
Watch: 1080p State of Decay Xbox One Debut Trailer

Microsoft and Undead Labs on Thursday released the "debut" trailer for the upcoming Xbox One version of open-world zombie game State of Decay, which is called the Year One Survival Edition.

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SaveFerris3417d ago

This particular zombie game interests me more than the Dead Rising, Dead Island, and Dying Light games. It just seems to have more depth to it imo.

Christopher3417d ago

Looks okay. Can definitely tell that the porting from 360 held it back. But, doesn't at all look bad.

I don't know how it plays. How is the game? Is it a fairly generic zombie game or does it do something new and worthwhile?


This is actually a port from the 360...not the other way around.

AngelicIceDiamond3417d ago

@Chris Well it was a 360 game first afterall.

Christopher3417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )


What I said: "Can definitely tell that the porting FROM 360 held it back."

What you said: "This is actually a port FROM the 360..."


***Well it was a 360 game first afterall.***

That doesn't mean it couldn't have had more work to improve the porting. But, it's like DmC, mostly just upscaling of most things and very little fine tuning/reskinning otherwise. At least it's not as bad of a job as the DmC port, that's for certain.

But, what stands out the most is the 360 physics/lighting still remaining rather than being updated to the potential of the XBO.

IrishSt0ner3417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )

To answer your question.. Basically it's single player with permadeath (you can play as most community members) where you build bases, scavange for resources, build your community (by saving others and bringing them back), build character abilities etc... There's a good bit to it.

It's defintely individual and a good game that everyone should at least try (it's on PC too), you'll have a lot of fun playing through fisrt time and I hear the DLC has great replayability (the vanilla game doesn't really).

There are significant problems you'd need to put up with though.. like poor movement, poor framerate at times, some lackluster graphics, and other bugs.

Kryptonite42O3417d ago

@Irish, agreed

Great game and everyone who is a fan of zombie games should try it. Hopefully with the newest version on the new gen consoles will have many of the bugs fixed. The 360 version definitely had a lot of bugs, but was enjoyable regardless. I believe it was only $10 for the basic game not including dlc. but I could be wrong.

As fun as it is, I wish they would add online co-op. Would be great to scavenge for resources and kill zombies with a friend.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3417d ago
Chanogram3417d ago

I actually skipped this on 360 (not sure what was going on at the time), so i'm pretty excited to get the chance to play this on the One.

Yetter3417d ago

damn, im jealous. I played the hell out of the 360 version but didn't touch the DLC so I'll likely buy it again on x1, but I wish I could have a totally fresh experience like you're going to. It might very well be my favorite xbla title of the generation

-Foxtrot3417d ago

I doubt it but I hope they've added a solo mode to this where you can set up a base by yourself.

The concept is great and the 360 version played really well but trying to scavenge for supplies only to hear after a short while a survivor needs a "talking" to was annoying.

Maybe if they don't do it in this game they'll do it in the sequel. I'd love to slowly build up a base by myself.

Go out, gather supplies for what I need, then come back and build the stuff myself. Defend my base on my own until I can get better stuff to lower the encounter rate.

OpieWinston3417d ago

The game was built with Community survival in mind. Because surviving by yourself in a Zombie apocalypse is less than likely.

And the sequel is being built from the ground up with Multiplayer in mind so communities with friends.

Enough Zombie games already do the whole "Solo Survivor" act. No game truly does a community focused experience like State of Decay.

MilkMan3417d ago

Yes, but it would be nice to have it as an option. Shouldn't be excluded simply because others are doing it.
Especially if they want more money, for the same game - only prettier and faster.

OpieWinston3417d ago

Adding the option? You can have a community where you're the only member it just means if you die it's game over.

Have you people done any research on this game?

Prettier and faster?
They added new animations(Combat/Stealth/Etc. ..)
New characters
New weapons
New vehicles
Carried over features from Lifeline and Breakdown into the main game.

State of Decay was envisioned as a Survival fantasy horror experience. Part of the survival was being able to build a community of NPCs with friends. The friends part wasn't doable because it required them to rip the game apart to add it.

The current state of the game is fully playable with you as the only member of the Community with someone giving you Radio cues of people in trouble and supply areas.

Christopher3417d ago

***Adding the option? You can have a community where you're the only member it just means if you die it's game over. ***

That sounds interesting. The rogue-like of zombie survival games.

-Foxtrot3417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )

So what? You wouldn't want an option for people to try and survive on their own in some sort of hardcore mode

At the beginning you get the option, you can follow someone to build a community and protect them or you can leave them to survive on their own. Everyone wins

Yeah it's less then likely to go solo in this kind of situation but that's where the fun is...to try and survive by yourself

Not wanting at least the option for other people is pretty selfish

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3417d ago
Yetter3417d ago

well, you could just let everyone else die

pyroxxx3417d ago (Edited 3417d ago )

They should add some kind of Casual mode ,.. where you can save at least once,..or a way to add other skills to everyone Amazing game,.. but basically maxing out everything for hours and hours,.. and getting killed hurts even more than in fromsoftware games,.. basically had to restart too many times,.. because first character has awesome stats

MilkMan3417d ago

I don't really see how the graphics improved, but OK. I wonder what else was included to make this worth buying again.
Seems like the same game, only slightly prettier. For that they could have just made it backwards compatible. ...oh, that's right we don't do that no more, we re-buy our entire gaming library every 5 years now.
or try streaming.

Either way, its a good game, but id like to know what they did different to warrant a purchase. Take Bladestorm remake for example, such a niche, sub-genre game. Yet, it was remade with so many upgrades and new content that its basically a new game.

So if a niche game like that can do it, such a popular game like this one, should at least not insult us and attempt something better than "includes all previous DLC" I'm kinda expecting this by now.

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15 Xbox Games That Should Make the Multiplatform Jump

While there’s likely already a list behind closed doors, one can still speculate and offer logical suggestions for titles new and old that should find their way into the PlayStation and Switch libraries.

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GamerRN132d ago

Single A games and live service games. Those make sense

S2Killinit132d ago

None of it makes sense. But its happening.

Ps5conehead132d ago

That’s up to Microsoft they want return on there investment. From buying up those publishers. That’s what there in business for. And they made a mistake putting day one exclusive on game pass. So now Microsoft wants to profit any way they can.its called buisness . Just like Sony putting games on pc a year are two after ps5 launch.
So if they can make money off PlayStation and Nintendo. They will do that. And I bet soon real soon they will release some aaa exclusives .and I bet one day it will be same day release

TheEroica132d ago

Sony gamers begging for Xbox games.... Who would've thunk it?


Yeah, because random site off the internet represents all Sony gamers, they have the letter of attorney and all...

S2Killinit132d ago

Lol what a spin. You dizzy?

AsunaYuukiTheFlash131d ago (Edited 131d ago )

We don’t care about shovelwares. Get that junk out of PS5

StormSnooper131d ago

More like MS begging to put their games on PlayStation.

TheEroica130d ago

Keep begging Sony gamers!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 130d ago
Friendlygamer132d ago

Some of these seem to be exclusive for lack of enthusiasm of the publisher rather than because of deals. A lot of cool indies skip ps for some reason like katana zero, el paso, elsewhere and gunbrela

S2Killinit132d ago

Even more indies skip xbox. We know that right?

Friendlygamer132d ago

Quality over quantity, Microsoft got some really interesting and curated niche games on their machines, maybe in part because of gamepass

S2Killinit132d ago

Quality and MS are not things you bring up in same sentence.

shinoff2183132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

Alot of indies skip xbox to. It goes round and round. Personally I think your off base on that but no need to have the argument.

Friendlygamer132d ago

Between katana zero, valheim, Battletech, el passo... I don't feel off base. maybe ps got a million of light novel games that will never release on Xbox but like I've said, I'm talking about niche games highlights, the 10%.

  Heck, it's probably thanks to Microsoft that the s.t.a.l.k.e.r games came to console ps included, meanwhile Sony backwards compatibility continues to be extremely anemic.

And I'm sure most ps5 users are happy to ignore these games and just play wathever new 3rd person action game is trending but it's cool that Microsoft gives some love to smaller audiences and software preservation

shinoff2183131d ago

Again your off base just to be snide. All it's showing though is your ignorance.

One light novels wtf is that even. Ps has plenty of pretty damn good indies.

Speaking of indies and ms being responsible. You know F.I.S.T. of course you do alot of you guys just support gamepass. Well here's a history of Sony being responsible for helping indies. Look up the China project from Sony.

Lastly lol your ignorance showing again. Sony has plenty of games. Personally third person is better then first anyway but that's besides the point. Sony gets so many games that xbox doesn't get because yall don't support the games. Jrpgs being a great example. I personally am not into every Sony first party game. Alot of us aren't. On the other side you don't get to eat often so you gobble up everything. Me personally God of War not my cup, etc. For me I'm into jrpgs and ms just can't touch Sony on those. Again because the Xbox base doesn't support it. Devs dont wanna waste their time or money. Hit me up when falcom develops a game over there.

Speaking of third person narrative games. Aren't yall drooling over hellblade 2. The first one was Sony exclusive at one point. Another not my cup game. Showing we don't have to fall in line and agree we love everything Sony puts out. The facts are they sell though unlike elsewhere(not nintendo)

StormSnooper131d ago

You are same person as GamerRN, yes?

Abnor_Mal132d ago

They really think PlayStation fans would want to play Redfall? Pfft.

Personally nothing on that list would be any game I’d want to play.

TwoPicklesGood132d ago

I’d absolutely love Hellblade 2, Palworld, and Quantum Break on ps5 as I’m sure tons of others would too. There’s nothing wrong with wanting games from another console and its sad that people try to act like they aren’t interested in them.

shinoff2183131d ago

While indont agree with the games. I agree with the point. Your not wrong.

DarXyde132d ago

Sunset Overdrive makes very good sense. Palworld might.

Don't know about the others. Hellblade II does make sense given the original launched on PS4 first. Quantum Break was a massive letdown for me. I absolutely hated the whole TV show thing and I don't think anyone should have to relive that on modern hardware.

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Microsoft Studios PC games are on sale this week

The Humble Store is running a Microsoft Studios Sale with games up to 80% off all week long. Right now you can get Quantum Break for $9.99, Recore: Definitive Edition for $9.99, and State of Decay for $3.99. The sale ends in six days.

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5 Best Zombie Games to Prepare Yourself for the Looming Apocalypse

Edgar writes - "We compiled this list of 5 best zombie games, which will (probably) improve your strategic thinking in emergency situations."

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