
Meet Windwalkers - An Epic Sci-Fi Transmedia Project | Grab It Magazine

Grab It Magazine:

"Transmedia projects are always appealing. The idea of an expanded universe that crosses between games, film, comic books and music is one that developers have been trying to pull off for years. French Developer, Forge Animation, is aiming to employ a powerful team of respected artists from a variety of fields to create an immersive universe with their upcoming game, animated film and graphic novel, Windwalkers.

Although the team's Kicksarter project to fund the game was recently cancelled due to lack of funding, they have promised to relaunch in a few months time."

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Solidbrod3427d ago

The author of the original novel actually made Remember Me and Life is Strange so this one is definitely one to look out for.

shipnabottle3426d ago

These projects always sound so good on paper but if one of the pieces don't pan out then the whole thing gets tarnished and falls flat on its face. I think a better plan would be to make one piece of the puzzle first, and if that turns out really good then add to it in different forms of media to expand the lore and scope. Trying to get all facets off the ground at once seems like a nice pipe dream had late at night chatting amongst friends.


Windwalkers Gameplay Video and Novel available now

Forge Animation released a gameplay video for its Kickstarter funded RPG Windwalkers and also released chapter one from the novel the game is based on.

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Kickstarter for Windwalkers Game Looks Amazing

BNR: It's been a little while since I last covered a Kickstarter project; today, I received an email for an incredibly ambitious transmedia project called Windwalkers. What the Windwalkers project seeks to do is adapt the French sci-fi novel La Horde du Contrevent into a film, comic, and video game. The current Kickstarter is just for the game, with a goal of $330,000 CAD.

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Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Vampire Hunter D talent combine to produce Windwalkers PC game

The universe of WINDWALKERS is a dynamic world shaped by the wind, where tornadoes, erosion, and storms are not calamities, but a part of everyday life. The world is in constant movement and change, which both helps and hinders the player. Following the wind is the only path to reaching the ultimate goal - but while the wind is the player’s guide through this world, it is also the very thing that could destroy them.

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