
Like-A-Boss: B.B Woolfe

The editor-in-chief wrote: "This week I finished Woolfe The Red Hood Diaries. There are times when you don’t notice any stress levels during boss battles, and that was the experience I had with the final boss in The Red Hood Diaries. Spoiler Alert for those who didn’t play the game! Don’t continue to read if you don’t want read spoilers."

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Rebellion reward Woolfe The Red Hood Diaries Kickstarter backers with custom made Christmas Gifts

Rebellion, who recently aquired the IP for Woolfe The Red Hood Diaries have rewarded backers from the game with Christmas gifts including a custom Boxed version of the game and Hardcover Artbook.

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Rebellion Purchases Woolfe IP, Pledges to Deliver Missing Kickstarter Rewards

Independent UK developer Rebellion announced today it has purchased all assets and intellectual property rights related to Woolfe – The Red Hood Diaries.

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Great news and a great publisher/studio of one of my favorite franchises.

Skate-AK3259d ago

Awesome. Glad to have helped this happen by my recent purchase of Sinper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition.


GRIN's Woolfe, a Kickstarter Cautionary Tale for Developers & Backers

Marcus Estrada writes: "What does this mean for the over 2,000 backers of the project? Well, hopefully you received a digital game key if you backed at such a reward, as that appears it’s all you will have to remember the campaign by. GRIN confirmed they will not be able to ship out rewards even though most are otherwise ready to go. Postage is a huge expense which it seems was not collected as part of the Kickstarter. Tons of crowdfunding campaigns have found themselves destroyed by physical rewards."

Chanogram3329d ago

Kickstarter is VERY clear when you fund something that there is no guarantees. In this case, the company made a clear effort to deliver, but in the end, failed. I was someone who invested, and it sucks, but I knew it was a possibility.

If the idea of possibly NOT getting anything for you money worries you, then you should stay away from crowd-funding and buy the games when they officially release. For every game like this, there are a few that make it and turn out well though.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3329d ago

Sad to see this kind of thing happen. Did the game score well?

mkis0073329d ago

I almost backed this one...Just forgot about it until it had closed.