
Montreal’s Minority Media is working on one of the first Canadian-developed VR games, Time Machine

Montreal-based video game studio Minority Media is betting virtual reality will be the future of gaming with their upcoming title, Time Machine, an unconventional first-person VR adventure set in the year 2070 that also features dinosaurs.

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Unreal VR Blog Reveals New Time Machine Screenshot

VRFocus - It is a busy time for the video game industry as a whole, with the console market looking to get its second wind of this generation with half an eye on the generation afterwards if rumours are to be believed. Major studios are re-evaluating their position within the market as a whole and, of course, virtual reality is about to hit full force with both the Oculus Rift and Valve-backed HTC Vive on the horizon.


Minority to Demo Time Machine on Oculus Rift Crescent Bay at E3

Canadian developer Minority has today revealed that not only will they be attending this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Los Angeles, next month, but in addition they will be offering hands-on demos with their virtual reality (VR) project, Time Machine, utilising Oculus VR’s latest head-mounted display (HMD) protoype: Crescent Bay.

starchild3404d ago

That sounds like a cool concept.

FullmetalRoyale3404d ago

I really don't understand what race has to do with this...



Playing Time Machine Is like Riding the Magic Schoolbus for Real | Hardcore Gamer

Minority has turned Rift into a time machine, allowing players to leap back into the distant past and examine prehistoric creatures firsthand.

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