
Complementary Wii U accessories to buy along with Mario Party 10

A few complementary Wii U accessories to purchase along with Mario Party 10 to optimize your experience.

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superchiller3425d ago

More cheap gimmicks for people to waste their money on. So sad how Nintendo has degenerated into a company that relies entirely on gimmicks to survive. How the mighty have fallen!

marloc_x3425d ago

Do you wear big red shoes?

marloc_x3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

Shot glasses are a nice accessory too..



Top Five Mario Party Minigames

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Top 10 Best Mario Party Mini-Games of All Time

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Top 5 Games to Play While Eating Soup Alone on Valentine's Day

"Valentine’s Day is all about love, and putting the time in for the most important people in your life. Such as yourself, via the medium of my two favourite things — gaming and food. Food, of course, being important to fuel your gaming, and also enhance it through sensory seduction. Skillful gamers can even do both at the same time."

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