
Co-Optimized: Killing Floor

This week's Co-Optimized brings us to the horrific world of Killing Floor, where up to six players come together for the admirable goal of killing monsters for money. Helping humanity survive is a nice Perk too, but it's mostly about the shooting.

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The Killing Floor 2 Review - The Gamers Lounge

A fast pace bloody 6-player co-op Zed-slaughtering survival game. Wanna kill fast and often, wanna die faster and oftener... then get your grimy gamer hands on this game.

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The Best Brits in Video Games

Today I am coming to you with a less serious topic. However, that being said it doesn’t mean the mission at hand isn’t one that is important. In fact, I have been wanting to create an article surrounding this topic for a long time, but I never felt is what quit the right time for it, but now is the best time of all. With the 4th of July in the past I, and the enhanced patriotism that comes with it, I want to share some of the love with our brothers across the great sea by compiling a list of their best roles in gaming. At first thought, it doesn’t seem like it would be a terrible assignment, although further research will prove that our British brothers have made a largely impacted in our gaming society. Nonetheless, I have compiled what I believe to be The Best Brits in Video Games .

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Zombies in Space: Killing Floor Twisted Christmas lifts off

This Christmas Tripwire Interactive has a whole new twist on killing the undead playable right now: Zeds in Space! Horzine's Moonbase is the setting for the new map, on the dark side of the moon. One small step for Zed? Actually, giant leaps for Zedkind, up there in low gravity. You'll believe Zeds can fly - and they certainly will when you smack them with the new Dwarfs!?