
Horror Games That Are Actually Scary

Ben Rickaby debunks the ever present thought that Survival Horror games are dead. Couldn't be more false. Here's a list of newer horror games that are actually scary.

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Khajiit863473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Silent Hills games
Old RE's

Theres more but those are the ones that come to mind.

TheZeroReview3473d ago

Completely agree but I'd add the Fatal Frame series, SCP, and Five Night's at Freddy's. Damn those puppets!

Khajiit863473d ago


I just pooped myself

BC_Master_Haze3473d ago

Don't forget alien isolation :D not marines though. It's scary, but not horror scary, just scary bad ;)

Yama3473d ago

Fatal Frame 2, that peeping child... 0.o

donwel3473d ago

Fatal Frame is one of those series that I need to get back into immediately.
Also @Khajiit good list there, though personally I had never considered the RE series to be scary. I think it's because they always had the old 80's B-movie feel. Don't get me wrong though I still enjoyed the hell out of them.

TWB3473d ago

FNAF really isnt scary (rather unnerving).

Though I completely agree with SCP (containment breach), its some serious sht.

UltraNova3472d ago

Fatal frame...putting other games on a most fucked up scary game list against FF is an exercise in futility...that series is deeply.. disturbing!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3472d ago
Timesplitter143473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

Old RE's are more cool than scary

Yama3473d ago

I know what you mean, but then there were exceptions like Remake.

Gazondaily3473d ago

Silent Hill
Resident Evil 2 and 3
Sonic Boom

Xristo3473d ago

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Really looking forward to SOMA!

Khajiit863473d ago

Amnesia has a huge problem.................... Its way too scary.

B_Rickaby3473d ago

Soma does look awesome. Can't wait to get my hands on it. I'm not sure I want to know anymore about the game though. Just in case it ruins the thrills. Not knowing is half of the scare sometimes.

Yukonsbud3473d ago

I haven't played to many scary games, but Metro 2033 on hardcore got me scared... Esp the Librarian mission.

JacketsNest1013473d ago (Edited 3473d ago )

I would add ZombiU to that list.

ChouDa3473d ago

Ha! Oh Jackets, you're hilarious!

JacketsNest1013473d ago

Just because you didn't find it to somewhat terrifying, does not mean that others did.

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New Alien: Romulus Movie Pays Tribute to Alien: Isolation with Easter Egg

The upcoming film Alien: Romulus will include a special Easter egg that fans of the 2014 game Alien: Isolation will recognize.

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Trilithon36d ago

thats the dumbest thing ive ever read. this movie better not suck

jznrpg36d ago

I hope it’s a great Alien movie and not a mediocre one. I thought they would do a movie after Prometheus next so I’m a bit disappointed as I wanted new information but it seems to be in between previous movies. Don’t f it up please.


Capcom Should Give Resident Evil Revelations The Comeback It Deserves

Resident Evil Remake titles were a massive success for Capcom. Despite the success, the company should revisit the Revelations games for a breath of fresh air.

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CrimsonWing6971d ago

They were ok, but I prefer the main-line entries than the Berger episodic spin-offs.

Now, if they want to do an episodic RE game give us a legit Outbreak File 3 or just remaster the last 2.

KyRo70d ago

Ive not heard one person ask for Revelation remakes. They were never really that great but good enough for a spin off. I wouldn't mind a remake but it would have to be a complete overhaul. Outbreak on the other hand people have been asking to be remade forever at this point. Maybe one day 🙏

CrimsonWing6970d ago

Dude I loved Outbreak and I think it’s the perfect MP game for the RE series. It’s co-op where everyone can either help each other through a chapter or everyone breaks off to solve the puzzles and meet up to finish faster and take on a boss.

None of this REsistance or whatever the last MP game was. I don’t understand why it’s a game that hasn’t been remastered or just straight ported to current-gen.

VersusDMC71d ago

They were meh. Their current output with remakes and new games is pretty good. 5 good RE games since RE7 in 2017.

No need to dillure the brand with more RE. Especially with more Revelations which is just watered down mainline RE.

Something like outbreak would be better. Kinda wish they did a scaled-down version of outbreak with RE3, RE8 instead of REVerse and Resistance.

KyRo70d ago

It's wild how this got more disagrees and agrees 🤣 This place really does have the worst takes at times

jznrpg71d ago

I didn’t really like the revelations games. They weren’t horrible just not good enough to interest me

Charal71d ago

Nah. Make it Code Veronica.

TiredGamer71d ago

I'll pass. Tried playing Revelations on two separate occasions and on two separate platforms... got bored about two hours in.

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Tango Gameworks employee shares pictures from the Xbox studio's final day

The Evil Within, Ghostwire: Tokyo and Hi-Fi Rush studio has closed its doors.

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Einhander197298d ago

This shouldn't have happened.

Who's next..

tay870197d ago

Ninja theory. Others will follow as well. The smaller studios MS owns should all be worried. Maybe MS will try and release some of their games day and date on ps5 to save some of these studios.

jznrpg97d ago

I can see Ninja Theory. At least Tango made a game that was reviewed well. Ninja Theory spent a lot of years to release a tech demo that didn’t do well at all.

repsahj97d ago

I get it that Hellblade 2 is a boring game, but I hope they are not the next to be closed.

ABizzel197d ago


Ninja Theory is likely on the chopping block too. They released Bleeding Edge which bombed, took 4 years to release Hellbalde 2 which doesn’t seem to be doing well, and still have Project Mara in limbo. They’re high on the chopping block.

MS was likely expecting their God of War / Uncharted quality game from NT based on Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, DmC, and to an extent Hellblade 1, but NT hasn’t delivered since Hellblade 1 which was 7 years ago.

Sonic188197d ago

And Obsidian after Avowed releases

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 97d ago
Petebloodyonion98d ago

I rarely agree with you but on this I do!


3 trillion MS is worth, yet they do this, well Phil the shit bag did. No studio needed to be let go, when you are worth this much.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 97d ago
anast97d ago

Sad, but I see characters and posters of either less than average or barely average games.

LoveSpuds97d ago

Have to disagree here duder, with respect. Evil Within was a good game and the sequel was fantastic, as was HiFi Rush. I'd concede Ghostwire was pretty average but regardless, shuttering a studio which just put out MS best game in donkeys years was complete shithousery on XBox' part.

Einhander197297d ago (Edited 97d ago )

Microsoft paid 8B to buy Zenimax then fired well over 1000 people from Zenimax between the time they closed the deal and they announced these shut downs.

People talk about the 1900 they fired most recently, but that was only one wave of three sets of layoffs from their gaming division so far this generation totalling around 5000 people this generation. Not counting the dozen plus studios they canned last gen including Lionhead the original Fable developers.

anast97d ago

By every real metric HiFi was an average game. I don't see an Evil within poster in the thumb, which is a shame, because if they threw their weight behind that IP, they might have still been around.

LoveSpuds97d ago

I don't understand how you can say it was average in every metric when it garnered the reviews it did?

97d ago
Fonsecap97d ago

Working people paying the price for leadership bad decisions, so unfair...

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