
Star Ocean 5 staff talks platform choices, development concept

Famitsu this week features a new interview with Star Ocean: Integrity & Faithlessness producer Shuichi Kobayashi and director Hiroshi Ogawa, who discuss the game’s platform choice, development concept, downloadable content, and seamless focus.

RmanX10003446d ago (Edited 3446d ago )

Thank god DLC is an after thought right now. As an aside, is there any quick way to go back and play the previous games? This game being announced has me interested to go back and try em now.

Xof3446d ago


It's probably not a bad thing that's it's so difficult to play SO3 or SO4 without tracking down old consoles and discs. But it does suck that there's no way to play the PS1 games.

You'd think by now Square-Enix would have gotten off their ass and tossed ISOs of either the PS1 discs up for PS3 or the PSP remake UMDs for Vita/PSP... but no, Square-Enix just hates their customers too much for that.

mikeslemonade3446d ago

Please cancel the PS3 version.

breakpad3446d ago (Edited 3446d ago )

"Why were PS4 and PS3 chosen as the hardware?

Kobayashi: “We thought about what hardware older Star Ocean fans played the most, and decided on PlayStation. Our choice of PlayStation 4 and PS3 specifically had less to do with wanting to stick to home consoles, per se, as much as just wanting this game to have as wide a reach as possible among those longtime fans.”.....this is what is called a right and wise descision ..Capcom take some lessons please

izumo_lee3446d ago

The 1st and 2nd games were updated for the psp. If u still have the original psone version of the second game u can play it on the PS3 though you'll have to start from scratch cause I don't think the PS3 has a memory card adapter.

As for the 3rd game if you still don't own a ps2 than u r out of luck cause that is the only way to play that game other than emulation.

The 4th game u can still pick up though they may be hard to find.

Chevalier3446d ago

The PS3 most definitely does have an adapter. I still own mine and transferred my saves over to my PS3.

GameBoyColor3446d ago

I got lucky with finding a single copy of 4 at my local gamestop. I jumped real quick and bought that game lol

Baka-akaB3446d ago

It will probably happens eventually ... albeit its maybe contingent to how well SO5 get received .

We already had SO1 and 2 remade once already , a port of SO4 ...

I wouldnt be surprised classic or remastered versions of SO 1-3 appears eventually

SegaSaturn6693446d ago

Play star ocean 2, then star ocean 4.

1 is pretty mediocre, 3 is an abomination.

SO2 is the greatest RPG ever created.

Baka-akaB3446d ago (Edited 3446d ago )

No way SO4 is the weak part of the bunch .

SO3 got plots points and twists that might irk people eventually , but it doesnt invalidate the whole game , and the fun we probably had before that turning point . Everything else from the settings , characters , music were better . And no one complained about its gameplay .

So4 failed at everything but the combats mechanics and somewhat pretty graphics .

There is a reason they do state that they are coming back to a vibe closer to SO3 this time around instead . But probably without the weird twists

izumo_lee3446d ago

The only thing that irks people about SO3 is the plot twist (which for me i didn't mind that much,it was interesting it went that direction) , other than that the characters & combat were very good.

SO4 is in my opinion a poorly designed game from character & story, the only thing that saves it is the upgraded battle system. The amount of back tracking you do in SO4 is irritating especially near end game.

The upgraded SO1 on the PSP was actually pretty good, but i agree that SO2 is the pinnacle of the series so far. Characters, story & gameplay all melded into a fantastic game.

F0XHOUND3446d ago

Wtf, star ocean 1 Is one of the greatest SNES rpg's ever. And 3 was also great.

4 was perfect in its battle system, but pales in comparison to the rest otherwise. 2 is awesome though I agree.

Tbh, they all are. 4 I just comedic ally bad at times, as was 3 I guess but both still great games.

elninels3446d ago

I have the most recent installment, pm me and maybe we can work something out.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3446d ago
SegaSaturn6693446d ago

I need only refer you to the fact that cliff and maria are carbon copies of each other in so3. It had the weakest soundtrack and most tedious bonus dungeon with the silliest payoff towards the end.

SO3's fury system and loss of either hp or MP to win was brilliant, but overall, the story was bad, and the american dub really hurt it. You'd be doing a disservice to the series to take SO3 seriously.


rextraordinaire3446d ago

Cliff and Mirage.

Maria is not the same as Cliff. Maria is the one with Energy Burst, Magnetic Field and Drones.

Also, Mirage is not a canon party member. She was added in the international edition. Same as Adray.

You're not as much of a SO buff as you'd like to be, it seems.

SegaSaturn6693446d ago

I never claimed to be a SO buff. Played SO3 twice though. You're absolutely right about the names, not that it matters a whole lot. How exciting a new party member! It's a carbon copy. It was a total letdown compared to SO2.

It's an okay game in its own right, but against SO2 OR VP: Silmeria, it's sheer trash.

Geobros3446d ago

Happy to hear that they are working to a game which is for classic RPG fans and for old fans of the series.

bokharij3445d ago

Will this have an English dub? It looks interesting but I don't like dubs that I can't understand(I've skipped on Vita RPGs because of this). I respect that people like different dubs so I'd love an option.

rextraordinaire3445d ago

Every star Ocean game up until now got english dubs. This one shouldn't be different!


10 JRPGS that are Better than their Metascore

Game Rant - "From Star Ocean to Final Fantasy, there have been a number of JRPG's that have been unfairly undervalued by their Metascores. Here are 10 examples."

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Rangerman12081704d ago (Edited 1704d ago )

While I agree that the combat in Star Ocean 5's combat is pretty fun, saying that its story is more enjoyable than its predecessors is highly debatable. Also, it's not just the technical issues the game suffers from.

Gaming4Life19811704d ago

Star Ocean 5 was garbage and I was a huge star ocean fan.

Docmortem1704d ago

Completely disagree the games I played from the list all deserve their scores (Star Ocean, Nier, Tales of Zesteria, Type-0). While there are certainly people that love these games, they have flaws in many categories, that justify those scores.
Star Ocean especially bored the hell out of me. Lame story and face roll battle system (I finished the game anyway). These games are really niche and when rated by a broader public, fall short. In my opinion even in their own genre.

solideagle1704d ago

I personally have not played any game below 80 and thought wow this should have been 80-90 game. The only game I thought should have been 90 was Shadow Hearts II: Covenant. I am pretty sure there will be some games but average score usually is pretty good indication.

do you recommend any JRPG which you think were good/amazing but it didn't score well? I just purchased Tokyo xanadu but it seems way too slow like trails game but trail at least has good story. I will give it a shot

1704d ago
rainslacker1704d ago

I think there were quite a few JRPG games that got hit with lower meta scores last gen when all these reviewers were on their anti-anime tropes kick. Not that they should get up there into the high 80s or 90s, but they weren't 60-70 games either.

That's mostly died off this gen, thankfully

WickedLester1704d ago

Ni No Kuni 2 is way better than it's metascore.

solideagle1704d ago

I think Ni No Kuni 2 combat is pretty generic but if you add all DLCs then its combat is pretty awesome. I purchased the complete edition so I can say DLC changes the combat completely

FinalAeonX1704d ago

Ni no Kuni 1 is way better than its metascore

Father__Merrin1704d ago

meta scores are rubbish best ignore them. many gems out there

solideagle1704d ago (Edited 1704d ago )

can you please name few?

Kocurstvo1703d ago (Edited 1703d ago )

Useless to argument troll, but e.g. Eat Lead is hilarious and extremely funny, yet mediocre on metastupids.... Lords of the Fallen, Strange brigade... I could name hundreds

1703d ago
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A beginner's guide to Star Ocean

Star Ocean is one of those series that did, and still does, things that others don’t. Think of it as a JRPG for fans of series like Star Trek. The casts regularly involve people from more advanced civilizations getting involved with those who are still growing, even though there are various measures in place to allegedly stop that sort of interference. As a result, people get energy weapons, cyborgs, magic and people who can turn into cats. It is a lot to take in.

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autobotdan1760d ago (Edited 1760d ago )

Let's see here. There was another classic JRPG series that started this SCI Fi. It was Phantasy Star by Sega. Before Star Ocean, there was Phantasy Star 1-4 on Sega consoles

Bhuahahaha1759d ago

a beginners guide to star ocean....after playing the 3rd game
you've been told that the universe (SO lore) is just a ------------------- and close the book

VsAssassin1759d ago

Yeah, that plot twist didn't work for me. I wish SO3 isn't canon, but it is. Anyway, SE can just sweep SO3 under the rug perhaps by soft rebooting the franchise.

Nerdmaster1759d ago

The first two were so great, among the top RPGs on 16 and 32-bit era. I wonder why it went downhill after that...

LiViNgLeGaCY1759d ago

I still regard the 2nd Story as one of the greatest JRPG's of all time.

ChronoJoe1759d ago

Play the PS1 game and then the PS2 game and then the rest probably aren't worth your time unless you're a superfan of the series. I think that's all you need to know.

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The Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels - Part Five

Phil writes, "It's never a good feeling to be hyped for the next installment of one of your favorite franchises, and then POW! You're blindsided with an extremely disappointing game that hardly lives up to your anticipation and hype. That's the focus of The Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels, and now we're at the fifth installment. This are six more of those games that were either rushed out, released in a broken or incomplete state, or were simply less than stellar experiences overall.

After you browse through and read up on the latest unfortunate games added to this growing series of articles, which game sequels that haven't already been mentioned in a previous article do you think should be added in a future installment?"

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