
Necropolis preview: First steps into the dungeon [SideQuesting | PAX East]

Sam Dixon writes:

"Necropolis is a low-poly rogue-like that puts a focus on combat and vulnerability, and it's impressive."

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Why You Shouldn’t Play Necropolis From Your Backlog

Backlog Critic: "Necropolis is a huge disappointment in my book. It is a game that received so much praise and hype before it was even released that it could only fall flat on its face. The fundamental core game design failures make this game feel too much like a bad rip off of Dark Souls, however, if you are planning on playing this with friends you are going to get an abundance of more content and enjoyment out of this title."

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5 of the most disappointing Xbox One games of 2016

Carlos writes "2016 has been a great year for gaming, with hundreds of titles making their way to the Xbox One, including the arrival of some of our most anticipated titles yet. But whilst no game is perfect, there are unfortunately several games this year that didn’t live up to expectations, ultimately leaving fans disappointed.

So, with the year’s final releases now out the door, we take a look back at 5 of the most disappointing Xbox One games of 2016 – and one honourable mention."

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oKidUKo2767d ago

Battleborn flopped big time.

RiPPn2767d ago

Not sure why these are listed as "xbox games" since they are all multi platform.. but yeah these are pretty bad.

XXanderXX2767d ago

These games were a disappointment no matter where you played them
7 Days to Die, Battleborn Homefront: The Revolution, Mighty Number 9 ,Necropolis ,Trials of the Blood Dragon

2767d ago

You Died: Ranking The Dark Souls Games And Their Imitators

Edward from WGTC writes "One of these games successfully copies the risk-reward dichotomy that sits at the heart of Dark Souls while the others largely miss the mark. Can you guess which is successful? Read on to find out."

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TheHip142823d ago

Only ever played DSIII but would love to get around to the other ones at some point

Babadook72823d ago (Edited 2823d ago )

The only one I haven't played is ds iii. The article gets it wrong. Bloodborne is the best overall. Best story (by far), best art design and music. Best level design. Best combat (single player). Dark souls 1 and 2 are best at pvp.

Irishguy952823d ago

I've played all Souls games including Demons...But I don't have Ps4 yet :'(

Needs bloodborne

Eiyuuou2823d ago

Please don't present your opinions as facts.


Babadook72823d ago (Edited 2822d ago )

If I was actually presenting a fact, which I wasn't I would have pointed to reviews which would show bloodborne as the best reviewed and most awarded souls game.

I find it odd you would say I presented opinion as fact when I merely challenged the reviewer for doing exactly that. He even goes as far as to tell people to 'buy a 360' to play dark souls. sounds fishy when PlayStation is actually the only place where you can play all of these titles and there's no advantage to the 360 version according to DF. No wonder his quote-unquote opinion is so one dimensional.

UltraNova2822d ago (Edited 2822d ago )


"He even goes as far as to tell people to 'buy a 360' to play dark souls. sounds fishy when PlayStation is actually the only place where you can play all of these titles and there's no advantage to the 360 version according to DF. No wonder his quote-unquote opinion is so one dimensional."

Exaclty my thoughts as well. Why advice anyone to get the console that doesnt have the best From software games- Demon's souls and Bloodborne? Weird...?

Now that i think about it is From soft and Sony crazy? Why on Gods green Earth we dont have a Demons Souls and DS1 remasters double pack on ps4 yet?

Bolts2822d ago

Bloodborne have absolutely shit build variety. DS3 is basically Bloodborne meets Darksouls, the best of both worlds.

Babadook72822d ago (Edited 2822d ago )

Yah From is weird like that. Lol.

Yah. Souls games have great variety in builds but after three games (DeS, DaS I & II) everyone knows how the game breaks wide open with the bait tactics and or ranged weapons. Bloodborne is less varied but more nuanced and forces you to be more dynamic with enemies. I find it scarier and more fun to actually engage them face to face.

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2823d ago Replies(1)
basilboxer2823d ago

I never cared for Lords of The Fallen. Bloodborne is probably a better game than any of the DS games IMO.

FITgamer2823d ago

LOTF mechanics are too slow and clunky. I couldn't get into it.

UltraNova2821d ago

Yeah me too I couldnt convince my self to complete it. Something felt wrong and incomplete...

sullynathan2822d ago

Lords of the fallen is a bad game, I'm only playing it because its free on PS Plus

Bolts2822d ago

ToF is basically an abortion of a game. Everything about it is either half assed or incomplete.

Kashima2823d ago

If PS4 get DS1 re & DeS re it will be the ultimate souls machine.

KingKelloggTheWH2822d ago

DeS is stil my favorite. So dang cool!

robtion2822d ago

Don't forget Nioh. I think between Bloodborne and Nioh the ps4 is looking pretty sweet to any true Souls fans out there.

michaelpb2823d ago

Yes, Salt and Sanctuary! Great round-up.

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