
Game Freak Explains Why Tembo The Badass Elephant isn’t coming to Wii U

Could this be the greatest reasoning in platform skipping history?

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vishmarx3383d ago

hands down the most amazing excuse ive ever heard.
but to be fair theres nothing he couldve said that wouldnt have pissed off people.
better to treat it as a joke i guess

Locknuts3383d ago

Better to tell the truth if you're going to piss people off no matter what. You've got nothing to lose. Unless this is the truth, in which case he's an idiot.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3383d ago

I get the feeling they wanted it to exclusive to Wii U if they wanted it on Wii U.

N4g_null3382d ago

This is a sonic clone. Mostly jumping on things and running thur them. They should make an infinite runner game on phone also.

Viryu3383d ago

Why even bother with excuses? Devs should just leave making those up to the players' creative minds instead! Example:

"We're not going to release this game on Wii U, because insert politically correct excuse here"

Mikito113383d ago

Think they realise everyone can see it's a donkey kong contry rip off pretty much, even some of the sounds are very similar.. Still looks fun though

wonderfulmonkeyman3383d ago

That... that was just plain embarrassing of him...
Seriously, who makes an excuse like that?
If he thinks it's because it'll sell better on systems that don't already have a game that feels like a DK game, then that would be reason enough, because we've got Tropical Freeze alongside quite a few indie platformers, as well.

Heck, just saying "we want to bring it to platforms that have fewer platformers of this kind and work on something different for Wii U instead", that would have gone over far better than what he's passing off as a reason here...

GokuSolosAll3383d ago

Interesting to see Game Freak make a new game for a non-Nintendo system. Definitely gonna try this out, hopefully it makes its way to Vita, too.

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New Games with Gold for October 2019

In October on Xbox One, stomp your enemies and save the city in Tembo the Badass Elephant and then get in the spirit of Halloween by playing Friday the 13th: The Game. exclusively for Xbox Live Gold members for a limited time as part of Games with Gold.

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Ascalon941723d ago

This month is terrible. Come on Xbox step it up!

darthv721723d ago

At first I was like... ehhhh but then I remembered I share my gold with my kids so I know they would like the Tembo and Bolt games. I already have NG3 on disc (regular and RE vers) and Friday 13th would be the only one I'd prob play, especially in late October.

Ricegum1723d ago

Are you attempting to defend this? Terrible month for GwG. If it were Sony offering this you guys would be all over it.

MasterChief36241723d ago

That's the good version of Ninja Gaiden 3. And Bolt is kind of fun! Not the best month, but I like it.

Ascalon941723d ago

Yeah I'll definitely try out friday 13th and NG3, just expecting more I suppose.

1723d ago Replies(3)
conanlifts1723d ago

I have found good too be terrible for a while, the good things seem to be going on gamepass instead.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1723d ago
Teflon021723d ago

Not a great week, but NG3 was okay I guess. I feel like I'm forgetting something that makes it bad. I do remember 2 being great though and the first too

Gaming4Life19811723d ago

I hated ng3 but I never played razers edge so I'll give it a go. Ninja gaiden 1& 2 was great and ms needs to publish another one.

Obelisk921723d ago

I never played NG3 so I'm ok with it, and tbh that Elephant game looks fun too.

But yeah, not a great month, especially when compared to the PS+ lineup.

Automatic791723d ago

Solid month. Friday the 13th in October is a great pick. Ninja Gaiden Solid.

1723d ago
autobotdan1723d ago

Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge is a great game

Yi-Long1723d ago

Ninja Gaiden Black is a great game.

Ninja Gaiden 2 is an okay game.

Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge is slightly better than Ninja Gaiden 3, but Ninja Gaiden 3 was pretty bad.

autobotdan1723d ago

Correction NG3 Razors Edge was ALOT better than NG3

gangsta_red1723d ago

Bolt!? Hell yeah! I've had this on my backlog since forever! Now I finally get to play it.

Friday the 13th, a defunct game where I heard the devs can't get the license to anything more with it. Damn shame.

King_Noctis1723d ago

I think he just doesn’t want people to be excited for a game that is not on his console.

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GameEnthus Podcast ep377: Subpar Meetings or Used Pizza

This week Chris Becker (@SuperNintendad) from RoguesPortal.com and  ;@GetIndiesPants joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about social events, video games, folding phones, board games, movies and more video games.

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Which of this week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains should you pick up? – 5th September 2017

Neil writes "For many it would have been payday a whole week ago and for the vast majority of those the old money situation will already be looking a bit dire. But the latest Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale is now here and it promises not just discounts for Xbox One and Xbox 360 gamers to get involved in, but big discounts at that.

But in an age where money is scarce, chances are you won't be able to afford to pick up everything that is on offer this week - which is where we come in as we take a look at the Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale for 5th-11th September 2017 and let you know exactly which are the best and worst of the offers on the table."

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