
ESRAM Gets 15% Boost With Pix; Vulkan Unlikely To Replace PS4 GNM

Wardell saw a demo with 15% ESRAM boost thanks to Pix @GDC2015, and DX12 comes with a new eSRAM API. Also, the new Vulkan API likely won't replace PS4 GNM.

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ccgr3431d ago

Nice but not earth shattering

kaiserfranz3431d ago

Well, 15% with Pix alone is a lot. If you add the new esram Ali and DX12, then it might be the thing that makes XB1 games reach FullHD, at long last.

vishmarx3431d ago Show
Bigpappy3431d ago

The lofty goal is NOT 1080p or any other resolution. The goal is for better overall graphics effects while also having a better frame rate all while using less power.

Why o why3431d ago (Edited 3431d ago )

Wouldn't the overall goal to improve on everything. Why is stating anything 1080 almost taboo. All improvements are welcomed and lauded when they' become reality so why is the desire for better shunned by factions. Just admit it. You want it, Smh

Well done to the tech heads making the improvements.

Oh, I forgot the classic, 'it you want better graphics, why don't you get a pc' ;)

falviousuk3431d ago

Whats FullHD.

Is it any resolution that the Playstation can reach that the xbox can't.

Would 4K be FullHD or is this just another sony fanboy with their usual bull

3431d ago
Wikkid6663431d ago


1080 is full HD
4K is UHD

fr0sty3431d ago (Edited 3431d ago )

^good to see someone here knows what they're talking about.

"Full HD" is 1080p, nothing more, nothing less.

Ultra HD is 4K (the at-home 16:9 version of 4K), or the full 4k resolution being known as "Cinema 4K" among other names.

@shloobmm3, The thing is, PS4 is hitting the same fidelity, but at 1080p. If the system can display the developer's vision at any given resolution without compromising it, all the better.

vishmarx3431d ago

2 days back to back .OUCH

Death3431d ago


It would be Super FullHD Champion Edition.

christocolus3431d ago


Nice. I just want to see all these improvements and new features being used in the upcoming games (third party and exclusives)

Eonjay3431d ago (Edited 3431d ago )

"Well, 15% with Pix alone is a lot."

But what exactly does Brad mean by 15%. Just for clarity. Do we mean 15% increase in peak bandwidth, or something else. He refers to resolution (because developers want to put their render targets in the fast memory). Or is he saying that the resulting resolution was 15% better?

UKmilitia3431d ago

what we have to remember is since launch of this new gen,according to xbox owners the 44% increase in resolution and othber increases isnt noticable and doesnt matter.

so whats the point with 15% becasue it wont be noticable.

DLConspiracy3431d ago (Edited 3431d ago )


It doesn't really matter. Others just brag about it so much while others dont care. Its a bragging tool in the console wars. I just want it to shut fanboys up for a bit. Although people would argue about which has more usb 3.0 slots, which is lighter, thinner or has the better controller...

There needs to be a healthy dose of hatred in console gaming apparently.... There wouldn't be corporate allegiance if we didn't. We can't have that now...

zidane13413431d ago Show
sonarus3431d ago

MS screwed up with weaker ram so now they are trying to rectify the problem... hopefully they succeed but frankly i don't care one way or the other.

BallsEye3431d ago

Talking like xbox one got no 1080p games. Please do your research.

GameNameFame3431d ago

How many secret sauces did we have already?

Kinect power unlock, Hidden potential processor, audio process, hidden second gpu, 7th CPU unlock, power from OS unlock.

Yet, new games still are not full HD. Resolution havent increased at all.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3431d ago
3431d ago Replies(3)
KirbysDump3430d ago

I am happy with my x1 graphics. The games are good. Not bothered at all about the technical side of things.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3431d ago

Why would anyone think that Sony would replace GNM or GNMX?

deSSy27243431d ago

If the new OpenGL is more efficient, its logical but I dont think Sony would abandon its own APIs for numerous reasons.

joeorc3431d ago (Edited 3431d ago )

Read further:

Sony is in the very work group building Vulkan! That means why would they not incorporated Vulkin benefits into being able to be used on their own Machines? If they themselves are the ones help building the very Api


joeorc3431d ago (Edited 3431d ago )

Exactly, Roll's eyes and the head line is Bait:

He thinks that Vulkan certainly won’t replace Sony’s GNM as that API is already low level, but it could become an alternative of sorts to GNMX (which is the high level PS4 API).

PS4 GNM is unlikely to be supplanted by Vulkan since it's very low level already.

— Brad Wardell (@draginol) March 4, 2015

On ps4 you bypass OpenGL to use GNM or gnmx. Vulkan could become an alternative to gnmx (me speculating).

So again that even by Brad stated it does not Exclude Vulkin to be used on the PS4, as a matter of fact Sony is in the work group developing Vulkan!
they also sit on the organization Board of directors that build the Api

kaiserfranz3431d ago

How can it possibly be "bait" when it says exactly that? It says it won't replace GNM and that's what the developer said...

joeorc3431d ago (Edited 3431d ago )

@kaiserfranz  +  
How can it possibly be "bait" when it says exactly that? It says it won't

because why would it? Why put that in the head line? Both DirectX12, and Vulkan are (wrapper) layer Api's

He knows that! So why even put that there?
its simple, to bolster the perception of the Xbox one. Which is fine, but check out this lil question he was asked and his Answer.

Alecx Sanders @Drfu77
@draginol sure. Parallel processing in this stage- Xbox one is strongest console?
Brad Wardell @draginol
Folloa@Drfu77 depends if ps4 gets Vulkan.
10:15 AM - 4 Mar 2015

So now you see this posted and Brad said what he did, and you really think that is not trying to imply something?
when he knows d@mn well what he just went over just yesterday.

its implying, if Sony does not get Vulkan
He is saying or implying that as

"Parallel processing in this stage- Xbox one is strongest?console"

and yet Sony is in the freaking work group of Vulkan, and would not use it , if it was better than their own?

Yeah when Sony is the one helping develop the d@mn Vulkan Api?

Aurenar3431d ago

The gap between PS4 and XO is always smaller.

Death3431d ago

The gap between the PS4 and Xbox One is what ever people want to make of it.

SlavisH23431d ago

lol @ people just wanting Dx12 to fail and rushing to downplay with passive fangirlism, n4g

Alexious3431d ago

DirectX 12 will be a great achievement, though more for PC than Xbox One.

agame9143431d ago

You do realize PS3 exclusives destroyed the Xbox 360's right?

Death3431d ago

DirectX 12 and Windows 10 seem to be a great way for Microsoft to build synergy among their various supported platforms and devices. It will benefit people that own multiple Microsoft products.

hasamalaha3431d ago

lol @ people thinking software can overcome a large hardware gap

traumadisaster3431d ago

You do realize 360 software overcame a ps3 hardware gap???

DarkZane3431d ago

Because the PS3 was hard to develop for and devs were actually lazy.

If you actually look at the exclusives, the PS3 was superior in every way.

Blame laziness, otherwise even multiplats would have looked better on PS3.

thrust3431d ago

It's not a large gap tho!

hasamalaha3431d ago

As Dark pointed out. Software can help overcome a bad developer. PS3 still had the best looking games by great developers, there's no arguing that.

Death3431d ago

Can hardware overcome a software gap? Both companies seem to excel at one over the other. Sony has better hardware and Microsoft has better OS/features. Games are subjective to peoples preferences. I'm not sure if you can go wrong with owning either console.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3431d ago
Mikeyy3431d ago

Nobody wants DX12 to fail...

it's going to do amazing things for pc.

All the negativity is because certain people have hijacked the DX12 hype and warped it into some giant lie and are claiming it will turn the xb1 Into a turbo charged PC pumping out 4k.

Lennoxb633431d ago

A lot of people in these articles are pretty delusional. Both the Sony and the Xbox fans. The Sony fans who think the PS4 is 50% more powerful are just as delusional as the Xbox fans who think DX12 will give the X1 a 200% boost.

LamerTamer3431d ago (Edited 3431d ago )


If you just look at the specs though it does look like PS4 has 50% more power in the GPU at least. That is also coincidently about the difference between 900p and 1080p. That is not delusional. DX12 is just a software layer between coders and the hardware. This layer will make things a bit easier to code and will improve things but it can only do so much with the hardware which is fixed. Since the current X1 API pretty much goes to the metal anyway DX12 won't be a massive boost. Anything will help though.

jhoward5853431d ago

Wait a minute. I thought the PIX tool was used for investigating bugs, bottlenecks, etc.

Eonjay3431d ago

You are right. The tweets that the article references even says so, but its meant to be misleading it seems.

Brad: You can use a tool called Pix to further optimize your Esram usage.

Article: Pix boosts ESRam 15%.

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AMD RX 6800 XT runs at almost half the frame rate of Nvidia's RTX 3080 in Vulkan Ray Tracing tests

Things can only get better, right?

1318d ago
Damrock1318d ago (Edited 1318d ago )

Better than CDPR offering 60 seconds per frame I guess :P

1318d ago
Ristul1318d ago

Looks like a win for nvidia when it comes to raytracing.

Babadook71318d ago (Edited 1318d ago )

Yes. But this is day one support from AMD. Let’s see how things are in 2-12 months.

Ristul1317d ago

In that time, Nvidia will not stand still, they will keep improving their ray tracing technology as well. I have a feeling nvidia will keep the advantage for the foreseeable future.

Babadook71317d ago (Edited 1317d ago )


There is a peak performance limit (with diminishing returns the closer one gets to the limit) and AMD is likely a lot further from that limit with day one optimization than nvidia is with 2 years of optimization. So it’s likely the gap can only go down. And I’m not an AMD guy. Just pointing out the obvious.

MrDead1318d ago (Edited 1318d ago )

Looks like I made the right call getting the 3080... phew. I know ray tracing isn't the be all and end all but when the cost is so close its good to know that I got the more capable card. Also RTX and dlss are frickin awesome!

1318d ago
Neonridr1318d ago

me too. I had preordered an ASUS Strix 3080 but it took a while for the order to finally ship to me. Contemplated cancelling and then holding out for the 6800 XT. But glad I stuck it out. It will be a while before AMD can match Nvidia in the ray tracing department. And like you said, DLSS is pretty amazing.

ABizzel11318d ago

I look at you in anger as I got stuck with a 3060 Ti, but it'll hold me over until the 5nm RTX 4000 series which is what I'm really looking for lol. Congrats on the 3080.

IanTH1317d ago (Edited 1317d ago )

"Stuck with" you say! I chuff in your direction, sir! I look at you in anger as I actually wanted a 3060Ti, but couldn't manage to get my hands on one. Signed up to EVGAs notification system and all, still no dice :-(.

I kid, of course. I'm still stuck on my GTX 1080, so feel good about what ya got :-p.

Still mostly happy with it, surprisingly, but I'm ready for the upgrade now at a little over 3.5 years. I like sticking to the $400 price range on GPUs, so that's how I'm looking at this. That even though the xx60 series is 2 rungs lower in the product stack than my xx80 series, it provides a huge rasterization uplift in the same pricing tier and includes some extra bells and whistles.

RT and DLSS will be great on the few games that support it, but I'm still mostly looking at pure rasterization at this point. That said, Nvidia is still the better bet right now for similar money (unless you need the bigger frame buffer - 16GB on all AMD cards is nice in our 4k/high texture future). They currently have the more mature RT implementation, and DLSS can make a huge difference - but even more so, if there's any chance the rumors of DLSS 3.0 allowing for basic abilities on any game that supports TAA, that's a bet worth taking on RTX. At least until AMD shows what their solution is.

Sircolby451317d ago

Same here...I think the 20 series was not fast enough for proper Ray Tracing, which is why I gave it a skip, but the 30 series is where it is going to start exploding. It is finally fast enough and we are going to see the support grow exponentially from here on out. Give it a few years and the majority of AAA games will have a Ray Tracing option.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1317d ago
Whitey2k1318d ago (Edited 1318d ago )

Im gonna stick and still get the 6800xt cheaper on price and it and its very close to the 3080 in terms of performance without raytracing. As much as it looks good on raytracing mode but i just wait be4 it becomes the new normal so im just happy to play everythink on very high/ultra at a smooth framerate

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Vulkan in Rainbow Six Siege Tested - A major boost for modern graphics cards

Vulkan has come to Rainbow Six@ Siege's PC version, and it's bringing a major performance boost to modern graphics cards.

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Vulkan 1.2 is now available, improving GPU acceleration functionality and performance

The Khronos Group announced today the release of the Vulkan 1.2 specification for GPU acceleration.

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Dwarrior1653d ago

If no one except indie and emulator devs use it, then who cares?

And understand, I -wish- more in the industry -would- use it.

antdemon1653d ago

no one? like bethesda they are using it on Doom...

AuraAbjure1653d ago

Don't listen to Dwarrior. Vulkan is a much more practical low -level API than Open GL or DX 12. It makes it so thread and memory management tasks are left to the application instead of the driver. I was going to list a few amazing games that use Vulkan like antdemon did but here in 2020 the list is too long- so it's not worth my time.

Trueflames1653d ago

Lmao not better than directx12

AuraAbjure1653d ago

@Trueflames :( well hopefully it will at least be as good as DX12 with this 1.2 version

Ju1653d ago

Define "better"? It gives the ones who care much more control over the hardware, runs on other non windows powered devices and is quite a bit faster than DX12. Does it have the convenience API of DX12? No, but if performance and flexibility is what you want it sure beats it

Dwarrior1652d ago (Edited 1652d ago )

@rockwhynot There's literally 12-15 games of any renown that support Vulkan. That's hardly a ringing endorsement from the dev community. What it is, is a failure. And no, I'm not happy about it. If more devs supported it, it would be better for everyone.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1652d ago
Dwarrior1652d ago (Edited 1652d ago )

Did no one read the second sentence? I wish MORE would use it.