
Modojo: Top Spin 3 Review

With everything taken into account, those are small and nearly insignificant issues compared to the greater whole, which is good. Top Spin 3 isn't flashy, but it's fun, and if you need a tennis game for DS, this one is aces in Modojo's book.


PlayStation's greatest tennis games remembered

OPM: Thousands of Brits will be inspired to pick up a racket this week on the back of Andy Murray’s success at Wimbledon – but in this heat, and given our hand-eye co-co-ordination, we’ll be sticking to the virtual type. Looking to fill your week with some ace-smashing antics? Then join us in revisiting PlayStation’s finest tennis efforts…

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Killzoner993994d ago

Sony makes the "greatest" everything. Amazing experiences .

caseh3994d ago

Not really, most of those games were available on multiple platforms.

Just so happens that the PS magazine wrote the article so makes sense it would be 'Playstation's greatest games' :)

kreate3994d ago

Hot shots tennis on ps2 was the best playstation tennis game.


Gamepyre: Top Spin 3 Review

Gamepyre writes: "When Virtua Tennis 2009 first came out I was very excited about the game; I was so excited that I actually went and got it on release day.

Virtua Tennis 3 has been one of my favorite PSP games, and I could not wait to see what the 2009 Xbox 360 version of the game brought to the table. After playing the game, I was very disappointed in Virtua Tennis 2009; not because it was a bad game per say, but because it wasn't anything new from the previous release."

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Podcast: DF #64: Battlefield 1943 Breaks the Internet

Another week and another episode of Distributed Failure is here for your listening pleasure. This week's "What They've Been Playing" features discussion on Top Spin 3, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Fight Night Round 4, Battlefield 1943, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, and much more! They follow that up with some gaming news including the latest update on EGM, the addition of prizes to 1 vs. 100, and the announcement of a new Mechwarrior game.

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