
Twine story gives humorous look at writing for AAA games

Matthew Burns has released his latest Twine interactive story, The Writer Will Do Something. It's a commentary on the life of a lead writer working for a triple-A game studio on a doomed project.

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Writing Games: Does This Twine Game Explain ‘Destiny’ Story Problems?

Matthew S. Burns is no stranger to game development. He’s done production work on Destiny, several Halo games, and many Call of Duty games. He’s also released four games independently. One of his most interesting releases is The Writer Will Do Something, a biting look at the world of writing games for AAA studios.

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How tough can game making be? One AAA dev offers a playable answer

No one sets out to make a bad game, but bad games still get made all the time. The exact process of how a bad game comes into being, however, can be a bit opaque to those of us who haven't experienced the game development process first hand. Today's massive, billion-dollar video game studios are sprawling, multi-headed beasts with hundreds of employees and countless moving parts. Even with unfettered internal access, it's hard to get a handle on where things exactly went wrong in a flop's development.

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