
Why HD Remakes Take Advantage Of Us

Play: "Every month in Play Magazine, we take a hot topic and look at the arguments for and against. This time up, we start with Retro Gamer Editor Darran Jones stating the case against the trend for HD remasters on current-gen consoles."

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Fro_xoxo3321d ago

It's a love-hate relationship.

I've yet to buy a remaster this gen.

You might not want it, but there's an audience for it.

for example, as soon as Gears of War remaster shows up. I'm all over it.

Yi-Long3320d ago

I love HD Remasters. perhaps it's because I'm taking advantage of THEM!?

At the end of last-gen, I didn't buy certain games like GTA5 and The Last of Us, because I was already expecting next-gen releases for them. So I just waited. Also, I recently picked up Tomb Raider for 15 euro on PS4.

As soon as DMC hits the bargain bins for around 20 euro, I'll buy that as well. And there are some more games from last gen that I never got to play, which are coming out as HD-remasters, or MIGHT come out as HD remasters.

Also, PS+ does a fine job with some last-gen HD remasters, like Fez, Guacamelee, Spelunky, etc etc.

They often offer good value for money. Obviously, there are exceptions, where the HD-remaster is just lazy, or they are extremely greedy (DOA5), but they're a nice opportunity to pick up some classics you might have missed, or want to enjoy again, for an attractive price. Nothing wrong with that.

AudioEppa3321d ago

Take advantage? lol

I never heard of stories of people getting forced into buying anything.

Kleptic3320d ago

exactly...it only 'takes advantage' of people who buy a remastered game, and already purchased the original...and even then, they may find enough value in it to be all about it...and so what?

I get the argument of resources being wasted by dev teams on remakes...further implementing the idea of 'no where to go with game development right now', similar to holywood and comic book movies...

but face it...gaming is still in a low risk state...no one is putting money down on anything unless its a safe bet...and great games from the past being remastered are both safe, and cheap to make, yet usually still cost almost full price...no need for anyone to complain about it...if you don't like remastered games, like me, don't buy them, like me...if you do, go for it...even without remasters; no publisher is going to go all out on some off the wall untested shat any time soon...it'll continue to be mostly sequels from franchises now older than the average gamer...

_-EDMIX-_3320d ago (Edited 3320d ago )

"I get the argument of resources being wasted by dev teams on remakes"

Those games released where not "remakes" they are ports in HD, they wouldn't even be close to what one would call a remake.

And games are contracted out, that team that is doing the port was never going to make some sequel, thus its a resource that wasn't even wasted as they where not going to make a game, their job was to port only.

Gearbox ported Halo 1 and 2, United Fronts ported Tomb Raider to PS4 and XONE and even helped port Halo MCC...

Sooo the reality is those teams where not wasted resources because those teams where not even owned..they where outsourced to perform a certain task. ie build my kitchen.

Thus...If I change my mind and don't want a new kitchen, I'm not just going to hire the same person that was going to do my kitchen to landscape my yard.

Many folks need to really get that gaming is contracted...

They where NEVER going to some how NOT port a game, regardless of if they are making a sequel or not, the sequel is none of the other teams business, their job is solely to port.

ie Gearbox ported Halo 1 and 2, they had nothing to do with Halo 3 and were never going to, Bungie was doing that. Not porting Halo 1 or 2 doesn't some how make Halo 3 come faster or make Halo 3 sell better...

Its a business and its about investing, did RE6 do great numbers with that 600 man team? I mean...do gamers really thank that a port is the reason why they are not seeing certain sequels? As if to say they would have made a sequel if they were not doing a port? That just sounds like most gamers don't know enough about the industry is all, example......Tomb Raider on XONE wasn't some how delayed, held back or had a lack of resources because one of the games was ported to PS4 and XONE, as CD didn't do that port, United Fronts did......United Fronts was NEVER GOING TO MAKE A TOMB RAIDER GAME!

Just like Gearbox wasn't going to make Halo 3, just like Asypr was going to make Borderlands 3 or Doom 4 etc.

The sooner gamers start to actually know that those ports most times are not done by those teams and that even the teams that do the ports are not part of the same team most times, they will fully get why ports happen. This is business, who the hell is having a better experience because 1 version of a game exist as suppose to 4?

Even with the BS excuse of resources....ok sure, put United Fronts on Tomb Raider with CD....

Square will just call another team to port last gen's Tomb Raider, "oh what"? "that is team could be working on Tomb Raider next gen too?" Ok...now we have 3 teams on Tomb Raider....ok. "let me get another team to do the port...what? OH yo want that team on the next gen version too?" I mean...do you guys get why that actually makes no damn sense? They are not doing either or, they can and are doing BOTH!

KH Collection on PS3, strange yet KHIII exist,

FFX on PS3 and PS4, strange...yet FFXV exist...do folks not get that those publishers don't just own 1 studio and only have a choice between 1 game?

Kleptic3319d ago (Edited 3319d ago )

you put up a huge wall of text stating mostly the same thing that i did...and i can't really tell if you're agreeing, or disagreeing...but some clarification:

ok, remake might not've been the best word to use...

but i never misunderstood how these small re-released things work...nor did i miss how games are contracted to smaller studios to handle it...

it all circles back to my initial point...which is the low risk part of the industry...and you seemed to assume that when i said a 'waste of resources', you thought i meant man power in terms of the physical people making it...which i didn't...the only relevant resource is the money, and even simple ports of older games in HD takes money...not just to make it, but they then usually market them relatively well, have to distribute them, etc...

meaning...these things still cost publishers money...and i get that some could argue they should save it, and put it into better new IPs...thats all i was saying...I don't care, and never did, who actually handles a re-release...only that in an industry where penny-pinching is reaching critical mass...some of us may prefer that the money be invested in 'better' ways...

morganfell3320d ago (Edited 3320d ago )

You must understand that certain people have a persistent victim mentality and some members of said victim crowd have internet access and a sucker website willing to print anything.

These are the same people who feel nothing which occurs that might be deemed wrong could ever be their fault and they are not responsible for anything they ever do. They need constant babystiing to protect them from themselves. Even the passengers on the spaceship in WALL E are more self sufficient.

Lukejrl3320d ago

If consoles have skipped backwards compatibility in order to market the few remakes, i find it slightly disingenuous.

there is no real technical reason why we couldn't have xbone play 360 games or even OGxbox. same for ps4 with ps2 and ps1 games. the ff7 ps4 release is ridiculous. pretty much guarantees the system will never read those old discs.

morganfell3320d ago (Edited 3320d ago )

B/C isn't the issue here. Many want the new. I have purchased several remakes and I still own them on previous platforms as well. For most, it isn't about playing old versions on new platforms.

_-EDMIX-_3320d ago

Square doesn't care, Sony doesn't care, MS doesn't care, buddy..no one cares.

PS3 reads PS1 disk.....have you seen PSN's PS1 collection?

Strange...........yet you can play PS1 games on PS3? Yet why have ports to PS1 games bud? FFVII already exist on PC, Eidos published it....yet Square made another version....weird.

Do you not fully get that ports are happening because they make money? It isn't for some damn logical reason solely about design. I just can't stop laughing LMFAO! ROFL! BBQ!

Wii had Gamecube games ported...Wii plays Gamecube games native.

360 had a whole XB collection on XBL....plays XB games...

Please...dear god stop being cheap and wasting everyone's time and just buy a damn used PS1, PS2 etc.

No one cares. Why should, Sony, MS, Nintendo etc waste all this time to add BC JUST to give you a free console?

We had ports with BC, we had ports before BC...get over it. Sony and MS made the right choice using x86, for the sake of gaming. Want to play your PS1,2 and 3 games?

Well....keep those systems and live life. Having BC would have never actually stopped ports, remakes etc.

I'm sorry, but even with owning a BC PS3, I don't agree.... its just not their job to offer such a thing and its best to keep the price down and the system hardware focused on NEXT GEN GAMING! They should not be wasting time and money making 1 system into 4 or 3 systems. Why? Go out, buy all systems, live life..... I'm sorry but this isn't a real issue,its something cheapskates, whiners, entitled gamers seem to love bring up. They don't owe you anything.

FFX is coming to PS4 bud, deal with it, FFXV will clearly be on PS6 lol I mean...how will you feel about that 45K NEXT GEN version on PS7 with implant support?

rainslacker3318d ago

Older games can be hard to find...particularly if they're more than 1 generation past. Some games are really expensive to buy if they're one generation old. FFVII for instance was going for over $150 before it released digitally, and it wasn't even a remake.

BC mostly benefits the hardcore retro gamer, and those that want to continue playing older games, especially at the start of a new generation. Beyond that, people generally don't go seeking out those games, and it's much more likely people will want to play a "new" release as opposed to seeking out an older title just because.

elninels3320d ago

The whole article is poorly written. His counterpoint to the "you don't habe to buy it" argument is, "well hell".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3318d ago
lilmisscherry3320d ago

I just want additional achievements for my favourite games lol.

Kyosuke_Sanada3320d ago

I'd rather a full-blown remake on a new engine with enough extra content to make it stand out.

elninels3320d ago

Are the two mutually exclusive? an hd remake doesn't take from a new game; if anything it will add more resources to said new game.

KryptoniteTail3320d ago

A good HD remake does not. Chrono Trigger HD with an orchestral soundtrack, full voice acting, additional content, new difficulty modes and gameplay tweaks, Trophy support, and the works, everything togglable to where you could theoretically just play the original; who WOULDN'T buy it?!

Same for Smash Bros Melee. HD online with balance patches? Sign me up! Mario Kart Double Dash too! Street Fighter II 4K Remix! I can go on and on...

Now, I do think it is stupid that we get remasters a year after initial launch like TLoU, but hey, you don't have to buy it, man.

Remasters kick ass when done right. I heard Silent Hill screwed up but for every screw up we get an awesome game like Wind Waker so I am thrilled.

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Neil Druckmann: Philosopher gamer behind 'The Last of Us'

who is now the sole leader of Naughty Dog, “I promise you, we will not be ‘The Last of Us’ studio forever.” Numerous games, he said, are in the works, including “multiple single-player projects.

Lightning775d ago

I know he has a celebrity like status but unless he's announcing his game soon idc what he has to say from this point on.

We need announcement something from him.

Crows903d ago

The dude is a nobody. He's also wrong. Naughty dog is the uncharted and Jak daxter studio.

They only made one universally praised last of us game. They're not know as "the last of us studio" but they are currently known as the "remake" studio.

Lightning773d ago

I like his games tbh I'm just more upset at the fact that he's been talking and talking and not showing anything. I'm an actual fan of his work, don't cars if that's that's a popular take or not.

If he has nothing to show or talk about. I don't care about his interviews, his red carpet appearances or what's next for last Of Us 2 TV, leave that to Hollywood. You don't see SP, Bend, or any other studio doing what he's doing. They're remaining quiet and focused as most PS studios do. He should do the same. The next thing I wanna hear him say is "now heres our game" we know that probably won't be for another year or so, so he needs to remain silent and stay out of the limelight for awhile.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash3d ago

You are wrong. LOU2 won a lot of GOTY and was highly rated. It's okay to dislike the game but saying that ND just made one critical acclaimed LOU game is just hating at this point.

rippermcrip4d ago

Kind of a weird interview. No substance, hardly any questions. It's almost like they forgot to post the whole thing or something.

neomahi4d ago

Oh brother...... It's like a balloon filling with helium. He's got nothing new to say. Naughty Dog went from being a studio of numerous developers to being about him and what HE does. Bruce Straley was the co-creator of The Last of Us, and he left--I think for the same reason Christophe Balestra left and since then, Naughty Dog haven't been the same. PlayStation is incredibly woke, as all businesses seem to be these days, ignorant to what's really going on sacrificing the greater for peanuts, but I think they left because of the uprising political atmosphere. They knew there was nothing they could do about it and an attempt to try and combat it, in today's society would end them up in legal trouble so, they just left, what else can you do when the opposition behaves like a child, screams and yells louder than you want to in raged fits, and will throw lawsuits at you at whatever chance they can, but you don't play that way, so they left. And Naughty Dog hasn't been the same since.

Naughty Dog was huge at one time! They were the underdog that became the top dog but, the direction it's fine, just watch and wait. It's ego, and Druckmanns ego of thinking they're untouchable and can just coast along, will drop them rock bottom, in due time, they could see the same fate as Xbox's teams met. Fans will turn on Naughty Dog because A) Naughty Dog aren't producing, they're not what they once were.
B) Gamers ARE growing tired of the woke culture overtaking their lifetime hobby. They're just more silent about it, it's the quiet cool

anast4d ago

Non of this makes sense. I would like to think you didn't spend too much time writing it.

Crows903d ago

I hope you didn't spend much time reading..it...cuz obviously you didnt understand it. But that's okay. There's many other comments to read...


You project your own views on the world, and that is a mistake.

Crows903d ago

Um...so you project someone else view on the world? What are you talking about?! We all project our view on the world lol...smh

anast3d ago

It's called perspective. I understand that. But I don't understand the poster.

smashman983d ago

you know it's not his fault that people are interested in what he says, right?

Also, Naughty Dog is bigger than ever.

Crows903d ago

Smaller....where's their last big game? Yeah...I remember when they were actually releasing heavy hitters.

smashman982d ago

@Crows90 It was in 2020 and despite what a vocal minority says it was critically acclaimed and the 2020 game of the year. Not only that but The Last of Us is also a critically acclaimed television series and PlayStation's most successful foray into Film and TV yet.

So yes, Naughty Dog is bigger than ever, and just because you don't vibe with them or whatever does not change that fact.

anast4d ago

He's a solid theatre arts person, but he's not a philosopher. Being good at one thing doesn't mean he's Descartes.

DarXyde3d ago

I believe that philosophers are more principled than Druckmann, to be honest. It's fascinating that The Last of Us Part II was literally inspired by the Israel-Palestine conflict and was a needed commentary on humanity and ending the cycle of violence, only to have some questionable commentary after 7 October.

I don't hate the guy as some others seem to. He's been a big part of some great games, but I'll never understand the obsession with hanging on all of his statements.

Chard3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

That's a good point in relation to 7 Oct - a far more important issue where valid criticisms could have been made of this guy, but most here seem thoroughly distracted by trivial issues

anast3d ago


Like all artists he has a signature. People that have an agenda will try to look for that signature and use it. This is why a lot of "journalist/game influencers" hang on every word. Most of us just enjoy his work and get hyped when he mentions something about a possible new game.

"a far more important issue where valid criticisms could have been made of this guy"

Which is?


Sony should try and stay radio silence outside of hard reveals.

It’s painful to wait for any info at all, but it’s less painful than skimming an interview that avoids all details whatsoever.

Commit to radio silence, Sony. You can afford to leverage the trust in gaming output that you’ve cultivated.

anast3d ago

That wouldn't be a smart decision. There must be a constant stream of connection in today's world.

MIDGETonSTILTS171d 4h ago

When a constant stream of connection delays a game 1-2 years, and said games take 5 years to make anyways…. Sony fans are better off trusting Sony to deliver than expecting frequent confirmation.

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The Sounds of the Fireflies ("The Last of Us") concert kicks-off on April 28th, 2024

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