
Is Konami In Crisis Mode?

One Hit Pixel: "You may have heard about the recent debacle surrounding legendary game developer Hideo Kojima. Konami are attempting to save face wherever possible, but trickles of information that may or may not be true are indicating that he no longer works for the company. Now it has been revealed, though not unexpectedly, that his other big name project – Silent Hills, has been cancelled."

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DarkOcelet3378d ago

Either Konami is trolling us and will give us one hell of a show at E3 or either they are going bankrupt or something. Something doesnt feel right about this whole thing.

SkirkRidgeEX3378d ago

There is that deep sense of foreboding isn't there?

morganfell3378d ago

More than foreboding. After seeing this there seems to be doom in the wings, and not the kind of Doom gamers like: http://i.imgur.com/3KUYHOE....

Flyingdog6703378d ago


Wow, that was actually scary to read lol. Like a government conspiracy. This all sucks tbh, With MGSV and Silent Hills in production, it seemed that Konami was on a good path. But once Kojima left, everything went to hell. It seems that MGSV will the last thing people know Konami for. I didn't really grow up with Konami games, i only got into the MGS games when two years ago when i was 16, but still. It sucks to see a once great company become what it is today.

NatureOfLogic_3378d ago (Edited 3378d ago )

@ morgan, Thanks for that link. It's crazy to think that Konami would be that greedy for short term mobile profits. The mobile gaming industry will become over-saturated in the future and all of these once great AAA companies like Konami will be so lost in the low quality rubbish that their name will no longer carry any weight in the gaming industry. They're choosing to live the fast life instead of thinking of long term stability.

I'll be happy once mgsv is released, then Kojima and company can leave Konami to dig their own grave. It's pathetic to watch as all of this unfolds.

avengers19783378d ago

I think they are going to be selling there company soon.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3378d ago
Old_Prodigy3378d ago (Edited 3378d ago )

I hope it's just a long running April fools joke for the entirety of April, and on May 1st, they just troll the shit out of us. That's the only way the could pull themselves out of this shit hole. I patiently await May 1st, anything before or after that date is just a means to salvage the shit that their company will be.

Baka-akaB3378d ago (Edited 3378d ago )

They simply dont seem to care about gaming other than in mobile and mmo forms

persona4chie3378d ago

Keep calm and give us Boktai 4.

XXXL3378d ago

Goodbye Castlevania, my favorite series.

Blank3378d ago

Im depressed about Gradius.

Old_Prodigy3378d ago

Ah, that was a very satisfying jpeg, I didn't have to shrink or enlarge the photo at all. No resizing what so ever, thank you so much.

Skate-AK3378d ago

A jpeg like that needs to be seen in 1080p. That's why he did it.

Blank3378d ago

Well people im just going to say sadly they are doing okay in the slot machine industry...

OrangePowerz3378d ago

Well that's where they should put all their business and give the Silent Hill IP to it's creator and give Kojima the MGS IP.

Blank3378d ago

Thats in a perfect world im pretty cynical about this, I fear for the fate of their IP portfolio and what they will do with it.

Baka-akaB3378d ago (Edited 3378d ago )

the problem is that such kind of stupid companies would rather die than let go of IPs they no longer uses . This is a company that actually purchased Hudson properties without even actually using them in games .

They managed to even miss the fighting game craze and revival , despite owning the Bloody Roar IP , and despite having access to the creators of the games , the independant studios known as Eighting Co .

Said Eighting Co that is actually the labor force used to develop games like Tatsunoko and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 for Capcom ...

OrangePowerz3378d ago

I have no doubt that that they would never give the IPs to their creators or even sell them to them.

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Silent Hill Transmission Livestream

Konami has announced that a Silent Hill Transmission will take place on Thursday, May 30, at 4pm PT/7pm ET that will reveal game updates, a "deeper look at the film," and new merch. Join us at IGN to find out what's next for this beloved franchise.

RaidenBlack57d ago

Hope SH2 gets more polish before release.

P_Bomb57d ago

I’m not paying $94 CAD for what they’ve shown me. Looks rough as sin.

Fishy Fingers57d ago

Ive seen better lip syncing during a Punch and Judy show

Sonic188157d ago (Edited 57d ago )

This looks terrible. Capcom should have done the remake 😂 The animations and gameplay looks stiff.

-Foxtrot57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

Okay. I was saying before in another article how SH2 looked better than the last trailer, which is true but damn this looks rough as hell.

I wanted RE4 / Dead Space remake quality

Sonic188157d ago (Edited 57d ago )

I wouldn't buy it for $70 dollars. Maybe when it's on sale.

-Foxtrot57d ago

Yeah full price, deluxe editions, Konami are f***** tripping here.

CrimsonWing6957d ago

The characters look terrible to me… like it’s distracting.

repsahj56d ago

I will give this game a chance!!! let's go!

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Konami Marks New Record With 70% Profit Increase Driven by Games

Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid publisher Konami has reported record profits this year, driven largely by its video games and amusements.

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CS777d ago

Interesting that Konami is releasing nothing of note and still enjoying high profits. I guess this is the allure to companies.

VenomUK77d ago

It was probably due to the half-hearted release of the Metal Gear Solid Collection v1.

Imagine the extra sales Konami could’ve made if it had put some effort into it.

JL293076d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Half hearted? MGS: MC is the best collection of Metal Gear games you can get with tons of bonus content.

Why are you mad? Because they didn't make the games 4K so you can see the low resolution textures and warping better? Most of you cry babies never even touched the MSX Metal Gears.

SimpleDad77d ago

Of course, they rereleased MGS series on modern platforms. Thank You Mr. Kojima.

shinoff218377d ago

Suikoden 1 and 2 remasters any day now wtf konami


Since The Contra Revival Shows Konami Still Cares, How About A New Castlevania?

Hanzala from eXputer: "Contra: Operation Galuga is a classic revival done right, but why hasn't Konami done the same yet for the bigger and more popular Castlevania?"

shinoff2183114d ago

Slowdown. Let them get these suikoden games done first. Alot of us are still waiting for those

XiNatsuDragnel113d ago

Castlevania fighting game for wii needs to be remade plz

Aphrodia113d ago

well, the new C ontra was made by Wayforward, who have been taking sooooo many of these classic franchises and making new iterations of them. Imo they aren't very good at it. And I don't see operation galuga being a large enough success to possibly give them Castlevania.