
MangaGamer To Bring Full 14-Chapter Higurashi Series To Steam

MangaGamer have acquired Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hou, the latest game in the Higurashi series, featuring two new characters and new story content.

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Best Visual Novels You Should Definitely Try Out

KeenGamer: "We have the best visual novels to suggest to you, but we do recognize that many gamers don’t consider visual novels as games. Sluggishly leafing through dialogues, from time to time making choices. Additionally, many don’t like the anime style of the genre. Maybe we can change your mind."

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Unknown_Gamer57941339d ago

The House in Fata Morgana definitely deserves more attention.

SaveFerris1339d ago

I haven't heard of Hideo Kodzima before.

Yui_Suzumiya1339d ago

Root Letter was really amazing

1338d ago

What are sound novels and kinetic novels?

Visual novels went from being a rare genre outside of Japan to one we see appearing on major consoles! This is great news, but it also means that there can be some ambiguity. Lots of games are having the “visual novel” label applied to them. Which is fine for beginners, but it does not really show how distinct and unique some games can be. There are different categories falling under the visual novel umbrella, after all. With games like Nekopara and 428: Shibuya Scramble finding their ways to consoles, now is a great time to go over the different kinds of visual novels, so you can be better informed before you start reading!

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Following Steam's Crackdown on Games with Adult Content, MangaGamer Debuts on GOG

After Valve threatened publishers and developers of visual novels with mild adult content, MangaGamer has found a new home for its titles.

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iofhua2219d ago


I love GOG and I hope they make themselves a home for visual novels, especially ones with a little fan service.

It looks like Steam is going to regulate itself to death. On one hand they can't stop the influx of cheap crap games and unfinished games, on the other hand they crack down on legit games because of fan service. It's kind of sad to watch.

agent45322219d ago

Agreed, Valve is becoming too complacent. I miss the time limited deals or buy indie games to unlock a major game, etc. I am still pissed that Steam Greenlight is gone. I hate they censored games due to fan service or nudity 😞

agent45322219d ago

Come On Gabe and his team. What is the point of the media touting that majority of gamers are in their 30s or older and still treated like kids. What is wrong with adult content on games?