
Kana Okaeri Review: Little Sister Comes Home | Technology Tell

Technology Tell writes, "The original Kana Imouto, also known as Kana Little Sister, is regarded as a milestone for visual novels and eroge. While many games pandered or followed well-trod paths for the genre, Kana Imouto presented a tale that included familial obligation, loss, and chronic illness to set a more heartfelt foundation than the norm. Many later adventures owe the game credit for paving the way and showing just how deeply a visual novel can draw an emotional response from the player."

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Grab The Remake Of Classic Visual Novel Kana ~ Okaeri Right Now

You can pre-order the remake of Romeo Tanaka’s classic visual novel Kana ~ Okaeri (Welcome Home Kana) for $24.95 right now. It’s available on JAST USA’s store as well as on J-List.

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