
Opinion: Wii U Price Cut Imminent

MVGN writes "With all of today’s crazy Nintendo announcements one would have to assume that there will be a price cut for their existing home console, Wii U. The Wii U hit store shelves on November 18th 2012 and has only seen one price drop in the systems lifetime. Today, Nintendo made a HUGE splash by not only announcing that they will be developing titles for the smartphone market but they are also hard at work at their next dedicated gaming system, codenamed NX. With all these announcements, we here at MVGN think that it’s only a matter of time before the Wii U sees a price cut."

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wonderfulmonkeyman3479d ago

If you're basing the supposition that there's a price cut coming almost entirely off of the fact that Nintendo announced that they're developing a new console, then I've got some bad news for you...

Nintendo announced this a LONG time ago.
Nintendo stated a while back that they always start on ideas and development for a new console once their latest one has released.

On top of this, at best, the next home console isn't gonna be due out until at LEAST the tail end of 2017.
We know this to be true, because Nintendo has already stated more than once that they are going to continue supporting the Wii U for its full life span.
At only three years old, it's got at least another couple of years left of great games to go before anything new appears to replace it.

I'm not convinced that a price drop would help move units at this point anyways.
Most people who hate on the system don't do so mainly due to price; they do it because third parties don't put out games like Shadows of Mordor on it.
They don't care that it's got great exclusives like Bayonetta 2 and Splatoon, or past-gen multiplats like CoD Ghosts and AC4.[ and I doubt they'd care to get the Wii U even if it did, since the console wouldn't give them super-high-grade realistic graphics]

The only thing that can make the Wii U move units now, is by building up a high enough number of really great surprise games that make people say "okay, mind changed, I gotta have that".
And it's going to take many of them, and I suspect they'll have to be from third parties. You know, collaborative titles.

marloc_x3478d ago

A pallet of cheap Wii U consoles would move in Walmart..

wonderfulmonkeyman3478d ago

Which is roughly how small the minority who are waiting solely for a price drop before picking up the console is; a single wal-mart pallet.XD

N4g_null3478d ago

Exactly. Now nintendo could offer 2 years service at a hundred dollars and take off a hundred or Lock you into 6 years for a free console LOL. That is how your price drop will happen.

While the people willing to pay for the wiiu can just have free online with the added service before a certain date and keep that free online until the system is no longer supported.

Yet you will pay full price for a wiiu either way. Plus if this service offer you free nintendo games on your smart phone then suddenly $400 is cheap.

No price drop just value added services.

Monkey is right 3rd parties supporting the system is going to be the turn around moment. The same was true for the 3ds. Hold up let me buy some more stock. This is getting interesting.

DivoJones3478d ago

Well it IS labeled an opinion piece. All consoles drop in price until they're eventually phased out entirely.

deathtok3478d ago

A price drop and surge in system sales might entice third party developers. It's not Nintendo tat dev houses are against it's the smaller user base.


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Fel08867d ago

Why would it be over, when they have made billions from mobile alone?

superhys2866d ago

Nintendo's president said they were moving away from mobile in 2020.

Fel08865d ago

And yet this year they made 1.8 billion dollars in revenue from mobile games.



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