
The Awakened Fate Ultimatum Review [Capsule Computers]

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:

"Two years ago, NIS America released what can best be described as a spiritual successor to Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger in the form of The Guided Fate Paradox. An enjoyable story with a likable cast of characters combined with interesting gameplay elements made The Guided Fate Paradox a worthwhile title. Now NIS America has brought the game’s sequel, The Awakened Fate Ultimatum, to the West. A number of changes have been made to the original game’s formula but is it still worth picking up?"

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The Awakened Fate Ultimatum - Review | RPGamer

The Awakened Fate Ultimatum is the sort of game the gentleman's C was made for. It doesn't do anything innovative or especially fun, but neither is it outright offensive. The game has a solid menu system, its fonts are readable, and numbers go up when upon gaining experience. It's good to watch numbers go up. The story has a lot of words presenting a morally ambiguous war between angels and demons. They're not especially compelling words, but their abundance suggests effort was put into crafting them. Unfortunately, despite this effort, Shin Kamikaze's tale of self-discovery, sacrifice, and friendship rarely connects. Nevertheless, it is.


The Awakened Fate Ultimatum Review (Invision Game Community)

Dungeon crawlers have evolved quite a lot since their origins, and have taken every shape and form. Transforming from environment to the next, they all consist of quite an entertaining experience, exploring dungeons mainly for items to upgrade your character and make progress easier, or at least try to. The Awakened Fate Ultimatum is a typical dungeon crawler, which combines the typical dungeon gameplay with a neat story and a lot of decisions which influence the upgrades which one may pursue.

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The Awakened Fate Ultimatum Review | NZGamer

The Awakened Fate Ultimatum (AFU) is a roguelike dungeon cralwer role-playing game (RPG), developed by Nippon Ichi Software. It tells the story of Shin Kamakazi, a high school student who is murdered by devils and saved by an angel named Jupiel. He is taken to Celestia, the angel home world, and resurrected by the scientist Ariael who implants the Fate Awakening Crystal in his chest. Shin soon learns he has become God, and is thrust into the centre of the war between angels and devils.