
Assassin's Creed Chronicles Preview | PC Gamer

PC Gamer - Assassin's Creed Chronicles consolidates the series' epic tale of parkouring and stabbing into two-and-a-half dimensions, while broadening its perspective to even more historical eras and exotic locals. Rather than focusing on just one time period, Chronicles will release in separately sold episodes, with a new character and time period for each. The first of these stars a female assassin in Ming Dynasty China, the next is set in 19th century Russia, and the third in colonial India.


Those Non-Compatible Ubisoft Games On PS5 Are Compatible After All

Despite what Ubisoft previously suggested, all their non-compatible games are compatible with the PlayStation 5.

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QuePasa871306d ago

It seems they didn't have a real answer prepared and just wanted to under promise initially.


A Look at All of the Stealth Games Available on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "The stealth genre is one that some would argue doesn’t even exist – many titles include stealth elements, but actually fit into one of a number of other genres like action, platformer, or third-person shooter. Ever since the breakout success of the Metal Gear franchise (in particular Metal Gear Solid), though, the genre seems on much more stable footing and it demonstrated that you can have a veritable blockbuster on your hands relying only on stealth mechanics as the main gameplay element.

In recent years we’ve seen other things like Assassin’s Creed, Hitman and Splinter Cell continue to push the genre forward, although it still has somewhat limited appeal. Thankfully, the Vita has a healthy selection of stealth games available (and even more with backwards-compatibility), meaning if you’re looking to do some sneaking on the go then you’ll be well served with the console."

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We Will Keep Writing This Article Until Ubisoft Uses These 8 Settings For Assassin's Creed

Twinfinite Writes: The Assassin's Creed series has been all around history at this point, but there are still plenty of time periods that would be a perfect fit for the franchise.

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Mr_cheese2156d ago

The amount of ACs released, im sure all 8 will eventually be covered hahaha

zerocarnage2156d ago

Yeah although I wouldn't like a wild west one.

I would say the hundred year war would be my favourite and world war settings.

But as mr_cheese says am sure they will all get covered at some point..

I would like a spartacus one most of all though, that would of been there best story for the next assassins creed in my eyes, especially if a good portion of the game was to be captured, be raised in a ludus, fight for freedom in the collesium and raise hordes to kill off the Romans..

Skuletor2155d ago

Even if they used 7 of these, you'd still find a way to make a multiple page article out this topic.

goldwyncq2155d ago

I really don't understand the obsession with a Japanese setting. We already have 3 big games set in Ancient Japan coming out next year, we seriously don't need another one.

2154d ago
Silly gameAr2155d ago

I don't think constantly writing about something is going to change anyone's mind when they already have plans to do something a certain way . It will eventually only make your readers annoyed, and you look obsessive.

rainslacker2155d ago (Edited 2155d ago )

It's twinfinite. All they do is regurgitate the same articles over and over again.

Oh well, at least now we can flag those articles as duplicates, and cite this article as the original source.

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