
Are Games Better Now Than They Used To Be

PC GamingEnthusiast's Matt Marinett explores if it can be said that games have been progressing or are stuck at a standstill.

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ps4gamer19833452d ago (Edited 3452d ago )

Hell no

Too easy
Too casual
Games are shorter
On disc dlc

Fireseed3452d ago

Those statements are almost as vague as they are blind.

LaWiiG3451d ago

Particularly if one didn't even read the article .-.

crxss3452d ago

overall yes games are better. sure there are amazing older games but the technological advancement alone in newer games make them more entertaining. example I prefer 3D games over 2D ones. i think once that shift happened games only got better. just my opinion though.

also online multiplayer. sure having a LAN party or a good ol' split screen party is better but that's so much harder to organize nowadays.

UKmilitia3452d ago

back when gaming used to be a luxury i enjoyed it.

these days its ruined by spoilt kids and greedy companies.

My biggest hate in gaming is DLC follwed by games broken on release.
back in day it had to be right and 99% of time was released perfect.

Fez3451d ago (Edited 3451d ago )

I'm kind of torn on this. In general I'd say there are more quality games nowadays and less poor ones - most pre-2000 games released now, leaving aside graphics, would be critically panned. But I'm playing Tomb Raider III just now and for all it's faults, bugs and graphical drawbacks, I much prefer it to the TR collection games and think it's on par with the latest Tomb Raider reboot.
The difficulty of the puzzles and platforming make it more compelling than a straight up action game.

But I think this is an exception and more due to the unique game design that isn't seen anymore. The pacing is so different to any game nowadays.

I would agree games are too easy nowadays, DLC/microtransactions are atrocious and the loss of splitscreen from modern gaming is a travesty but in general better games can be made due to the advancement of technology and the industry entering the mainstream.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3451d ago
Snookies123452d ago

Can any game these days ever hope to touch Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, or Super Mario World? The answer is no, but I sure as hell hope one day something will.

Godmars2903452d ago

have to admit, Fallout 4 comes close.

But then it required patching.

Dasteru3452d ago

Code red, we got another time traveler here people. Someone call the temporal integrity commission.

Shineon3451d ago

Dasteru this is the Temporal Integrity Comission and we've been watching the subject since Atari. He previously time traveled for Sony back in 98 retrieving DVD technology which throttled the Sega Corporation bringing an end to the Dreamcast.We still haven't caught him yet but any leads will help. Remember your country loves you

Godmars2903451d ago

I think you guys are replying to the wrong comment.

And how didn't Fallout 4 require patching when it first came out? How weren't it and New Vegas so buggy that it inspired a mod community?

3451d ago
Godmars2903451d ago

Meh, brain-fart aside, given current industry trends and habits, the example of New Vegas being buggier that Fallout 3, if there is ever a Fallout 4 the question will be how buggy it is.

gangsta_red3451d ago (Edited 3451d ago )

Wow, I thought Godmars really knew something the rest of us didn't!!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3451d ago
gangsta_red3451d ago

I think a lot of that has to do with nostalgia too. Seeing that huge leap in graphics and sound from NES to SNES or Master System to Genesis was just insane at the time, especially if you're a kid at that time like I was.

I consider those games you mentioned to be some of the best games ever.

But we have had some excellent games that in my opinion touched or equaled those classics. Batman: AC, Bioshock 1, Gears of War, God of War, Mass Effect 1-3, Dark Souls 1 are just some of my favorites that I love and consider classics along side Super Metroid, etc, etc.

But Super Mario World, Chrono Trigger and especially Super Metroid will always hold a special place in my heart.

Relientk773452d ago

No games used to be released 100% complete and working, and no patches or DLC

caseh3452d ago

DLC has always been about, for PC games anyway. Difference back then though was it was classed as an "Expansion Pack" and normally weighed in when people were losing interest rather than it being announced 6 months before the game itself had even launched.

I looked up BF:Hardline on PSN last night out of curiosity, the elite edition or whatever it was is £105... ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE QUID! It's gone beyond a joke.

donwel3452d ago

How the hell does a downloadable elite version work anyway? I mean, it's not as if you're getting physical extras thrown into a fancy box and 105 notes is just ridiculous for digital content in the first place.
Remember when they said putting games into an online store would remove the costs related to buying space in brick and mortar stores and the actual printing of discs and packaging?
Yet more promises we were made. And they wonder why people still prefer to buy physical.

HighResHero3452d ago

They are only better now in terms of graphics. Games like Bloodborne give me hope though.

Agent_hitman3452d ago

Nah, the gaming industry has been plagued by too many FPS these days :p That's the problem.

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slayernz345d ago

save yourself a click, the basis for this article says BG3 you basically follow the main plot with little ability to influence anything lol.....which its anything but that, so either he played it once through and didnt pay much attention or hasnt even played it at all....

CrimsonWing69345d ago

Whatever, man. I’m just grateful Baldur’s Gate 3 is the game we got. Absolutely fantastic!