

If it wasn't 3rd person...get it out of my face.

So Halo 2 comes out...still don't have an XBOX, still hate FPS.

But I gave it a try because of the things I was hearing. Played it...(singleplayer), I was truly shocked at how boring it was.

Ever since then, this scar of overratedness stood with me and Halo.

When Halo 3 dropped, (by now I have a 360 ANNND like FPS games because of cod2 and rainbow six ANNND love multiplayer gaming because of Warhawk), it still just didn't wow me.

I like realistic shooters like SOCOM, GRAW, Rainbow Six, Call of Duty type games. The alien/monster laser plasma blasting thing isn't my cup of tea.

Real guns, real humans = fun for me...

Fiction only goes so far in my book. Obviously everybody has different taste's and mine just don't include much sci-fi. I loved Uncharted until the very end when the monster/demon/alien things came out and I looked at the screen with a blank face...

Honestly, MGS is just about as far into the sci-fi scene as I can call myself a 'fan' of...and probably GOW can be added to the list. But still, there are no aliens and laser beams in these games. I'm a gun enthusiast and love to hear REAL guns, see their in-game modeling and how developers rendered the look and feel of different real-life guns. Not some super-human made up gun. Maybe it's boring to everybody else, but that's what I like.

THAT's my reasoning...I don't know about anyone else's.

AlterEgo5851d ago

Oh, and for the record...

Splinter Cell was the sh!t until Double Agent came out

Conviction (I hope) will be firrrreeee

KingArth5851d ago

instead i can't understand how can many gamers LOVE halo

Stryfeno15851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

Maybe because it's published by MS...We all know by now it is a fad to hate MS.

EDIT: It's the second most played game on XBL..So what does that means?

ExcelKnight5851d ago

It can mean one of two things:
1. People don't have anything else to play online.
2. People play other games single-player only.

You won't be seeing games like Eternal Sonata on that list, you know.

Stryfeno15851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

Are you serious?

1. People don't have anything else to play online.
-So out of the huge 360 library, you mean to tell me there is nothing else to play online.

2. People play other games single-player only.
-People also play Halo single player mode.

Tarasque5851d ago

I for one could care less about singleplayer. But yeah the single player was average at best. The game made itself as a great multiplayer in halo 2 and it keep the tradition going with halo 3. The game has sold what 10 mill, well if there is alot of hater's then there is alot of people that love it also.

Jinxstar5851d ago

No offense but "Huge library" doesn't mean "Quality library". Take nintendo for example... A few really good games but most are horrid...

tatotiburon5851d ago

oh really?? c'mon lets check metacritic and see who have more quality games

Jinxstar5851d ago

@ TAtotiburon

Take away Sci Fi games and your left with bioshock(Kinda Sci fi too) which is multiplat. Take away FPS games and your left with gears... Variety is what counts for me. Can't match Uncharted or LBP or Flow or Elefunk or Echochrome or Resistance 2 or MGS4 or RAtchet and Clank or any number of games that are offered on PS3. Viva Piniata and Banjo wont cut it for me...

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed my 360 while I had it. After 2 red rings and a great line up from sony I traded mine in so I would have more cash for the 20 or so games I will be buying before Xmas... As much as I would like to play gears 2 or fable 2 I will wait for the PC ports... Especially with Bioshock going to the PS3 now... I really see no need for owning a 360 anymore. To each his own though.

Variety is also a key factor in gaming that MS doesn't have. Mii's Lips and XMB and a ton of other carbon copies are now part of MS's scheme to win people over. That my friend is lack of innovation and selling out. I could care less how many Sci Fi games rate a 9 plus on meta. After Christmas let's have this talk again.

Spydr075851d ago

Sony have more quality games than MS. Check PS + PS2 + PS3 vs XBOX + XBOX 360. :P

Rob0g0rilla5851d ago

Not everyone likes this game.

Stryfeno15851d ago

Of course not....Not everyone has the same taste. But you have to acknowledge Halo has a huge fanbase. Like it or not.

thewhoopimen5851d ago

Yes why don't we? With Bioshock now on the PS3, there isn't any AAA advantage for the Xbox360 anymore.

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Pedobear5851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

"Everything its done has been done before and better. Its definitely not as good as bioshock"

kevnb5851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

Bioshock is a massive downgrade compared to System Shock 2.

Impact5851d ago

as a PC gamer, I agree to this.

Fishy Fingers5851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

Or nostalgia, Halo 1 being so good on the original xbox people are very forgiving on its predecessors? I like Halo but I'm more than happy to admit halo > halo 2 > halo 3 (IMO obviously).

Oh and coming from a PC background concerning online gaming, this whole "matchmaking" thing it created I'm not keen on at all. "shotty snipers" again...?!

-M4verick-5851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

And you're right, Halo doesnt suck and everyone knows Halo doesnt suck. If you even try to pretend Halo isn't on the level of a AAA shooter...it just shows how jealous you are lol.

MLG uses Halo 3 as their flagship competitive title for a reason, no not because it's on the XBox 360. Because its an amazing and polished experience that is unique and plays like Halo with tons of modes only in Halo.

1stKnighT5851d ago

Yes that's right. Their is a reason why MLG gave up million dollar contracts to Halo players. Because it's the most balanced competitive FPS available. Nothing else comes close.

GametimeUK5851d ago

1stknight a lot of people would agree that CoD4 is superior to Halo 3

-M4verick-5851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

And alot of people wouldn't agree with that...including Major League Gaming who uses Halo 3 as their flagship title.

-Very few more and COD4 is newer than Halo 3. ; ) Halo 3 is awesome

GametimeUK5851d ago

judging by popularity online CoD4 is superior with more people logging on to play CoD than they are to play Halo

Rico_Suavez5851d ago

I agree Halo is a great series, but the only reason MLG is using Halo is because Microsoft is the Biggest Sponser...

Nolando5851d ago

ever since the first i love everyone of them, but after playing H3 solid for over a year now, its a great game (WAY BETTER THAN 2) and i would give it 9.0/10 in my book, but compared to halo 1 i find myself frustrated idk why. i think i just wish a few more things were like halo 1 in H3, i mean i think dual wielding and equipment are great additions to the gameplay i love them, and boarding vehicles is awesome as well. but thats what they should be JUST ADDITIONS TO GAMEPLAY, there was no need to change the halo 1 gameplay so drastically like they did in halo 2 and 3.

but my MAIN complaints are with just how the combat system is a little off from the original which in truth i think is the best of the 3, first i HATE the grenades in halo 3 why did bungie feel the impulse to make grenades weaker in each iteration of halo, when i throw a grenade in a room i expect the room to be cleared out like in halo 1, and if they only have a quarter shields they should be dead, none of this oh well it took the rest of their sheilds out... BS. melee system eh, i dont like the leap punch, i think it should be like halo 1 where u have to actually go to his face and aim for once (not that u dont have to aim in halo 3). and none of this leaping 5 feet.

but eh there are a few more but in the end i think halo 3 is great and i love playing it (sometimes i get frustrated and i want invite my friends to play halo 1 LAN, aaah good times) but i really think bungie is just getting farther from the source that made halo so great in the first place. anyway i look foward to more iterations of halo cause i love the universe and a MMO/RPG would be cool plus im looking foward to Halo Wars :)

i know in halo 3 they tried to return to the feel of halo 1 a lil more (and they did a little bit, i see it) but if and when the enxt halo FPS comes out i wish they return to their roots just a little more and make i more like the original with a bunch of other stuff thrown in.

5851d ago
Spydr075851d ago (Edited 5851d ago )

I know, 1stKnight, that's why a Halo player is the spokesperson for FPS games, right? No, wait, I believe the biggest name in FPS games belongs to, Jonathan Wendel, aka Fatal1ty. I didn't know anyone who played Halo had computer hardware with their name on it.

Not saying Halo isn't a great game, it is. But you're just being a fanboy...what a surprise.

1stKnighT5851d ago

Actually Halo 3 has more individuals playing than COD4. But those silly multiplayer graphs don't count guests in Halo 3, just games played. Their are actually about 3 times more Halo 3 individuals playing than COD4. Microsoft and MLG have nothing to do with each other.

And for those who are bashing. Name one game that has created so many millionaires? T Squared, Ogre 1, Ogre 2, Strongside, Walshy, etc... all signed huge money contracts from MLG to play Halo 3. Name one game that has done that????? Anybody? Is that crickets I hear?

devilhunterx5851d ago

Why would a pc owner be jealous?



Still, you have 100+ million PS2 owners that don't give it a crap.

People, it's not about hate Halo, and for sure not about the game sucking. There is those that played Halo 1, liked it, and just got the same game twice, this makes the game look worse, just remember Tomb Raider's fall, the games was always the same thing, so people start to get sick of it.

This for those who played it and now are the ones complaining. For most gamers, Halo don't have ring a bell even being good game, ok, many great games come and go without being much noticed, but I don't think those people are the vocal haters we heard on the net and which this article is talking about.

And for sure, there is the MS overhyping side effect. Those who don't digg it, will just plain hate it, because you don't like it but have to heard about it all the time regardless, just like an annoying music.

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Games That Took An Absolutely Bizzare Turn In Their Narrative

Some titles out there focus on introducing a bizarre turn in their narrative. Check out this list for some solid recommendations for those.

Inverno25d ago

"INSIDE" was bloody amazing, and I miss Uncharted's sci-fi and paranormal aspects greatly.

TricksterArrow24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

TBH, 3 and 4 still have them, but they are heavily implied, which can be terrifying the more you think about it, but it is admittedly, much less scary and less interesting gameplay-wise than what 1 and 2 have done.

Inverno24d ago

U3 did show the Jinn's "bottle" in the end and the city was pretty f-ing dope. Just a little disappointing that they didn't lean just a bit more on the mythical parts of the series. Uncharted is a world rooted in reality and Drake knowing all these mythical stuff exists could've led into something cool.

porkChop25d ago

I remember being particularly confused by the twist in LA Noire where Cole Phelps is sort of "exposed". If you've played it you know what I'm talking about. It always felt weird and odd because the player is Cole Phelps. How can the player not know about these sorts of things happening with their own character? I felt like it came out of nowhere.

Yui_Suzumiya24d ago

Soma, Doki Doki Literature Club, Saya no Uta

UnbreakableAlex24d ago

Is Twelve Minutes on that list? Because IT HAS TO BE ON THAT LIST!
Don’t spoiler yourself with that humongous twist :D

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Report: Halo: Combat Evolved Remaster in Development, Being Considered for PS5

According to insider sources, a Halo Combat Evolved remaster is in development and being considered for launch on PS5.

Rynxie49d ago

So the better version will be on PS5 with VR, haptic feedback, 4k, HDR and so on? Can we ban Xbox owners from buying the PS5 version? Put a requirement to have a psn log in to play it.

andy8549d ago

Tbf considering the Pro will be out you're right. Console wise anyway

BlindMango49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Why do these news websites keep labeling RUMORS as "Report"? Why even have the word "Report" in the title at all? It's like they are faking an announcement to get more clicks

andy8549d ago

Imagine seeing that headline 2 years ago 😂😂


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Exvalos48d ago

If halo comes then nothing is off limits, whole slate is coming.