
GameCube Kiosk Demo Discs are Fascinating Time Capsules

Technology Tell writes, "The best way to truly remember what a time in games was like is to look back at a snapshot, and the best kind of snapshot is a GameCube kiosk demo disc. On this episode of Show and Tell, Graham and Jenni look at Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Version 16, a 2004 collection featuring WarioWare: Mega Party Game$, Custom Robo and Mario vs. Donkey Kong."

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SpaceRanger3359d ago

For me it was those demo disks for the original playstation that you'd get from pizza hut are what will always remind me of such a great time in gaming! Not only was it awesome for me as a kid because I was getting pizza, but I was getting a ton of demos for games that I really wanted.

I never minded one bit waiting through all the loading screens or trailers. Ape Escape, Final Fantasy, Tomba, Einhander, Blasto,Tekken, GT, Gram Turismo and a whole bunch of others! Makes me want to go dust off the PS1 and start these games up.


Quake Demake Is only 13 Kilobytes in Size

triverse writes, "When you think of demakes you probably think of newer games on older hardware. Probably because that is how they occur more often. Another type of demake is made for the same platform just a different graphics style (many remakes offer this option at the flick of a button). What if I told you someone made Quake, but it is only 13 kilobytes in size. For comparison that is about one quarter the size of the original Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The kicker is, this version of Quake looks amazing, and everything explodes into gibs everywhere."


Spartan: Total Warrior - Before Dark Souls, There was Sparta

Spartan: Total Warrior launched back in 2005, with an aggressive-but-fair agenda for its combat not dissimilar to the Souls series.

john41618d ago

I still whip out my OG Xbox to play this once in a while it’s one of my all time favorites

vTuro2417d ago

This game was so fucking good. It's legit one of my all time favorite games. I wish they'd make another (Vikings was mid) or remake this one. Probably won't happen, but one can dream.


Why a Survival Mode For The Next Animal Crossing Isn't as Wild as It Sounds

The Animal Crossing franchise may lean towards casual gaming, but it has laid the foundation for a future title to have a survival mode.

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