
Petition to Bring Bloodborne to PC Claims From Software “Betrayed” Gamers

CraveOnline: "A Change.org petition to bring Bloodborne to the PC has nearly garnered its required number of signatures, with its creator claiming that developer From Software has “betrayed” PC gamers by releasing their latest title exclusively on the PS4."

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lelo2play3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )


I agree.
Since Sony produced the game, I highly doubt it will come to the PC. Sony's single player games very rarely reach the PC.
If it was Microsoft, maybe it could get released on the PC.

Those are not single player games.

"Sony's single player games very rarely reach the PC."

ThunderPulse3412d ago


Death3412d ago

Bloodborne isn't single player though. There is a co-op and PvP mode.

With Sony selling off Sony Online Entertainment I doubt we will see much PC support if any though.

Aloy-Boyfriend3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )


It doesn't have to do anything with being SP or MP. Those games listed above were made by SOE, which they were PC first guys even thought they were owned by Sony. Those games would have never been released on the Bone with Sony as SOE parent, but now they aren't, and they will release games on Xbox.

What Lelo basically tried to say is that Sony doesn't release PS4 games on PC. Seriously people, get all the consoles if you don't want to feel ''Betrayed.''

yewles13412d ago


Those aren't Sony anymore.

imt5583412d ago



blitz06233412d ago

The funny part is if the game didn't get great reviews there would be no such petition. You'd just hear 'you console gamers can keep that garbage'

Dir_en_grey3412d ago Show
MysticStrummer3412d ago

@ThunderPulse - Those games were on PC first and made by the former Sony Online Entertainment.

OT - lol @ "betrayed".

Gamer19823412d ago

Also those games were SOE although Sony in name they were NOT Sony games just backed by Sony they were more 3rd party than 1st.

JasonKCK3412d ago

"Those aren't Sony anymore." I'm not sure but I think that was his/her point.

nX3412d ago

Hillarious, seems like people have no idea how these things work. As long as the intellectual property belongs to Sony, you will never see this game on any other platform. You can either keep dreaming or just buy a PS4 if you want to play it.

starchild3412d ago

I have Bloodborne for my PS4 and it is a fantastic game. I'd definitely prefer to play it on my PC, but it's not available there. It is what it is.

That said, I don't condone this behavior among the platform holders. I don't agree with Microsoft buying timed exclusivity to Rise of the Tomb Raider, nor do I agree with Sony buying exclusivity to a third party game in a popular, former multi-platform series.

Sure, Bloodborne has a different name and setting along with some gameplay differences, but for all intents and purposes it's a spiritual successor in the Souls series. It's going to appeal to most of the same people. Now, instead of From Software's forth Souls-like game being able to be enjoyed by gamers on the platform they enjoyed the Dark Souls games on it's locked to only one platform due to an exclusivity deal.

Still, I don't feel betrayed, I simply don't agree with the practice of console makers buying exclusivity to third party games.

morganfell3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

Sony didn't buy exclusivity for Bloodborne. If the game was being made and paid for by From Software and Sony said, "Hey, we will pay you to make that exclusive or timed exclusive" then I would agree to your point. That isn't the case with Bloodborne. Bloodborne would not have been made had Sony not put forward the development funds.This was cooperative development paid for by Sony and their involvement with Miyazaki began before development commenced.

mikeslemonade3412d ago

I think it comes to PC in 3 years. That's just my prediction. It's great to have exclusives over multiplatform. The load times would be even better on the PC. However I will be playing BB2 by then!

bmf73643412d ago

Even so, those games listed are from what used to be Sony Online Entertainment. They're third party now and took their IP's with them.

mep693412d ago

Technically not a single player game.

Sevir3412d ago

Lol. PC gamers pipe down. The game isn't being made solely by From Software. It's an IP owned by Sony Computer Entertainment , Sony Japan formed a relationship with From Software to create bloodborne. That partnership was forged when Sony Japan and From Software co developed Demon's Souls. It's the same thing.

The whole reason why Dark Soul's exist is because of Demon's Souls surprise popularity.

If you PC gamers want to fund a Dark Souls 3 go buy Dark Souls 2.

LordMaim3412d ago

@mikeslemonade: It will probably take as long as it did for Demon's Souls to come out for PC.

SnakeCQC3412d ago

Ms doesnt really care for pc gamers otherwise the halo collection would be out. Sony has a ton of games like hiz1 that are only on pc atm.

k3rn3ll3412d ago

SCEA is different than SOE.

Planetside, DC Univers, and Everquest are SOE games. Those games were developed specifically for PC and is why they are there and sometimes come to PS.

SOE almost always are restricted to PS platforms. I cant think of any off the top of my head but there are a couple.

Also- Bloodborne is a multiplayer game as well. Just not a online only multipplayer game like the others

It's funny because for years alot of PC gamers complained about MS keeping exclusives exclusive to Xbox and not coming to windows. Now that almost all of their exclusives are coming to PC at some point people complain about games NOT being exclusive to xbox. Its a damned if you do damned if you dont situation. Like so many things in this industry are.

AliTheSnake13412d ago

And half of them will pirate it.

3412d ago
UltraNova3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )


"I don't get why PC gamers think they make everything better because you can mod PC games."

You forgot the "my GPU is bigger, badder, stronger than yours" statement...


BB has more in common with Demons (a ps3 exclusive)than it has with DS if its any help to you. And I don't recall you 'expressing your feelings' about Sunset Overdrive's identical deal.

extermin8or3411d ago

@ultra nova: sunset overdrive deal wasn't identical Microsoft don't own the IP. For bloodborne Sony do. Honestly this game came because of the Relationship SCEJ had with from software from demon's souls. Had they not messed up predictions on its popularity and given it worldwide distribution then Dark Souls would have been ps exclusive aswell I imagine. Dark souls 2 was made by a different team, mkyazaki clearly likes working with Sony as it appears to allow him a certain amount of creative freedom companies like Namco bandi clearly didn't allow.

XB1_PS43411d ago

I don't even need it on PC. Normally I would rather play on PC because I like those frame rates and pixels, but Bloodborne plays great on PS4. I really don't care if it comes to PC or not. That said, petty petitions like this are childish. The game will go where it goes. The PS4. The IP is owned by Sony. They're not letting it go.

Sheikh Yerbouti3411d ago

More to the point re: ThunderPulse. Those are MMO's which were made for PC by the FORMER SOE, not by SCE.

WellyUK3411d ago

It's not SOE anymore it's Daybeak Games... Expect to see PS2 and H1z1 on multiplatform.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 3411d ago
NecotheSergal3412d ago ShowReplies(6)
Brotard3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

I'm so sick of seeing this, from software did nothing wrong they CODEVELOPED (it wasnt just from anyway, japan studios helped) a game with funds from sony. Its also sonys ip, if you are sooo butthurt get a ps4, thats why its exclusive, to sell ps4s. And the whole sony releases games on pc why not this.... well if you didn't know sony just sold its pc development studio. they have officially moved away from pc.

These kind of people taint the word gamer for me.

@stapleface, just because a company developed a game for a system you can't change settings on doesn't mean they betrayed you.

@bc_master_haze no its not people like your friend that im upset about, its the people claiming from software has BETRAYED them. From has always worked closely with sony anyway

Stapleface3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

I have a ps4. Believe it or not there are logical reasons other than the childish "butthurt" logic that your mind comprehends. Options come to mind. You know in the settings how in most games you can change from 1080p to 1440p, increase AA, etc..oh wait...

@Brotard I never said they did. That's the person writing the article. I'd agree with you, that no it doesn't mean that at all.

BC_Master_Haze3412d ago

While I understand your point, it is Sony's IP and petitioning it to come to PC is about as pointless as petitioning Uncharted to come to PC, I don't think you can blame them for trying. They made their case, but it's not happening, no harm done. I'm sure there are extreme "Master Race" gamers in there, they're probably who wrote that they feel betrayed by FromSoftware.

But you see my friend signed this petition, simply because he doesn't have a PS4, just XB1 and PC, and I don't think that's someone who's tainting the word gamer. He said if it comes down to it (and it will) he's getting a PS4 for this game.

Loktai3412d ago


I just dont get the logic, not saying you specifically but in general what is with this feeling of entitlement. Why dont you see this shit happening over Mario games, or where is the petition to bring any of the other big console exclusives... last of us?

Im a PC gamer myself, its this mentality people get . PC gamers are like guys who own V8 trucks, its capable of more and has a load of torque and look down on someone with a civic or a subaru or something- in an actual race the civic or subaru might win but they're looking at specs, numbers and overall capability. They want the game and they'll spend 500 on a video card and 300 on ram, but not 300-400 on a console to play a game they're willing to whine so much about that they will make a stinkin petition.

I understand "options" but 1080p is fine, the game was designed to run on PS4 and it runs well, and the double standard IS REAL because look, PC gamers love love love indie games and are willing to play those , even on a high end PC they'll play smaller indie games "because its fun" and why because its on PC, then when its a console game looking a load better than any indie game at any resolution because its still a pixelated mess at 1440p, they whine and want a petition.

MY advice to these individuals is for the amount of time you'd be waiting for a port just wait, the game will be there in a year- it probably wont happen, 99% wont happen but if it doesnt by then a PS4 will probably be 250 used and the game will be 40, if you care THAT Much you have options and its not the only game worth owning a PS4 for at all, if you dont have anything else to play in the meantime Im sorry.

Ickythump313412d ago

@Loktai I agree with you 100% but at the end of the day people just like to complain.

Morpheuzpr3412d ago

Stupid people are always the most opinionated. They don't understand From software and Sony's relationship. Basically the way they work together is that Sony is paying for From Software's game engine development. In return they get exclusivity for the first game they make with it. It was that way with Demon Souls and now it's the same for Blood Born.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3412d ago
Agrim3412d ago

Omg I was just going to post that xD

wolf5813412d ago

they betrayed their self for not buying a console and stick with their pc..so stop crying like a 5 years old and go get a ps4, this is the only way to play bloodborne and many more to come....just like i got wiiu for zelda and x1 for halo....

Clunkyd3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

@Wolf I completely agree.

"Master Race" begging for games, Isn't that what "peasants" would do? GG
I thought the PC platform had the biggest library of PC exclusives. Oh I see, You want quality.

Sorry, I'm not knocking PC gamers. This is a straight jab to PC elitists.

starchild3412d ago

Ok, there's nothing wrong with wanting good games on your preferred platform. Especially when it's from a third party developer whose games you've already enjoyed on said platform.

And if there is something wrong with it, I don't want to see Playstation owners asking for The Witcher, Witcher 2, Star Citizen or any other PC game.

Christopher3412d ago

***Especially when it's from a third party developer whose games you've already enjoyed on said platform. ***

Just because a third-party developed it, doesn't make it a third-party game. It's a first-party title. Let's not act obtuse on that regard.

rainslacker3412d ago


wanting a game, and claiming that the dev "betrayed the gamers" are two entirely different things.

I doubt most people would have much issue with the petition itself, as useless as it is, if it had left out the entitled accusatory tone of the nature of the petition.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3412d ago
Genuine-User3412d ago

Most of the people signing this petition are either clueless or pretentious.

Christopher3412d ago

Only two out of more than 50 games made it to PC that were developed by From Software.

Was this the straw that broke the camel's back or are people just uninformed and whiny?

starchild3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

That's not true. Ninja Blade is on PC and I'm sure there are others as well.

And why wouldn't Souls fans on PC be disappointed that Bloodborne is not available on their platform?

It's not that surprising. Whether anybody should sign a petition over it is another subject altogether.

Christopher3412d ago

***And why wouldn't Souls fans on PC be disappointed that Bloodborne is not available on their platform? ***

Disappointed is different than "betrayed" and creating a pointless petition when Sony owns the IP and paid for the game to be made. It's not like From Software went to Sony and said "we want to make a game" and Sony said "fine, but only if it's PS4 only." What happened is Sony approached From Software to make a game on their platform and they paid for it.

I'd love to see Sunset Overdrive on PS4 and PC. I don't feel betrayed. MS gave them what they wanted and it's why the game was made at all. There is no betrayal here, only the best way for the game to be made at all.

And, the mass majority of From Software games, at least 90%, are not available on PC. I went quickly through the list and only two were even listed for PC. Could have missed a handful of others, but I also undersold how many they've made.

Criti-Choco3412d ago


The same thing happened with Demon Souls, that also never got a port which is why Dark Souls was made, Bloodborne will probably get another counterpart in later years but I doubt it will ever be worth the time petitioning for this one to be ported.

starchild3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

To be clear, I think the petition is pointless. Sony published the game and owns the brand, it's highly unlikely they would release it on PC.

I also think that using terms like "betrayed" is silly and overly dramatic.

However, if people want to vent their frustrations or feel like they are being heard by signing a petition then let them. I don't have any problem with that in and of itself.

I don't think From Software, or any other company, OWES me something. They don't. Nevertheless, I do have ideas about how I would prefer them to operate. I don't like when Sony or Microsoft buy exclusivity to games made by third party developers. I'm consistent about this.

I think Sony and Microsoft should focus on bringing fresh content from their internal studios. If they want more internal studios I think they should hire, staff and build them from the ground up, not buy up established studios with fanbases on other platforms.

I know that whenever one of these third party exclusivity situations crops up fans of the console getting the exclusivity usual come up with all kinds of reasons why this time it's really different. But I honestly don't put much stock into those excuses. The developers and publishers always try to make it sound like the partnership was essential to the creation of the game, but I'd be willing to bet in most cases it's just rhetoric.

I think a very probable scenario in the case of Bloodborne is that Sony saw how successful the Souls games were and went to From Software and asked if they could get exclusivity to the next game in the series. From Software probably said no, so Sony suggested that they make a very similar game but with a different name. The idea was acceptable to From Software and terms were agreed upon. Then they make the announcement and, to assuage the frustrations of fans on other platforms, they make all these proclamations about how the partnership was vital to the creation of the game and how it wouldn't be possible on any other platform.

But, you know, that's business. It's not a huge deal, I simply don't prefer for that kind of thing to happen.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3412d ago
Kidmyst3412d ago

Whiny self entitled gamers these days. But that gives me an idea, I should start a petition to bring Zelda to PC now so I don't have to buy a Wii U.

nitus103411d ago

You can get the NES, SNES, N64 as well as Gameboy roms and play them by emulator however this is illegal so unless you have a peg-leg and a green parrot on your shoulder don't do it ;-)

RedDeadLB3412d ago

I agree in a sense that this is the bitchiest form of asking for PC support.

There is no betrayal in the gaming industry, there is only business.
I'm all for as many games as possible coming to PC since I'm primarily a PC gamer, but I won't be supporting this petition. It's disrespectful, it's unprofessional and, as you've said, a pathetic attempt.

Aceman183412d ago

I'll just say to them good luck with it lol.

magiciandude3412d ago

PC gamers brighter than this far outnumber a couple random kids writing up some crybaby petition. This doesn't reflect the entire PC gamer community.

Loktai3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

True, I game on whatever is near me at the time, PC console or mobile. Some people base their self worth over the platform it seems. Definitely not me or most of the people I know but some people are really convinced console games are akin to mobile games and are unplayable and anyone gaming on a console is an idiot... thats only a minority- but its a LOUD Minority.

BG115793412d ago

Agreed. Most PC supporters are always bragging about how the PC has more exclusives than consoles. It's pathetic to see them act like that...

Do the Gods envy the peasants over one game?

NuggetsOfGod3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

Honesty if I see more and more games like bloodbourne I will get a ps4 next to my pc.

Obviously this not coming to pc lol

If it was an xbox game maybe.

Least pc gamers get no mans, sf5 and hellblade.

To have every game be on your platform of choice would be great but won't happen.

I'll see what ps4 is looking like down the road.

Bloodbourne is a potenial system seller for me.

MRMagoo1233412d ago

Well I find my gaming needs are completely satisfied having a gaming pc and ps4. Pc for games like skyrim with mods, rts and turn based and the ps4 for games I can't get anywhere else.

DemonChicken3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

Going by this logic I should create a petition for every PS4/PC/Wii U/X1/PS3/360/3DS/VITA exclusive game that doesn't come to PS4/PC/Wii U/X1/PS3/360/3DS/VITA =)

pixelsword3412d ago

Why do they want it? It's not 60fps, 1080p; the criteria they keep on bashing other console exclusive games for not being.

Loktai3412d ago


It COULD be.

_____________________________ __
Fixed it for you.
Depends on the rig doesnt it? Look at unity,
it ran like shit on all platforms and obviously a higher end PC is going to run it better but just saying, PC Doesnt automatically mean "runs well" on every rig.

GamingTruth3412d ago

I don't know about 'would be' or 'could be' despite the pc no matter how much anyone could put in it unless sony themselves made the hardware, some people overestimate on paper specs; which is why I suspect its automatically, "pc could run it better."

But people forget despite pc having so many new gpus and cpus and hardwares; the little "weakling" ps4 is made by sony, which is a movie making company; and are Japanese.

I don't think anything on sony platforms or even Microsoft platforms will just look better on pc; unless pc was the primary lead platform in the first place for a particular games engine or else we would see a order 1886 or driveclub level game in graphics on pc by now.

MadLad3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

That statement is pathetic, but so are the reactions to it. That statement is not representative of PC gamers as even a majority. Let alone a whole.
The average gamer does, indeed, get the concept of exclusives and the idea of those who pay for a title's existence being the deciding factor of what to do with it.
This shouldn't be turned into the "F**k PC gamers" s**t show that N4G let it become.

The comment is immature . . . but so is the response, from what I've seen.

Corpser3412d ago

While you're there also sign the petition to bring Titanfall and Tomb Raider to ps4, yes there's a petition for every game that's not on every platform

hiredhelp3412d ago

As PC Gamer this is just stupid so we got dark souls, this is a new IP for sony only I dont see xbox getting it eaither jees.

masa20093412d ago

Pretty dumb yes, but no more pathetic than the thousands of console gamers whining about Bayonetta 2 not being on their platform of choice and calling Platinum sellouts.

hiredhelp3412d ago

Yeh but bayonetta first hit both consoles was well recieved did very well, So i can see why many were supprised no2 being Nintendo only.

Mr_Writer853412d ago

Bloodborne is a new IP

Bayonetta was multiplatform, in fact despite the awful port, the PS3 version sold the most.

So after supporting a new IP, only to find a shitty port of the 360 version, and then told that you won't be able to buy the sequal.

I think I can at least see the point of those who bought it on PS3's frustration.

masa20093411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

Mr_Writer85 Your frustration doesn't make insults directed at Platinum any less dumb.
Sega would not fund a sequel.
Sony could have stepped to the plate and did not.
Nintendo did, making the game possible.
End of story.
A developer will try to find the best possible publishing partner, and if the publisher demands exclusivity in exchange of their development support, that's what will happen.

Big_Game_Hunters3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

Yup, almost as pathetic as when PS4 gamers were saying MS betrayed gamers with tomb raider, oh how quickly we forget. Its okay though, i'm just happy PS4 finally got a worthwhile game. Next is uncharted in 2016, i'll buy one then for XV and KH3 as well assuming they don't get announced for PC.

Conzul3412d ago

lol, since when were PS4 gamers so IN LOVE with Tomb Raider? None of us felt betrayed at all.

Some people voiced some *minor annoyance - nothing on par with these whiney pc gamers ( who will shell out $1k+ on a good rig but not $400 on a PS4 which will have the same gfx as a $1k rig)

Big_Game_Hunters3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

@conzul i'm not going to argue with someone that has bad memory or won't accept the truth.

also 1k rigs aren't running games at 900p unstable 30 frames lol

GamingTruth3412d ago

yeah big_game_huners,

I mean who would want a pc which cant even run a game with wet clothing and hair physics and snow and sand erosion and footprint technology from the ps3 LAST generation, let alone anything near driveclub and order 1886 and even killzone shadowfall graphics or even infamous ss graphics ingame

kenshiro1003411d ago

Oh cry me a river.

This situation with Bloodborne is way different from Tomb Raider. Don't try to compare the two please.

Elvick3411d ago

That's not "PS4" gamers. It's Tomb Raider fans. Which includes gamers who play on PS3 (since Rise is on 360 too), PS4 and PC.

That's not the same situation. Rise of Tomb Raider was always going to be made. They said the next TR was in development already not that long after the reboot came out. And there was no question there'd be another one. It's Tomb Raider, it's iconic.

The series was with PlayStation and PC from the very beginning. So the fact that Eidos/SE would make that deal is in fact pretty crappy thing to do to their long time fans on those platforms.

MS gets a game they were already getting. SE gets a pay check. And long time fans on PlayStation and PC are left waiting a year or more until they can play the game.

Bloodborne, is the second spiritual successor of Demon's Souls. A PS3 exclusive collaboration between Sony Japan Studio and From Software. Which is what Bloodborne is as well.

Sony funded and co-developed Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. They own the IPs, helped create and funded their existence.

Not the same thing at all.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3411d ago
NegativeCreep4273412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

Totally pathetic. BloodBorne is produced by SCE, so T.S. for all these PC gamers that supposedly feel "betrayed".

But just to show that I'm not too insensitive, Let's all have a moment of silence and play a little violin for all those poor little Alpha PC gamers that NOW realize that buying a $400 game console over a $1000+ PC rig has it's definite advantages...


Azzanation3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

I guess its not pathetic when Petitions came out for Titanfall, Bayonetta 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider etc.

Do I care if it's on PC? No.

ShaunCameron3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

Indeed. And you'd think that PC gamers be happy with what they already get for exclusives. SMH

DLConspiracy3412d ago

Personally the over generalizing in the comments below is unnecessary. Everyone is a gamer.

These petitions do not represent the sum of any platform or the general sum of its gamers. Petitions have been made from every platform including PS4, Xbox and so on. Stop hating each other because a person happens to game on something different than you.

tawak3412d ago

Pc master race, wants peasant console game eh?

_-EDMIX-_3412d ago

Sad...so what your telling me is that the PC fans don't know that Sony owns the IP?

If they are such fans....why don't they own a PS3 to play Demon Souls?

The deep, deep lolz....

krypt19833412d ago

Who is pathetic is you and the 276 agrees you have why are pc gamers pathetic because they want a game on the pc? i bet most of you loyalist live very sad jealous insecure lives. You guys don't have to worry though it's common sense to know that bloodborne will stay exclusive to the ps4 because it's the last exclusive game from software owes sony due to the demon souls contract. Im glad the sony platform is not my main gaming console you guys are miserable little kids more like entitled brats, i could give a shit less about the niche bloodborne/souls game if you have played one of them you have played all of them, weak combat with horrible timing to make the game hard but this time you will be watching a loading screen more then you will be playing. They couldn't even take the time to change the shitty ui from all these games they just paste new paths in a new hub world and new skins on bosses and you chumps praise it such a sad time in gaming...

cutthroatslim3412d ago

The butthurt is strong with you my son, go forth and seek a very strong hemroid cream :D

kingduqc3412d ago

I like the idea of being able to play the games I want on the platform I want (aka bloodborn on pc :P) but saying that from software "betrayed" gamers... I'll have to agree with you.

joab7773412d ago

Yeah, you do have the right to play it. Go buy a PS4. Thats why Sony did this.

How about, you get Bloodborne and I get every PC title I want on a PS4. Oh wait. I have a PC.

showtimefolks3412d ago

not gonna happen but a ps4 if you want to play it bad enough, sony owns the IP and funded the game.

its like saying uncharted 4 should be coming to pc

Bathyj3412d ago

Yeah, pathetic, but also hilarious?

Do people even know how the Souls games started?

Im not a fan so I dont recall from memory and please correct me if Im wrong, but as I see it (through wikipedia) Demon Souls came first. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment and Codeveloped by From Software and SCE Japan Studio. Much the same as Bloodborne. It was exclusive to PS3 and Im guessing the reason for that is Sony owns the IP. I'm also assuming it was Sony who invented this IP and turned to From Software to do the bulk of the work while lending a hand with Japan Studio so From wouldnt struggle so with the hardware. Again, much like Bloodborne.

Then came Dark Souls. Again, Im speculating based on what Im reading but it seems to me that From Software, happy with their new success and fame, decided since they couldnt make a new Demon Souls without being stuck on PS3 only again, decided to shop around, get another publisher and make a new game but simply call it Dark Souls to circumvent the copyright. It seems a bit cheeky, maybe even actionable legally but I guess no one cared enough to do anything about it and Sony and From Software probably had a good relationship with each other so that was that.

If anything PC gamers and Xbox gamers should be thanking Sony they got to play a Souls game at all since they were the catalyst for From Softwares most critically acclaimed series.

Flash forward to present day and history has repeated itself. Sony wanted to make a game, and they said lets ask our old buddies From to do it since it turned out so well before. Of course now were getting people without Playstations crying about not getting the game, and implying this is somehow the same thing as MS buying Tombraider (an established franchise born on a competitors machine,) and accusing From of being sellouts.

If my recount of the history is even close to correct, I think neither Sony nor From has done anything wrong here, and these whiners should be buying them a big fat apology cake for ever getting something which they now miss.

So in summary, Bloodborne is not a sequel. Its a new IP. A spiritual sequel yes, but Sony commissioning From to make it was no different to From making Dark Souls in the first place and basically copy catting a game (they made) but that none the less belonged to someone else. If anything the Series has come home to where it started so i dont see how anyone can be crying foul on this, unless they are simply not students of history.

Aither3412d ago

I am sorry but this has to be said. I am a PC gamer as much as the next person, but this petition is really sad. Let's point out the facts of why OP is correct in calling this pathetic.

PC's gamers always bash the console gamers due to their superior graphics, longer run of titles, and cheaper costs on ports, and the ones who brag about the cheaper costs are the ones who usually pirate games like Dark Souls and would be Bloodeborne if they had it.

Seriously there PC gamers always brag how their $2000.00 machine can produce graphics two times better than a $400.00 system, yet they cry and put up this immature petition cause they cannot afford something cheaper than a single part in their entire machine?

PC gamers criticize console exclusives claiming them to be inferior to anything the PC has to offer (and in some ways they are correct), but low and behold here comes a PS4 exclusive game that receives a vast amount of praise from critics and all of a sudden PC gamers are crying over their keyboards because they cannot have a Sony exclusive title. After all the bashing, all the showboating, all the "PC is master because you have no games" and now all of a sudden one PS4 exclusive and a game developer has "betrayed" them?

How selfish can a whole console fanbase be? This goes beyond the childish antics of Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo fanboy's as this is absolutely positively pathetic. After decades of PC fanboy's claiming to be the master race when it comes to games and now they feel "betrayed" because a company paid for for an exclusive to be developed which is why it saw the light of day?

Hey PC gamers, news flash you are entitled to NOTHING! If you wanted Bloodborne to come to PC than before Sony paid for it to be developed for the exclusive rights, than every PC gamer should have put their money into a Kickstarter program to support From Software to develop Bloodborne for the PC.

Let's not forget though that a lot of PC gamers feel so entitled that they brag about how they download games for free, and the same would've been said for Bloodborne. So why should From Software feel any sort of loyalty towards PC gamers?

With this said I am a PC gamer. I have a PC that could more than handle a higher textured Bloodborne than what the PS4 could offer. I enjoy playing on my PC more than my consoles since the PS4 was released because it has great games on it which are exclusive only to the PC, but you don't see any console fanboy's claiming that they were "betrayed" because they didn't get any of the PC "AAA" exclusives. I am happy that Sony paid for Bloodborne to be made, and I am glad that it turned out to be a great exclusive for the PS4 which was well needed. So PC fanboy's can shove their game stealing torrent downloading petition up where the sun doesn't shine, cry a river and know if you want to play Bloodborne you can do it on a much cheaper machine than your single video card at the cost of $400.00, and then purchase the Bloodborne and be happy you did.

r1sh123412d ago

i dont get why sony thinks its a bad thing to sell on PC?
They will just make more money.

Ive not understood Sony's business model, its like they want to lose more and more money sometimes.

And before all the crazy people start saying they make money, only 1 division makes money...
PS4 - no other division does.

Mr_Writer853412d ago

SCE would not make money buy selling there games on PC.

Only a moron would believe this, if the PS4 didn't have exclusives that people wanted it wouldn't sell, if it doesn't sell SCE doesn't make money, as the more PS4's you sell the more games come to your platform, the more games that come the more money you make. But having 3rd party games isn't enough, you need to make your console stand out.

That why they make exclusives.

To make people say "oh man now I need to buy a PS4".. Do you really think then that person (unless they are rich and can afford to) is just going to buy one game? No they will most likely buy more to get value for that PS4, maybe even buy Plus.

Even if that one person didn't sub to plus and buy any games, it would equal to 13 copies, if only 3,000 people bought a PS4 for Bloodborne that would £1,000,000.

To make that same amount on PC selling the game at £30, they would have to sell 33,000 copies, although bare in mind the cost of porting, marketing and having to pay the likes of Valve, and EA to have it on their stores eats into that profit.

So I am not convinced.

Bare in mind the amount of PC gamers who say they will wait for a sale would also effect sales and profit.

r1sh123411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

@Mr_Writer85 LMAO -
Firstly Im not the moron if I do not know how to use their, there and theyre properly.

Second - It would make money, youre assuming it would go on Steam, but Sony would of course make money.
Its almost free for them to put up a game on PC, the development costs would be minimal since they are working with similar hardware.

You're assuming way too many things here..
First the assumption of Ill buy more games on the PS4, I know plenty of people who only have fifa and do not buying anything else including PSN and XBL for both consoles.

Finally the PC market is much bigger than console and many years after the game was released people will continue to buy it, if its that good because the platforms dont change that much.
e.g I played Knights of the old republic on windows 8.1 almost 10 years after it was released.

if you compare like for like..

£40 for PS4
£30 for PC

Yes they would have to sell more on PC, but the market is bigger and getting a slice into it is the perfect business plan. A little of somthing large is much better than nothing of something.

BTW its not like console gamers dont wait to rent a game or possibly buy in on sale too.
How does the renting or pre-owned market affect sales and profits?
LOOL You took 1 side and didnt realise your argument was flawed.

Get your con-deluded facts together before you talk.

They could easily sell DVDs or codes which are added to steam as non steam games, but they would exist in the players library and have a place to download to.

selling to more people is more profit, even if the margins would be a little less on PC, why would anyone that knows business stop themselves doing that?

joeorc3411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )


1st off Playstation is not the only section of Sony that makes Money.

and as for this:

"i dont get why sony thinks its a bad thing to sell on PC?
They will just make more money.

Ive not understood Sony's business model, its like they want to lose more and more money sometimes. "

And What? Make the perception of the playstation platform that less viable?

think about that, you ask why? Its very freaking Simple: if BloodBorne released on PC, what freaking Main OS would a Bloodborne Port for PC would Sony than be having to make along with from software.. what OS would be powering the PC of gamers , which OS of the PC in which this game would be needed to in order to gather the most sales?

would that be Microsoft Windows OS? when many Gamers Call PC an Open Platform for Gaming is it really when the main AAA games for PC are only made for Microsoft Windows OS?

That is the main Point don't you think?

thus How in Gods Green Earth would Sony want the PS4 Exclusive to than Be Viewed as a freaking Multi platform game also on a Non Playstation Platform that Sony spent Millions on in development Costs, and thus the perception of the PS4 "still has no freaking Games" be posted over and over on Gamer forums even More.

That only helps Microsoft's and the Xbox Platform even more .while hurting the perception of the playstation platform more.

PC games are still seen via perception as a ( Microsoft exclusive )
even though PC does not mean only a OS powered by only windows Microsoft OS in order to be a standard of "PC" there is Linux, and Mac and spark, and Unix etc.

but the main Point is In all blunt terms the vast majority of PC gaming is seen as Microsoft windows Powered Exclusive Play ground.

That is exactly why many even consider any xbox platform game that goes to PC still is a (Microsoft exclusive)

but reverse that for example

SOE games for example some were running on the PS3 and some on the PS4, but then those very same games were also on PC. So Many see why would I need to get a Ps3 or Ps4 when the same game is on a Microsoft platform anyway.

That's exactly why BloodBorne is only on the freaking PS4
its not about the Money they could gain from PC sales, its the idea of taking in more money at the expense of their own d@mn platform.

the point is Many would say why get a playstation when those games are also on Microsofts platform already...why not just stick with Microsoft.

So how does that make playstation as a platform more viable to also release one of its Main AAA budget games to also release on a Microsoft Platform when Sony is trying to sell a Damn Playstation?

its freaking common sense.

r1sh123411d ago


What other Sony divisions make money?
The laptop/computer business got sold off, the mobile phone business is about to be spun off.
They are making more losses year on year.

TV Not making money
Films - Not making money

Gaming the only division to make money, any others.. nope?
Every article including FT states this clearly, the number 1 commercial money making division of Sony is Insurance and thats only in japan.
A side from that the PS4 - thats it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3411d ago
I_AM_ CANADIAN_19893411d ago

I don't think fromsoft did anything wrong to pc gamers but seriously nobody can deny the fact that bloodborne on ps4 has a limiting FPS I swear the game goes from 30 to 20 very frequently even indoors where fps should be steady. After playing ds 2 on pc at 60fps locked no stutter I really think fromsoft souls games insanely benefit from 60fps. Really like the combat and graphics only negative I have for bloodborne is the stutter and frame droppage. So tbh it's really not that crazy for gamers to want bloodborne at 60fps locked, which would have to be on pc to happen. for all the pc haters out there just think of Ds 2 on PC 60fps than switch it out with bloodborne at 60fps and try not to cream your pants. This is coming from a guy that bought demons souls on PS3, dark souls on ps3, dark souls 2 on ps3 and PC and I bought bloodborne on ps4 and I'd definately support a pc version of bloodborne in a year with extra dlc content added. I love ps4 having exclusives but I know I'd love bloodborne more at 60fps, wouldn't you ? Once you play a souls game at 60fps locked it's hard to go back to the stutters even if the graphics are better.

WellyUK3411d ago

Entitled fan boys... Sony needs a way of luring people to it's console, this is how they do that... If every game was available on PC then there is NO need for consoles... Also it's only getting this stuff because the game is actually good.

JsonHenry3411d ago

This is why I own a PS4 AND a PC. Get it together guys.

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 3411d ago
Gazondaily3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

It doesn't take much to start a petition these days. Petitions like this are commonplace. We saw it with Sunset Overdrive as well.

It wouldn't surprise me if there is a petition to force all the people in the world to eat cereal with chopsticks.

NeverHeavyMan3412d ago

In Sunset's case, though, I could understand it, given it's still owned by a third party. In this case, it makes absolutely no sense at all. It's owned by SCE.

Gazondaily3412d ago

To be honest, From Software are the devs behind this and their Souls games came out on other platforms too so the same mentality could apply.

But yeah, this was made exclusively for Sony's platforms so fair enough. No petition is going to help that.

MasterCornholio3412d ago

"To be honest, From Software are the devs behind this and their Souls games came out on other platforms too so the same mentality could apply."

If they made a similar deal like they did with Demon Souls then Sony probably owns the IP and it wont ever come to any other platforms unless they let it.

But only if they made a similar deal like with Demonsouls.

Haru3412d ago

@Septic Sony Japan worked on this too not just From, From did most of the job but they had help from Sony to optimize the game and Sony also worked on some parts of the game

Gazondaily3412d ago

Yeah dont get me wrong, I don't think this will come to any other platforms at all.

Eonjay3412d ago


Its Sony's IP.

CYCLEGAMER3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

Regardless of who's IP it is, who made it, or if the studio used to be multiplat or not, there is no excuse for these silly petitions for games to come to your preferred platform. You as the consumer made your gaming decision on what platform YOU wanted to game on.

There were petitions for almost all of the xbox one exclusives. If you are a person who signed most of those petitions, clearly you like the games that Microsoft is offering, so why not buy an xbox?? Same goes for the Sony, if you like their games then go buy a ps4.

PC gamers, stop whining for console exclusives. Every game isn't going to come to any one console, which is why I buy them all.

Baka-akaB3412d ago

Not really , even if i get what you allude too ... Dark Souls were still different from Demon souls a bit . Not lesser because multiplatform , just different .

And we can guess one of the reasons why. SCE Japan was still quite involved in the development and it showed then with Demon , and now again with Bloodborne .

Kinda like how Tri Ace definitively helped helped out on the game with aspects of game design, art and programming for FFXIII-2 . Or Cambridge studios giving a big helping hand for Heavenly Sword's release .

DragonKnight3412d ago

I'm going to start a petition to ban petition sites from allowing people to make petitions. That'll show everyone.

bleedsoe9mm3412d ago

yes bloodborne is the worst case of strong armed business practice , its shocking FROM agreed to this kind of anti gamer relationship

KimDongHwan3412d ago

And this people forget that it was Sony in the first place that published Demon's Souls and letting this amazing game get to gamers hands. It's because they only know this game thanks to Dark's Souls.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3412d ago
Vegamyster3412d ago

Pretty much, I'm primarily a PC Gamer but i don't expect this game will ever come to PC since Sony is involved in the development with From Software, something the petition doesn't mention.

MasterCornholio3412d ago

Yep Japan studios helped them develop the game. I doubt it will ever come to a non Sony platform.

Stapleface3412d ago

It's not going to happen. This is why I also buy consoles. I totally get why people want it on pc though. There is nothing wrong with that.

subtenko3412d ago

HAHAHAHA Playstation Master Race! ;)

Honestly though, don't be mad..you want the game you'll have a PS4, simple as that. If not oh well, enjoy what you want! :D

jcnba283412d ago

I made this petition 2 years ago, funny thing is it actually happened. Doubt my petition was of much help though lol: https://www.change.org/p/pe...

Gazondaily3412d ago

There you have it folks. The man responsible for the re-release of Bayonetta on Wii U!

jcnba283412d ago

Why am I getting dislikes lol you people are so immature.

NeverHeavyMan3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

Nah, same mentality doesn't apply for several reasons. First, From has been working with Sony since the 90s. They generally receive an exclusive (or two) from them. Next, Sony Japan also worked on the game, just like Deep Down with Capcom.

There will either be a third Dark Souls or new IP altogether, for multiple platforms.

Gazondaily3412d ago

From Software has also made several Xbox exclusives. Otogi, Chromehounds and Metal Wolf Chaos.

DragonKnight3412d ago

The thing with Bloodborne is that it's likely that this game was actually Sony's idea that they approached FromSoft with given the Bloodborne trademark they registered awhile back. Even if it wasn't, FromSoft is actually just using Sony for future games. See, they are quite clever in that they'll get someone like Sony to fund and co-develop a game, creating an engine that works well for the PS4, and then they'll use what they've learned about some of the PS4's hidden talents (if any) to make better versions of PS4 versions of multiplat games.

They did this with Demon's Souls and the move to Dark Souls. So it's a mutually beneficial arrangement. I wouldn't be surprised if Bloodborne ends up being the PS4's Demon's Souls and a new IP almost identical but with a different name to Bloodborne shows up and is multiplat later.

Brotard3412d ago

People don't seem to realize that this was co developed by from software and studio japan.

ndub3173412d ago

How about a petition to stop stupid petitions

Christopher3412d ago

You mock my chopsticks stance now, Septic, but one day... you'll see the error of your ways as you're picking up Cheerios on a single stick and enjoying them as they easily fall into your mouth without much fuss.

Gazondaily3412d ago

So you want me to snort my porridge off a chopstick like I'm doing cocaine?

That's one petition I'm definitely not signing.

DragonKnight3412d ago

"So you want me to snort my porridge off a chopstick like I'm doing cocaine?"

You.... you mean that's not how you're actually supposed to eat it?

Dammit!!! My entire life and what I know about the world are shattered now.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3412d ago
Manubiggs3412d ago

Start with the Demon Souls petition then move onto Bloodborne

HammadTheBeast3412d ago

I think they did petition that and it didn't go anywhere either.

Saleem1013412d ago

Bloodborne is a sony game not going happen unless sony start tappin PC market...

shodai3412d ago

which they just got out of...

Baka-akaB3412d ago

Yeah it's unlikely for the next few years , when they even got rid of SOE their former mmo branch wich released pc titles

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Report: Bloodborne PS5 Version Listed in PlayStation Stars

PlayStation Stars has a Bloodborne PS5 version listed! Does this mean we're finally getting a Bloodborne remaster?

LG_Fox_Brazil16d ago


SimpleSlave16d ago

Not just for you. It WAS the game of that Generation and one of the greatest game ever made.

fr0sty15d ago

I tried so hard to get into it... just not my cup of tea. Maybe I'll try again if they drop a remaster.

Juiceup16d ago

Agreed. Easily one of my favorite games of all time.

jznrpg16d ago

It’s one of the best games all time for sure

Ethereal15d ago

Agreed. It was my favorite game from last generation as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 15d ago
kenpachi16d ago

Must be a mistake when you click on it goes back to PS4 everything else is listed for PS5

LordStig16d ago

Framerate drops in a souls game is not a problem. It's a challenge.

Tacoboto15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Base Xbox One version of a soulslike with stick drift and a faulty bumper for the biggest challenge

Abnor_Mal16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I’ve been playing the old hunters dlc recently, bought it when first released but just had it sitting. Finally got to it and just beat the lady in the clocktower. About to traverse the fishing village, when I finish the dlc I will start playing Forspoken.

Aloymetal16d ago

Yes sir!
I have spent an unhealthy amount of hrs on that game including the dlc, 2k to be more accurate lol. Love that game.

Abnor_Mal16d ago

Oh definitely agree with that.

@Aloymetal that’s insane hours of play, I thought I was doing something with my 334 hours lol

anast16d ago

It's amateur hour for me. I only got about 300. I got some work to do. I'm going to put in a couple right now. I just got re-hyped.

GaboonViper16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Enjoy Bro, the evil behind the clocktower is tense AF.

@Aloymetal I have just over 1K hours in Bloodborne, one of the best games ever.

Zenzuu16d ago

Forspoken is a horrible game. I tried giving it a chance, and spent quite a bit of time with it, but ended up dropping it.

OldDuffer15d ago

Each to their own. I loved playing it and really enjoyed the combat system. My wife now has over 200 hours and is still enjoying playing it.
That doesn't invalidate your feelings, but is offered to demonstrate that there are plenty of people who liked it regardless of bad press.

Elda16d ago

You waited 9 years to play the dlc...lol??

CantThinkOfAUsername15d ago

Don't forget to torture yourself a little with Laurence after you finish the Fishing Hamlet.

zaanan15d ago

If the giant shark dudes give you trouble, you can snipe them from doorways.

Aussiesummer15d ago

Oh the orphan of kos, he will show you such sites. Good luck.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 15d ago
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Bloodborne is now working on a PS4 emulator...kind of

Bloodborne is one of most highly requested PlayStation games that players want to see come to PC, and with the PS4 emulator it could happen.

Read Full Story >>

Nightmare Kart — A Brilliant Homage, And The Pinnacle Of Fan-Created Gems

Nightmare Kart is now out for you to enjoy the gothic Bloodborne world with a kart this time, and praise the majesty of fan-created projects.