
Interview with Sander de Visser | Games Fiends

Once again event reporter Peter from Games Fiends sits down for another interview at EGX: Rezzed 2015. This time he sits down with Sander de Visser to talk about Convoy.

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Mad Tracks – Convoy Review | GIZORAMA

Liam Lambert, GIZORAMA - "Sometimes, a game thrives because it pioneers a unique, never before seen set of rules, mechanics or systems. Other times, a game thrives simply because it learns from the successes and mistakes of its peers, and because its designers understand one important rule: if you’re going to steal, steal from the best. Such is Convoy, a game which can only be described as a tactical “CaR-PG” (if that’s not a thing, it totally should be), combining as it does the best elements of pen and paper RPGs and Mad Max, then injecting a huge amount of FTL-inspired rogue-like vehicular combat. It’s unashamedly derivative, which winds up being its greatest strength, and its most glaring weakness."

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Convoy review | Good Game

Convoy takes the classic roguelike formula and drops it into a Mad Max inspired, post-apocalyptic wasteland.


Convoy Review | Frugal Gaming

Grab your trucker hat and get the leather jacket.. We got ourselves a Convoy!

Imagine the world of Mad Max, 3 rival gangs roam the planet, fighting anyone who is not affiliated with them - Writes Gary Cook

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