
The War on Gamers Continues

“Is Gaming A Boy’s Club?” is the name of a school lesson plan developed by the Anti-Defamation League—ADL for short. The ADL is a well-respected organization that has fought anti-Semitism and racism for decades.

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PoSTedUP3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

exactly, propaganda. anyone with a brain can see the complete BS behind this. theyre trying to stir the pot. theyre throwing the young, feeble-minded potential feminist (and i mean that in a good, benevolent way) in the wrong direction. feminism, i mean real feminism, is a good movement. who ever has been messing with and misleading the whole movement in the last decade has Been Doing A Good ****ing Job. when you have one sided garbage like this you have to stop and think: why? there is an agenda, i can think of a few, actually. none of which Actually care about womens rights. some of which are profiting. some where it would be in their best interest for this movement to be convoluted. then the sheep, the sheep that are being used and enraged because of misinformation and misleading; all of which are one sided. they are being played like a fiddle.

welcome to the media folks.

Big_Game_Hunters3427d ago

I love this woman, wasn't she supposed to debate Anita Sarkeesian?

-Foxtrot3427d ago

I think she was. I don't know 100% but I think Anita may of cancelled

-Foxtrot3427d ago

Christina Hoff Sommers wins again.

This is a true feminist, someone who actually has common sense and looks at things logically. These videos are 100 times better then anything Anita will make.

Must be hard for Christina with Anita giving Feminists like herself a bad name.

yarbie10003426d ago

Anita isn't a feminist - more like an opportunist


New Android game lets us play The Sims with our own Kpop idols

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The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain

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Top 10 Sexiest New Male Video Game Characters

Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare, and I seize them every chance I get.

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gold_drake5d ago

ff 16 cid is pretty hot.

also ff7 rebirth cid is pretty hot haha

4d ago
anast4d ago

'Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare'

Sounds like the writer needs more life experience.