
AAA Companies: Be Afraid, Very Afraid

Time to get it off my chest...rampant graphical dick measuring and corporate takeover have absolutely pissed all over innovation. Who will come out on top? THE INDIES, of course! INNOVATION LIVES!

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uth113430d ago

Today's Indies are tomorrow's evil AAA publishers.

Just like what happened to EA and Activision over the years.

LumpztheClown3430d ago (Edited 3430d ago )

I'll give you that some very well could, but not ALL of them! Activision went through a couple of buyouts before they became the Activision of today.

However, some of my favorite indie developers, such as Locomalito and Team Meat, are just folks who love games and want to contribute! The purest form of passion, if you ask me! :-)

uth113430d ago

oh right, I forgot to add that the ones that don't become big and evil will get bought up by the ones that do :) EA bought Origin and Maxis and others.

guitarded773430d ago

How many of these indie devs will be devoured along the way though? There is a big difference between working on a small team on a project, and one that takes hundreds of people. Big pubs may buy some out, and if they don't perform on their first outing, they may end up shutting them down. It happens all the time unfortunately.

-Foxtrot3430d ago

You either die a great studio, or stick around long enough to see yourself become the villain.

itsjustexuma3430d ago

Fez's creator is an example of an evil developer

DiscoKid3430d ago

Evil, or just a total jackhole.

LumpztheClown3430d ago

i second DiscoKid. Talented developer, total jackhole! :-)

003430d ago

he's not talented, He stole everything from actual talented people and screwed them over, that's why he couldn't make fez 2 and was so quick to leave the industry.

llMurcielagoll3429d ago (Edited 3429d ago )

Agreed, he may have made an indie game people liked i.e Fez but he showed us all that he is an idiot and the game industry is better off without a smelly Fish.

FortyArcade3429d ago

That's a shame because FEZ was a great and unique game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3429d ago
DragoonsScaleLegends3430d ago

I don't enjoy mobile games with no story and I don't enjoy buggy triple a games with bad short storys but good graphics. It seems this has been for the most part what has been available to me on PS4. Velocity 2X seems to me that it fits between these two categories and is actually enjoyable but other than Last gen ports there has been nothing really amazing to me yet. Just lots of wasted $60 pre-orders.

LumpztheClown3430d ago

I feel your pain! I have so many promising titles on my Steam wishlist that I'd love to get, but some of them have been in beta limbo for well over a year and I can't see myself taking the plunge.

Practices like that would have been corporate suicide before the Internet, so I'm not sure why it's acceptable now! :-/

ArtificiallyYours3430d ago

It's the way of business pal.

The roads of commercial progress is met with self-inflating success, and humbling failure. You don't boost your ego without getting kicked in the gut a few times down the road.

Fez' developer for example. You're never special to the point of superiority.

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Japan: Nintendo gacha key-rings available in their stores

Japan is the home of Nintendo’s main headquarters. Because of this, the country tends to get a lot more merchandising and goodies for Nintendo fans compared to the rest of the world.

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Super Rare Gold NES Cartridge Up for $10k at Auction

A super-rare gold NES cartridge, of which only thirteen apparently exist in the world, is being put up for auction later today for a whopping price.

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Rebel_Scum4d ago

Its missing the triangle label. Its not a complete game!


LG_Fox_Brazil4d ago

The holy grail of gaming collections

VIK21213d ago

Is it really that rare? I used to have that for years, I ended up trashing it because I coudn't be bothered to sell it lol


Random: Hideo Kojima Highlights The 21st Anniversary Of 'Boktai' On GBA

No sunlight that day, apparently.

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OtterX9d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.
