
Drum Machine Circle: First Impressions of Sentris - Blackman 'N Robin

BNR: A good long while ago on Kickstarter, I stumbled across an unusual sort of music game called Sentris; it was completely unlike any other music game I’d ever seen.

You see, you can’t really lose a game of Sentris- at least, not in the version of the game that I played. You can mess up your song, sure, and create something that solves that puzzle but sounds bad- but you don’t really lose.

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Sentris Dev Talks VR Art, Experiences and More

VRFocus delivers an interview with Samantha Kalman, the developer behind popular music title Sentris, talking about her upcoming VR work.


Sentris is Being Ignored, But Give it a Shot

Greg Micek writes: "The lack of reviews elsewhere is disappointing, especially when you consider that in her most recent update Samantha Kalman mentions that she visited the offices of Polygon and Giant Bomb to promote the game. Perhaps they’re just behind on their reviews? Or maybe Sentris is destined to be another indie game that’s met with plenty of press during the Kickstarter, but a shrug of indifference once its released."

MysticStrummer3256d ago

I didn't see anything about when this will be on PS4 but I'm interested.


Musical Puzzler ‘Sentris’ Graduates from Steam Early Access

Sentris was originally Kickstarted back in 2013 to the tune of approximately $56,000. Since then, the hybrid musical puzzler/creation tool jumped onto Steam Greenlight where it entranced players.

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