
Aaru’s Awakening Hits PS4, PS3 April 7th, Free for PS Plus

Posted by Johann Ingi Gudjonsson on Apr 06, 2015 // Marketing Director, Lumenox ehf:
Proudly, and with great anticipation, we announce that Aaru’s Awakening is coming to PS4 and PS3 on April 7th.

At last! The plan was to release the game last summer but first we had to learn about the hefty work of post-production in video games. The hard way. Since this is the debut game for us at Lumenox Games, it has been a learning experience. The game started out as a school project for three of the founding members of Lumenox Games but took off when it won a game creation competition, IGI Gamecreator. Plus having faith it was a motivation to establish the company.

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SharnOfTheDEAD3460d ago

I didn't think this was coming to PS4? Always a nice bonus to find that it's cross buy etc, looked pretty interesting! from the game play trailer

NeonEnigma3460d ago

Very beautiful, sounds interesting, and for free i have nothing to lose.

Scatpants3460d ago

No Vita version? That's a shame. Looks cool anyway. Will download.

eldingo3460d ago

Alright finally some new info on one of the free games that are coming this month to the ps4 (among other platforms of course) hooray for that cause this game certainly looks interesting with its premise and art style.

The_Sage3460d ago

The other PS4 game is Nino No Kuni (spelling), which I've been planning on buying. It's about an Inuit child and her wolf dealing with ancestral spirits while trying to get home.

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Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1396

This week’s Famitsu review scores are in, and Super Mario Maker was awarded high marks.

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Hoffmann3311d ago

Super Mario Maker (Wii U, Nintendo): 9 / 9 / 9 / 10 - (37/40)
Super Exploding Zoo (PS4/PS Vita, Honeyslug Ltd): 6 / 7 / 6 / 7 - (26/40)
Aaru's Awakening (PS4/PS3, Lumenox ehf): 7 / 7 / 8 / 7 - (29/40)
Element4l (PS Vita, Unity Games Japan): 8 / 8 / 8 / 6 - (30/40)
Baboon! (PS Vita, Flyhigh Works): 7 / 7 / 6 / 6 - (26/40)
Chronus Arc (3DS, Kemco): 7 / 7 / 8 / 7 - (29/40)
Tatakae Buta-San (3DS, Mechanic Arm): 7 / 6 / 7 / 7 - (27/40)
Shippuu no Usagi-Maru: Nazo no Karakuri Shiro (3DS, Arc System Works): 7 / 8 / 7 / 6 - (28/40)
Monokage Quest (3DS, Poisoft): 8 / 6 / 8 / 7 - (29/40)
Deaitama (3DS, Starsign): 6 / 6 / 7 / 6 - (25/40)

MoveTheGlow3311d ago (Edited 3311d ago )


Yeah, I think everyone's converging on a solid 9 at this point. Jeremy Parish (at USGamer), who seems to share a lot of my sensibilities in gaming, gave it a 10, so I'm pretty psyched.

3-4-53311d ago

Can't wait to make my own Mario games.

TeamLeaptrade3311d ago

Glad to hear it. I knew this game was going to be great, and I can't wait to finally play it.


Taking A Look At - Aaru's Awakening

Clipping Error take a look at Aaru's Awakening. They go through how the game feels to play, beat the first boss, and give a recommendation based on what they've experienced in their time with it.

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Aaru's Awakening Review | Xbox Culture

Aaru's Awakening is a hand-drawn, 2D action platformer, developed by Lumenox Games. The game puts the player in control of Aaru, a mythical creature with two unique abilities; teleportation and charging. You must use these abilities as you travel through the dangerous world of Lumenox to defeat an evil entity, facing many obstacles and enemies along the way.

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IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3439d ago

"The aim of the game is to travel through each level as quickly as possible to either receive a bronze, silver, or gold medal. Sounds simple, right? Wrong. As I stated earlier, the game is unnecessarily difficult, with low target times, making it really hard to achieve a gold, or even silver medal. This combined with the difficult control system, it's hard not to find the game really frustrating and just want to give up. I've spent quite a lot of time on the game, trying to understand the system and get to grips, but I'm finding it very difficult to achieve anything more than a bronze medal on most levels. The level isn't simply just to run from one end to the other as fast as possible, there are many obstacles and enemies in the way, with a few checkpoints spread throughout. Dying comes thick and fast in the game, even touching enemies and falling in to pools of lava, it's far too easy to die. To achieve gold medals, you're going to have to have a whole lot of luck, or be greatly skilled."

Translation: It's too hard. 4/10