
Cities: Skylines Review | IGN

IGN - Much as I prefer to let each game stand on its own, certain games demand comparisons. In the case of Cities: Skylines, developer Colossal Order has overtly modeled its game after SimCity – not just the fundamental concept and methods of building and maintaining a simulated city from the ground up, but much of the look and feel as well. And on almost every count, Skylines compares very favorably to the former standard-bearer of the city-building genre. It is, in fact, the best of its kind to come along in a full decade – a powerful, flexible, beautiful, and all-around impressive simulation that lets you build sprawling, single-player metropolises to your heart’s content. Building has to be its own reward, though, because the lack of random events or disasters leaves the job of running these towns feeling sleepy and meditative.


Cities: Skylines II Review - Boss Level Gamer

BLG writes, "Cities: Skylines II is a very worthy sequel to the popular 2015 city-building that improves upon the original. It could stand to use some quality-of-life updates, performance optimization, and mod support, but don't let that deter you from diving in."

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280d ago

What is the Difference Between Cities Skylines 1 and 2? Biggest Differences Explained

If you enjoyed the last entry and its myriad DLC packs, here's a closer look at the difference between Cities Skylines 1 and 2.

shinoff2183287d ago

The abundance of dlc is what keeps me from buying these games early , I'll pass. I will wait until a complete edition is available. Love these types of games though.

Terry_B286d ago

Well..that means you have to wait for probably 7 years..and even than its not sure there is a complete edition. Even now..8! years after the release of the first game..you have to pay 325€ for the game with all so far released dlc.

shinoff2183286d ago

I'm fine with that my backlog goes back to snes, your also missing base game is practically free and dlc goes on sale constantly. Cities skyline 1 alone with dlc can be had way way cheaper then what you stated.

JackBNimble286d ago

Well if you're a console owner you don't need to worry because it's been delayed until at least spring of 24 and they've refunded all console preorders. I was refunded even though I never asked for one which kind of makes me wonder if they can even get cities working properly on console's.

They've also upped the recommended specs for pc

280d ago

Player Brings Tetris to Cities: Skylines in Stop Motion Blockbuster Fusion

From GameWatcher: "Tetris has come to Cities: Skylines, courtesy of one player's creative use of stop motion and in-game screenshots to put together a short clip that attracted a lot of attention from the city builder's community.

It all unfolds against a rather flowery background, reminiscent of a welcoming park or garden in which you can relax. Tetris pieces leave their box at the top of a green rectangular arena, gently making their way to the bottom. When they form a complete row, they flash before disappearing."

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