
Dragon Ball Xenoverse – How To Get All Outfits and All Outfit’s Stats Guide

Outfits in Dragon Ball Xenoverse are another way to show up your character. There are many outfits that you can get in the game by completing the Parallel Quests (PQ) or you can buy them at the shop. You can get one piece of any outfit or you can get a whole set.

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Fantasy Developer: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3

We still don't know if Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3 is a thing, but if it is, here is what Josh hopes to see in the new game.


Dragon Ball Xenoverse breakdown (light spoilers)

Why Dragon Ball Xenoverse is a big deal and whether it lives up to the hype. A few light, early-game spoilers.

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10 Games That Nailed it With Their Character Creation Systems

Many video games feature a character creation system, but which ones are the best? We will try to narrow down the ten best character creation systems currently available.

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opinionated2335d ago

APB had a pretty sweet character creator and that’s not mentioned. I agree with xenoverse and dragon’s dogma. The Bethesda games kinda suck in this regard imo.

aarogree2334d ago

Only so much room in a ten entry list.

Uglyday2334d ago

Forza’s layering system is the best character creator out there. Everytime I go to place tattoos on some elf’s face I think about how much better Forza could do it.