
What Mario Kart 8 DLC means for F-Zero’s future

Lots of F-Zero love in Mario Kart 8, but is it just fan service or the start of something more? Shawn Long takes a look at it in this latest video!

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EricWeichhart3445d ago

Plot twist: F-Zero U as an f2p eShop download will be announced on E3

jholden32493445d ago

Hey, I'll take it!

I actually think they're trying to expose the Nintendo racing fan base to F Zero to perhaps prep gamers for an F-Zero release. It's either that, or this is our consolation.

Either way I'm happy about the love for at Zero seen in both these DLC packs...

3445d ago
3445d ago Replies(1)
KryptoniteTail3445d ago

If they won't release an F-Zero then give us an online remaster of F-Zero GX.


Looking Ahead: The Lingering Questions About the Next Mario Kart

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "10 years. It’s been almost 10 years since the last mainline release in the Mario Kart series. Mario Kart 8 came out for the Wii U in 2014 and became the best-selling game for the system by a sizeable margin, and later pulled the same magic trick on the Nintendo Switch under the stage name Deluxe. All in all, it's sold nearly 70 million copies over the last decade and is still selling like hot cakes to this day, so it’s no wonder Nintendo has been in no rush to replace it. However, with rumors of a new system being just around the corner, and reports a few years back that a new Mario Kart is indeed under way, it seems the era of 8 might very well be drawing to a close. It’s an exciting prospect to be sure, but after two Nintendo systems with Mario Kart 8 at their heart, a lot of questions remain about how Nintendo will choose to follow it up."

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Yi-Long161d ago

I hope they just keep building on Mario Kart 8; Add a track-creation tool, and probably open it up to more Nintendo IPs with new tracks and characters, so Metroid, Punch Out, Starfox, Animal Crossing, etc etc.

gold_drake160d ago

there wont be a new one until the switch 2 comes out.

nintendo needs their bangers early on


Wii U Versions of Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon's Online Play is Back

Nintendo has recently restored Wii U Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon online after five months of being offline.

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Ex-Nintendo designer says no new F-Zero due to Mario Kart, low sales & high costs

F-Zero has been a dormant franchise for a couple of decades now. In fact, if it weren’t for the obvious appearances that Captain Falcon has been making in Super Smash Bros. games, you could get the impression that Nintendo has forgotten all about the series.

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2moda5gamer443d ago

Have a new F-Zero hit within the first 2 years of Switch 2 and watch it sell away.

Immagaiden443d ago

Can’t believe Nintendo chose a remaster for Cruise N Blast over F-Zero GX

GhostScholar443d ago

I wish they would see the license then.

Knightofelemia443d ago

Maybe Nintendo should learn to drop the prices on their games if they want more sales. I have seen games that are 4 years old on store shelves at full price.

Rockstar443d ago

I've had treasure tracker for the switch bookmarked since it was released waiting for the price to hit my sweet spot of 30 bucks...still waiting...

blackblades443d ago

We haven't seen a lot of franchise's from Nintendo. Mario will always stay as the shit stain of Nintendo. Mario games are fun and Kirby but some times you get tired of seeing Mario everywhere literally everywhere. They are playing it safe.

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