
Affordable Space Adventures: PAX East Hands On - Bagogames

Bagogames gets to go to space, and it is affordable!

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How the Shutdown of Miiverse Puts Nintendo Behind Microsoft and Sony

1RBC: Nintendo's reputation, by and large, precedes it. Nintendo is the company that made console gaming cool again in the United States in the wake of the industry crash that turned Atari upside down- Nintendo is the company that brought gaming to the masses through the Wii, then somehow squandered their incredible mainstream cultural impact. It doesn't matter what game console you buy- your parents are going to call it the Nintendo- that's the impact that they've had on the industry.

Within the gaming community, Nintendo is beloved, but often pitied because as a company, it seems doomed to repeat embarrassing mistakes. Case in point: the impending shutdown of the Miiverse service. Introduced in 2012 alongside the Wii U, Miiverse is Nintendo's social network made of communities for individual games. Want to talk about Splatoon and share cool screenshots and fan art? You can do so on Miiverse. It seems bizarre that Nintendo is shutting down an active social network that they have total control over, especially when one of the criticisms against their latest console, the Switch, is that its online functionality is severely lacking. It doesn't have the charm- or much of the functionality- of the Wii U.

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wonderfulmonkeyman2522d ago

I find it embarrassing that the only time none-Nintendo gamers have anything good to say about Miiverse is when it's shutting down, when back during the time the Wii U was active, it was just a target for them to ridicule.

That said, I do agree that shutting it down is not a good thing.
Social media is good and all, but being able to interact directly with JUST Switch owners in our own private space where other console players can't intrude, sharing drawings, discussions, and tips, is a pretty nice little experience to have, and is more convenient than some give it credit for.
It brought out a lot of great jokes and tons of creativity, and it will be sorely missed.

We need a "Switch-Verse" of sorts to replace it. That and an in-system messaging option as well as a return to traditional voice chat.

I'm really hoping that Nintendo's not holding all of that back for their subscription program.
$20 a year may be cheap, but that's still way too many things, that most systems have as a standard, locked behind a paywall.
Doing it to online multiplayer was already a big enough sin to earn my disappointment; I pray they do nothing further along those lines.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2522d ago

Wait why are people caring now?

wonderfulmonkeyman2522d ago

Since when has anyone who isn't a Nintendo fan needed a legitimate reason to s*#@ on Nintendo?
This is par for the course at this point.XD

As for me, I hope there's a successor at some point. I didn't use it super frequently, but having it there for when I wanted it was still nice.
If the Wii U had a messenger system and the Miiverse had a personal section for us to chat in about games we're playing together, just for us and our friends, then that would have been amazing, and I'd love to see an improved version pop up on Switch for free at some point.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2521d ago

Yeah I hope they do add a successor. I mean part of it is still there through the News Channel for the games.
But no community base hub, I am guessing they are saving it for 2018.

Jourdy2882521d ago

Nintendo fan and article author here; I didn't use Miiverse a lot, but I'm really disappointed for the sake of the folks who loved it.

FallenAngel19842522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

"Nintendo is the company that brought gaming to the masses through the Wii."

PS1 already did that two generations prior. You don't become the first console to sell over 100 million units and not have it sell to the masses. PS2 further expanded the market immensely.

"It doesn't matter what game console you buy- your parents are going to call it the Nintendo- that's the impact that they've had on the industry."

Nobody generally calls consoles "Nintendo" anymore, especially with the PlayStation and Xbox brands being so prominent. Not to mention the last Nintendo console was such a flop.

"The original Wii, for instance, featured the eShop."

No it didn't. Wii featured the Wii Shopping Channel, which is completely different from the eShop. It even uses a different currency from eShop.

Outlawzz2521d ago

I want Miiverse for switch as well as regular voice chat (Im still not giving up on that) lol


Designing Affordable Space Adventures

Affordable Space Adventures is one of the few Wii U titles that puts the GamePad right at the core of its design. In her GDC Europe talk, Dajana Dimovska of KnapNok Games, spoke about the development of the inventive Wii U title.

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Affordable Space Adventures puts Nintendo’s use (or non-use) of the Wii U GamePad to shame

GamesBeat: "The best Wii U game this year didn’t come from Nintendo. More than any other recent Wii U release — and maybe any since Nintendo Land at launch — Affordable Space Adventures uses the GamePad right."

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user89668283142d ago

Guess you didn't play Mario maker

Venoxn4g3141d ago

this game really has a good gamepad interaction, game has a good gameplay too.. I recommend this game a lot, it has clever puzzles too and atmosphere :) love Nifflas Games :)