
E3: Sony

2008 was billed as the year PS3 will rise to riches. It's already gone pretty well so far, with the console enjoying massive launches such as GT5, GTA IV and MGS4. But there's plenty more still to come.

Sony's E3 press conference kicks off on Tuesday July 15 at 7:30pm GMT and although Sony hasn't been the leaking barrel of holes that Microsoft has over the past few weeks, CVG are expecting it to have a lot to talk about.

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Jamie Foxx5915d ago (Edited 5915d ago )

because strangly i feel i know everything sony has to offer at e3 which either means sony are very good at keeping secrets or everything has already been leaked

UNCyrus5915d ago

nice find... can't wait until after the press conference on Tuesday to see what new goodies are released on the PSN

Morgue5914d ago

If it's anything like year than there won't be much. I'm also curious as to what will be going on for the people that have access to home?

Lord_Ash5915d ago

"but there's more chance of Master Chief appearing on PS3 than Sony down-sizing the console before 2010"

Master Chief already appeared on the PS3 haven't they played Unreal Tournament 3 ;)

King20085915d ago

To think about them making a slim ps3...I want all the news they mentioned plis some Tekken 6 love. I want more of the games that isnt on everyones radar...the heavy rains, the white night rpg, those are the games thats gonna blow peoples minds. Here's just hoping for a great show from Sony. Get me excited about the rest of the year and the beginning of 09

Zhuk5915d ago

E3 2008 will undoubtedly be another catastrophe of epic proportions for Sony and the PS3 just like E3 2006 and 2007 were, yet again being dominated by the brilliant Xbox 360 conferences which draw universal applause and acclaim for the many award winning and AAA titles plus all the great new features and products that are showcased every year, not only from 1st party studios but valued 3rd party partners.

I already have my popcorn and soft drink ready for Sony's conference, it will be most enjoyable to see yet another trainwreck as Sony tries to sell the fandroids an overpriced piece of junk with horrible motion controls and an inferior hardware architecture. I also look forward to the reappearance of giant enemy crabs and other garbage Sony 'exclusives' that fail both commercially and critically.

Enjoy your conference fandroids, I know I will

THC CELL5915d ago

ur just scared of sony fanboy

little big planet will even stamp gears 2 in the ground

BlaST_ProCesSiNG-5915d ago

At which game show did Microsoft unveil: Scene It!, Naruto, Halo 3 Pro Edition, and GeOW1 for PC? Was it GDC 07 or E3 07? lol

PopEmUp5915d ago

If Zhuk is trolling God this is definitely good

thereapersson5915d ago

Well played, good sir. Too bad everyone else around here doesn't understand your play...

Ninja-Sama5915d ago (Edited 5915d ago )

E3 2008 will undoubtedly be another catastrophe of epic proportions for Microsoft and the 360 just like E3 2006 and 2007 were, yet again being dominated by the brilliant PS3 conferences which draw universal applause and acclaim for the many award winning and AAA titles plus all the great new features and products that are showcased every year, not only from 1st party studios but valued 3rd party partners.

I already have my popcorn and soft drink ready for Microsoft's conference, it will be most enjoyable to see yet another trainwreck as Microsoft tries to sell the Xbots an overpriced piece of junk with horrible failure rate and an inferior hardware architecture. I also look forward to the reappearance of Master Chiefs and other garbage Microsoft'exclusives' that fail both commercially and critically.

Enjoy your conference fanbots, I know I will

juuken5915d ago

...Um...I'd say it'll be catastrophic for Microsoft. Their competitor just pulled off multiple death strikes with those sales. I can't imagine the exclusives that will come out after MGS4. If they turn out to be huge successes...then Microsoft better start rolling out the 720.

They're panicking so bad that they're flailing like fish out of water.

nix5915d ago

ha ha... well written zhuk. i like the language you use. professional to the t. q:

yeah.. too bad, many take you seriously.

DJ5915d ago (Edited 5915d ago )

Jeff Bell's brilliant words will pummel Sony and their arrogant ways, and the huge array of exclusive titles will make the PS3 conference look puny in comparison. Enemy crabs ftl. *Eats popcorn.

DevonTheDude5355914d ago

You obviously are NOT a hardcore PC gamer, because I don't know a single one who would stick up for MS like a lot of 360 owners do. You say inferior hardware, that's like saying 360 has inferior software, Sony is hardware oriented first (NOT JUST PLAYSTATION) and MS is software first (Ever heard of Windows of Office). Hence why PS3 was designed for the long term not the short term like MS rushing to put HDMI on the original model. Sony makes TV's not Microsoft so they see where that market is going before MS does for home theater. Blu-ray is inferior, talk to Konami, EA, and Rockstar they all champion Blu-ray as the BEST next gen disc medium, enjoy 5 discs for Lost Odyssey.

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TheNamelessOne6d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv725d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

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