
Sony's PlayStation Vue internet TV service is launching within two weeks

Sony's internet TV service, PlayStation Vue, will come out of beta and launch commercially in three major cities within the next two weeks. The Wall Street Journal reports that Sony will offer Vue in New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia to start — cities where invited testers have already been using the service for months. PlayStation Vue runs on Sony's PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 consoles. The goal is to roll out Vue nationwide by the end of 2015, Sony's Andrew House said in an interview with the Journal.

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Thatguy-3103425d ago

Does anyone know the price for this thing?

SmokingMonkey3425d ago

Article said $50-$80 but it's not specified.

This is very intriguing.

RiPPn3425d ago

$50 - $80 for service on 1 TV? That's terrible. Hope it's better than that or Sling TV it is.

Eonjay3425d ago

If it is launching in two weeks, they have to release price setups soon.

thejigisup3425d ago

Saweet, i really enjoyed the beta.

JMaine5183425d ago

They have to get ESPN Or its a no go for me.

Moe-Gunz3425d ago

I'm interested. Price can't be that though.

Pillsbury13425d ago

In my opinion 30-40$ would be the sweet spot.

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Sony Music Entertainment Japan, Aniplex, and Pocketpair jointly establish Palworld Entertainment

Sony Music Entertainment Japan, subsidiary Aniplex, and Palworld developer Pocketpair have announced the establishment of Palworld Entertainment, a joint venture that will be responsible for developing the reach of the intellectual property and for expanding commercial business endeavors, including the global licensing and merchandising activities associated with Palworld, outside of the game.

17d ago Replies(1)
Eonjay16d ago

Does this mean that Palworld is getting an anime?

Abnor_Mal16d ago

Crazy that they’ve formed a partnership of sorts, but the game itself still haven’t been released on PlayStation

badz14916d ago

It's still in Early Access. If it ever goes gold, there will definitely be a PS5 version, might even be a PS4 version too

Abnor_Mal16d ago

I still have no clue what this game is all about, to be honest.

badz14916d ago


If games like ARK is not to your liking, then Palworld wouldn't be your cup of tea either...I think.

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No TGS Showcase For Xbox This Year, PlayStation To Attend As Exhibitor

Xbox will not be holding a TGS showcase this year in 2024, while PlayStation will be attending the event as an exhibitor.

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Einhander197222d ago

What? They don't want to go and crap on the corpse of Tango Gameworks?

C'mon it's the perfect time for a Phil Spencer speech about how they love and want to support Japanese game developers!

Cacabunga21d ago

Xbox is a joke all over, in Japan even more..

21d ago
shinoff218321d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Stan relax.

I just edited it all to say

Lol nevermind

21d ago
XiNatsuDragnel22d ago

I think they shouldn't go TGS every year tbh because there presence is zero imo

IAMRealHooman21d ago

he's not wrong, Japan has been a a notoriously weak market for them, their best performing gen was the 360 and that was only 1 million units

shinoff218322d ago

This is usually my favorite gameshow of the year. Can't wait to see what goodies are coming.

jznrpg22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

I want to see the jrpgs so I also like the show a lot

gold_drake22d ago

not surprised, they probably realised that its a lost cause for them in japan ha.

badz14921d ago

achtually, it's a lost cause for them everywhere outside the US

Elda22d ago

They showed their hand already including that they have nothing for the Japanese market.

Hofstaderman22d ago

Nothinhg for AND from the Japanese market.

21d ago Replies(3)
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10 Best PSP RPGs Of All Time

The PS1 and PS2 both had strong RPG libraries, so it’s not a huge surprise that the PSP saw numerous excellent RPG releases, covering original releases, ports, and spinoffs/sequels to major franchises.

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jznrpg27d ago

Great list but needs to be 12 you don’t have Star Ocean First Departure and Second Story!